30D of Shreddin Thru the Holidays (Open Group - All Levels)



  • Hey Everyone! New to this thread but not to the shred! (natural poet :wink: )
    I'm currently on day 18, or level 2 day 8. I'm so excited to move onto level 3, mainly due to my love-hate relationship with level 2...As I've progressed through level 2, I've definitely noticed a serious increase in strength & I feel awesome all around. I only have measurements from the end of level 1 so I won't share any results until after I complete the shred. I'm hoping for the best (:

    Good luck everyone & happy shredding! ;)
  • I am wishing more and more that I had done start out measurements or "before" photos or something because I am seeing little changes everyday. It would be nice to have something to go back to and see just how big the changes are. For a few days I've been noticing my arm and shoulders showing some definition. My "squish-ies" over my rib cage are magically gone, and I caught my reflection walking past the TV today and notice my bottom looking sort of, well, lifted. (I consulted with my husband on the changes in that area and he agrees there is a sudden, favorable change.)

    What was the first change everyone else discovered?

    The first change that I saw was definitely in my stomach. It seemed to instantly look slimmer and more toned. As of a few days ago, I, too, noticed a more lifted booty! I wasn't expecting it at all, I just happened to look in the mirror at it. My boyfriend definitely noticed a difference as well and he was happy! I also have seen a shrinkage in my chest...sad day :(
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Day 4, Level 2: Well as much as I wanted to stick with this during my exam period... I must say that I think having a 5 hour exam would take almost anyone off of the map :noway: The unfortunate part about it is that had I stuck with it, Day 4 would probably be seeming a whole lot easier right now... instead I was huffing, puffing and panting through the whole bit. Probably didn't help that the past few I have been totally abysmal with my diet. But, I've got 10 days till I leave for my vacation. And though that is not a lot of time... there will be nothing (not work not anything) in my way between me and exercise. Here to push it out! Congratulations to everyone for sticking with it and working hard and seeing changes!
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Day 2 of Level 2. Somehow I think it was harder this time! I am so uncoordinated at pendulum lunges! Thank goodness I'm alone. :smile:
  • L2D2 done! It was easier today than yesterday, but I still can't do the plank jacks or oblique twists. I can't even try lol
    Kind of meh because my lunch today was almost my entire day's worth of calories.
  • Hey guys! I hope I can join in this thread!

    I plan on starting L1D1 tomorrow. I'm nervous but excited at the same time!
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Today was level 3 day 2 (i only did 8 days at level 2 due to life getting in the way but I leave on a cruise on saturday and wanted to do at least 5 days of level 3). I'm sort of liking level three which has to be due to really not enjoying level 2 that much. To be fair though, all that plank and shoulder work has paid off and holding plank position in level 3 is much easier. It also helps that the planks are really the only shoulder exercises. There is a lot of jumping and some of it is tough - jelly legs after only a few rounds, but its all kind of fun and the work out flies by. I hope this is motivation for all you level 2's to push through. The planks definitely make you stronger - you can do it!

    Also, level 3 is killer for abs. Mine are really sore but I know that I can push through and by day 4 it will be much better. You ladies are doing great - keep it up!!
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Everyone is welcome to join! You'll find lots of support with this group :)
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    TOM was givin' me hell this weekend so I took it easy. Today I finished Level 1 day 4. I'm feeling good. Will be shreddin it again in the morning.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    I have not given up. I just have had a crazy busy week. Getting ready for a Christmas outreach on Thursday that I am in charge of. I will do the Shred tomorrow though. Probably not Thursday, but I'll be back on track on Friday. Just have to take it one day at a time until I get this outreach done with. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes tomorrow.

    Thanks for the support. I love to hear how it is going for everyone else too!
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Just finished L1D5...took my measurements today and was super excited that I'm showing results already. It's not a lot yet but I'm glad it's something.

    Measurements 12/4/11 12/13/11
    Neck 13.75 -- 13.5
    Chest 42 -- 42
    Waist 45.5 --44
    Hips 47 -- 46
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Great job shredding on, everyone! I am so enjoying checking in everyday and seeing everyone's progress!

    Level three day two: still like level three. Much like how I felt at the beginning of the two previous levels, I was a bit sore and moved a bit slower today. Also, I felt the workout more in my inner thigh and behind than I did yesterday. Again, two areas I need the extra help... Looking forward to all the new changes to come!

    I am wishing more and more that I had done start out measurements or "before" photos or something because I am seeing little changes everyday. It would be nice to have something to go back to and see just how big the changes are. For a few days I've been noticing my arm and shoulders showing some definition. My "squish-ies" over my rib cage are magically gone, and I caught my reflection walking past the TV today and notice my bottom looking sort of, well, lifted. (I consulted with my husband on the changes in that area and he agrees there is a sudden, favorable change.)

    What was the first change everyone else discovered?

    The first changes I could see were in my abdomen...I haven't retaken measurements, but I can definitely see some little improvements there. I think my waist may be a little bit smaller. slr, I think my behind also looked a little better in my jeans today! They may have been a bit looser in the waist.

    I love seeing my calf muscles!! I have inherited skinny calf muscles and I was very pleased to see them popping out a little bit (as I was facing them doing those walking planks!!)

    What I have noticed is that the butt in my jeans seems to hang a little bit, a way it didn't before. When I noticed that yesterday I decided that no matter how tough Jillian may be, she's what I need to get where I want to be.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    L2D1 just finished. **** there's allot of planks. I suck at those.. just what I need then! Managed to follow anite through, though I was slower so fewer repeats. Hopefully better tomorrow!
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Just finished L1D5...took my measurements today and was super excited that I'm showing results already. It's not a lot yet but I'm glad it's something.

    Measurements 12/4/11 12/13/11
    Neck 13.75 -- 13.5
    Chest 42 -- 42
    Waist 45.5 --44
    Hips 47 -- 46

    Very impressive results!! Love it.
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Just finished L1D5...took my measurements today and was super excited that I'm showing results already. It's not a lot yet but I'm glad it's something.

    Measurements 12/4/11 12/13/11
    Neck 13.75 -- 13.5
    Chest 42 -- 42
    Waist 45.5 --44
    Hips 47 -- 46

    Very impressive results!! Love it.

    Thank you!
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    Hello All! Hope I am not to late to join~ I started 30ds last week and did 2 days in a row, but my muscles were so sore that I couldn't hardly do a push up the 3rd so I switched back to my treadmill fully anticipating to go back and I didn't :(
    Anyway I am going to start again on Day 1 level 1 tomorrow (not going to be home tonight). I recently had a baby and I have a little bit of trouble with the jumping jack (kinda wet myself which is incredibly embarrassing!) So I usually do the jumping jacks with my legs still together LOL
    Here are my current measurements:
    wt; 191.4
    waist: 35.5
    hips: 41.75

    Always looking for more friends with the same goals and I could really use the support with the 30ds, so add me if you would like!
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    Hi there,
    I'd like to join the fun! I've been doing 30DS on my own and just finished L2 D4. I'd love to have some motivation to keep going as the days get busier coming up to the holidays. This is my second go at the Shred and I have to say it's much easier. That's not to say it's EASY, but I'm not struggling quite as much. I'm able to do advanced moves for the most part (or somewhere in between beginner and advanced) so I'm hoping that'll translate to bigger results! So far during Level 1 I lost 1.5 lbs and 1.5 inches off my waist. I didn't lose anywhere else. I'll measure again at the end of L2.
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Just finished L1D6...I honestly have to say that I'm starting to feel really good after doing my workout. I have more energy during the day and I sleep so much better at night. The workouts are hard, that's for sure, but stick with it everyone. We can all do it!!!!!!!!!!
  • L2D3 done! I slacked a little bit, but I seem to be getting better at this level faster than I got better at level 1.