30 Day Shred Challenge?



  • runninggirl262
    runninggirl262 Posts: 58 Member
    Level 3 Day 4. Pretty good workout today.
  • RubyDarling
    RubyDarling Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks, very helpfull.... I actually live in Amsterdam so the tv option wont work...ive tried googling it and also youtube found some clips.
    I guess I just wont know till i try it. :-)

    And 30days for 30 minutes, do you really get a body ''changing'' result?.... Thats real hard to believe, I used to work out about 8 hours a week and didnt get the results I see on some before and after pictures here.
    If it really works I think I really really have to try it :-))

    Yes, you really see results. And it's only about 20 mins of a workout, plus warmup and cooldown. I've already seen results in 10 days.


    I had to have a break today. My knees are so sore from L2D1. I'll attempt it again on Sunday and if it hurts again, I'm going to have to bow out, unfortunately.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Skip to level 3! Dont completely give up!

    Level 3 Day 5 (or was it six...). Level 3 really gets my whole body. I really feel it after every work out. It's a good stretching pain, though.
    I still do some of the modified moves, I'm not superwoman, but I always make sure I'm doing at least what Anita is doing.

    Today is my last day for a week (vacation) so Congratulations to all the finishers!
  • FinalMedha
    FinalMedha Posts: 7 Member
    i would love to join the 30 day shred!!:smile:
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    I just did L3 D5! Almost there. I'm happy to say I'm able to do a very small rock star jump now, but it's an improvement over not being able to bend those knees at all! I've lost another lb, bringing my total loss so far to 2 lb. But I'm seeing a lot more toning so I'm not so worried about the low weight loss. I wasn't looking to lose a lot anyway, just tighten things up. Today my kitty decided to give me an added challenge by laying down under me as I did the traveling push ups... no chance of collapsing on the floor! keep it up everyone, we're almost done!!!
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158

    Yes, you really see results. And it's only about 20 mins of a workout, plus warmup and cooldown. I've already seen results in 10 days.


    I had to have a break today. My knees are so sore from L2D1. I'll attempt it again on Sunday and if it hurts again, I'm going to have to bow out, unfortunately.

    L2 has a lot of jumping, my knees were sore too (and I have bad joints in general). I pushed thru and did the modified moves. I hope you can stick with it.
  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    Had a bad few motivation & munchies days and missed doing the Shred. Today, I'm trying to get back on the wagon. Did the last Level 2 this morning and just finished my first Level 3 now. So, just one day behind which is better!

    Um, those superman and side ab things??? Yowzers! Having trouble even keeping up with Anita on those two. But when I can't do those, I'm at least doing some other ab work. I'll get there eventually.
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    If you are referring to the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels you can purchase it at your local Wal-Mart for a real inexpensive price or if you have On Demand you can get it for free. I plan on starting tomorrow and cannot wait. I have had it for over a year now and tried it for 2 days and gave up. Now that I am 30 pounds lighter I plan on sticking to it this time.

    I just want to warn you about the on demand - I've only seen level 1 and 2 on it far. It's a great way to check it out without spending the money before you decide to make the investment (not that it's a lot of money). Definitely keep going. I found the first couple of days the hardest and by day 4 it was more manageable. It's no cake walk but when you see the results you'll want to keep going. take some before pictures and measurements too so you have a visual to keep you motivated. Good luck!
  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    Level 3, Day 2 done. With a lot of grunting and groaning.
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    hmmmm, have people given up or are you all just not checking in? I know I've slacked off on checking in but I'm still doing the shred. I did L3 D8 this morning. 2 more days to go and I can't wait to take photos to see my results. Not much weight lost but my yoga pants are definitely too big now!
  • jellybean82
    jellybean82 Posts: 48 Member
    Hello All!

    I injured my arm so I had to take a few days off but I got back at it yesterday, it hurt my arm a bit but I powered through. I just had to take a few more breaks, I would stop with the arm exercises and just keep on doing the lower body work.

    I can't wait to get level 2 over with! I am over all the plank cardio exercises. (Please don't tell me if level 3 is full of them)

    I'm so proud of myself I really didn't over do it over Thanksgiving, I didn't take any seconds and I limited myself to one small piece of pie! Christmas however will be a different test of my willpower ha ha.

    I bought Ripped in 30 over the weekend, l'm looking forward to starting it, hopefully I can stick to it better than this one. This just isn't a good time of year!
  • runninggirl262
    runninggirl262 Posts: 58 Member
    Level 3 day 8 done. Should have been done but had to leave country for business trip. I have shred on iPad so I worked out in hotel workout room.
  • jellybean82
    jellybean82 Posts: 48 Member
    L2D8 is over!

    Now what to make for dinner? I find dinner is the hardest meal of the day for me. It's just so tempting to grab something quick.
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    Just finished Week 2 Day 8, 21 Jillian workouts completed since September 13th.
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    Just did L3 D9. One more day to go!!! I'm glad to see more activity here again :)
    Jellybean, level 3 has some hard core plank/push up moves. Some are OK at the basic level. Hopefully you can power through. Last night my ankle was sore and massive but I had no idea what had happened to it. Was a little better this morning so I pushed through and got the workout done. I'm so close to the end I don't want to give up!! Hopefully I'll have the guts to post some photos tomorrow. To be honest I'm not seeing a lot of difference (though there's a ton of difference from the photos I took when I started this journey in July!)
  • runninggirl262
    runninggirl262 Posts: 58 Member
    Level 3 Day 9. Excited as well to finish as well.
  • jellybean82
    jellybean82 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm sooo jealous that some of you are close to being done!

    Good work girls, can't wait to hear what your results are. I wasn'tt brave enough to take photos, just measurements for me.
  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    OK, I've been AWOL. Had a few rough days in both motivation and time management. Just finished Level 3, Day 3 so I'm around for at least another week (sigh).

    Great to see everyone checking in and making such great progress!!
  • goshagirl
    goshagirl Posts: 30 Member
    Sad to say I haven't been doing this. I did the 1st week of level one and took time off and didn't do it again... I and going to start again but I am proud of you all that have stuck with it!! I have had serious lack of energy and motivation... Back at it in the morning!!
  • count me in

    i started last friday, so i am on day 7. Level 1

    i have learned(the hard way) to do my own additional warm up and cool down, as the first few days, i could barely move. (oohhhh the pain... but i pushed though)!!!! *beams with pride..lol
    (despite being a regular at the gym).

    its a great workout