30 Day Shred Challenge?



  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    L1 D8 done! 7 real push-ups and the rest is feeling pretty easy. Can't believe I just said that!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I had snuck in a rest day on Sunday so its been ten days since I started. I've been anxious to start lvl 2 so I went ahead and did it.

    Oooo... I was dying. Some exercises seem easier than level one but others were way harder. I was a little disappointed there were no push ups since I've been having a mini challenge with myself over how many I can do. I think tomorrow I will do them instead of the awful walking pushups.

    And good job everyone for sticking with it! I can't believe the changes I'm seeing in myself in such a short period of time!
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    Just finished L1 today and ready to move on to L2 tomorrow. I wonder what lies ahead. I'm still doing the beginner push ups but I've moved on to deeper lunges and higher kicks and jumps. No changes in weight or measurements though!
  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    L1 D9 complete. Definitely getting bored so looking forward to L2. Did 8 real pushups.
  • runninggirl262
    runninggirl262 Posts: 58 Member
    Level 2, Day 1. Oh my!!!! You need a bit more coordination for this level. (of which I lack). It will take me a couple days to get this one down.
    Lost 1 inch on hips. Nothing on waist.
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    L2 D1 today. Really kicked my butt. I had to take 3 breaks during the various plank exercises. phew! Was quite wibbly wobbly after finishing. But looking forward to getting through this level!!
  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    Last day of Level 1. Yay! and did 10 real push-ups.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Im jealous of your ten pushups!!! I can do four big girl push ups and 12 on my knees.

    You arent kidding about needing coordination in Level 2. And I definitely have taken breaks in the plank exercises. Specifically the plank jacks and the ab twisty things.

    Oh, and those cheerleader squats where you have to lift your weights to your eyes. Kiiilllllerrrrrr. I poop out about halfway through and just do the squats till I get enough energy back in my arms to continue.
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    After 3 days off for sickness, I finally did Level 1 Day 8.
  • runninggirl262
    runninggirl262 Posts: 58 Member
    Level 2 D2. I collapsed down on the mat after finishing today completely wiped out. Crazy work out.
  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    Level 2, Day 1. Did better than I thought I might, took a couple quick few-second breaks here and there, but happy with how I did on day 1.

    Impressed at how folks are sticking with this here! Way to go!
  • Level 2, Day 1. Oh my!!!! You need a bit more coordination for this level. (of which I lack). It will take me a couple days to get this one down.
    Lost 1 inch on hips. Nothing on waist.

    I tried level 2 because I was so bored of level 1 and It made me a quitter... I stuck it out the whole thing but majority of it was just watching the moves - I am so seriously uncoordinated I have no idea if i'll ever be able to get it and then I felt like crap for not being able to push through it; It seriously took some motivation and self assurance to just go back to level one for another week or so until I really think I can do it.
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    Graduated to Level 2, someone please pick me up from the floor!

    tough one
    this is after doing level 1 for 7 days and one day of banish fat boost metabolism

    Here's my workout log if anyone is interested!
  • runninggirl262
    runninggirl262 Posts: 58 Member
    OK- L2 D3. Moved from the living room to the basement to complete workout. I needed more room for all the jumping and leaping. Still quite uncoordinated, but not nearly as wiped out afterward. Do I even dare take a peak at level 3?
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Whew! Level2 Day 3. Hardcore. So acrobatic I had to clear extra space for those crazy plank jacks.

    Walking pushups are my absolute least favorite. I have to admit that after five of them I just switched to regular push ups (did 14, yay me! Okay, I was on my knees but still!).

    Seven more days of this...
  • talia25
    talia25 Posts: 35 Member
    L2D6 done today, I cant wait for this level to be over I really hate it :sad: I keep thinking maybe I should jump to L3 but am thinking that its probably harder! L1 seems great to me at the moment, haha
  • runninggirl262
    runninggirl262 Posts: 58 Member
    Level 2 Day 4. I'm just not coordinated enough to move my arms up and down and kick my leg out. If my arms go up then I forget to kick my leg out. It's half way through before I get the pattern.
  • jellybean82
    jellybean82 Posts: 48 Member
    Whew! Level2 Day 3. Hardcore. So acrobatic I had to clear extra space for those crazy plank jacks.

    Walking pushups are my absolute least favorite. I have to admit that after five of them I just switched to regular push ups (did 14, yay me! Okay, I was on my knees but still!).

    Seven more days of this...

    Me too! I hate those walking push-ups!

    I took a few days off for by birthday celebrations but I'm getting back on track, I did L2D2 last night, I felt great after I was done.

    I can totally feel it in my abs with this level, I'm not going to take measurements until it is over though, but I did hop on the scale last week and I have lost 4 pounds, I've probably put it back on over the last week though!
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    Haven't checked in for a few days but I've been doing the shred. Just finished L2 D4. Phew! It's kicking my butt! All those plank exercises are crazy! But I'm seeing my endurance get better.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    L2 D4. I'm still dying each time I do this level. I still have to take rests on the cheerleader squats (OMG my arms want to fall off) and the plank jacks. I try to do the real move but I have to take rests to do them. I feel like I'm cheating if I follow Anita.
    Although I do NOT do it nearly as hard as the other girl does (or doesn't... it seems like her form is kinda bad sometimes).

    It hurts to go up the stairs so I'm pretty sure its all working :)