30D of Shreddin Thru the Holidays (Open Group - All Levels)



  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Great job shredding on, everyone! I am so enjoying checking in everyday and seeing everyone's progress!

    Level three day two: still like level three. Much like how I felt at the beginning of the two previous levels, I was a bit sore and moved a bit slower today. Also, I felt the workout more in my inner thigh and behind than I did yesterday. Again, two areas I need the extra help... Looking forward to all the new changes to come!

    I am wishing more and more that I had done start out measurements or "before" photos or something because I am seeing little changes everyday. It would be nice to have something to go back to and see just how big the changes are. For a few days I've been noticing my arm and shoulders showing some definition. My "squish-ies" over my rib cage are magically gone, and I caught my reflection walking past the TV today and notice my bottom looking sort of, well, lifted. (I consulted with my husband on the changes in that area and he agrees there is a sudden, favorable change.)

    What was the first change everyone else discovered?

    The first changes I could see were in my abdomen...I haven't retaken measurements, but I can definitely see some little improvements there. I think my waist may be a little bit smaller. slr, I think my behind also looked a little better in my jeans today! They may have been a bit looser in the waist.

    I love seeing my calf muscles!! I have inherited skinny calf muscles and I was very pleased to see them popping out a little bit (as I was facing them doing those walking planks!!)
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    Today would have been day 5 of level 1 I feel horrible for not doing it but my son was acting terrible all day had to run my dog to get his shots last min we got a new bedroom set delivered today blah blah blah it was just a busy day and I still have homework to finish so I am taking the night off but I'm doing 2 sessions tomorrow to make up for it.

    Way to go everyone else!!! Keep up the good work!!!

  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    So tired tonight. Been a rough couple of days with school/work. Going to have a relaxing night and nice long with with my boyfriend and get back to Jillian tomorrow.
  • iamcaressa
    iamcaressa Posts: 39 Member
    Day 4, Level 1 done. Finally the soreness is going away!
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I think I'm taking a day off Shred today. My quads are super sore and yesterday doing static lunges, I had a (first for me) rather searing sort of pain/cramp in my right quadricep. Planning a long, easy walk shortly (after coffee!) and maybe some push-ups.
  • califigureeight
    Week 2 Stats:

    Due to TTOTM I'm not going to weigh in or do measurements, it's just not worth the head trip. I do the 30DS twice this week so I'm not expecting my change.

    My plans for this coming up week is to stay within my caloric range and work out 5 days a week. I'm doing a Christmas lunch on Friday with coworkers and that'll be my only off plan allowance.

    I hope everyone makes next week better than this week :)
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Cali....I didn't weigh this week either for the exact same reason...I didn't want to give myself a reason to get discouraged, even though I know it's due to our "wonderful joy".....well, we'll see how i check in on thursday
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Just finished L1D4...not nearly as sore as I was the first 2 days. I definitely feel it in my shoulders though, hoping I start seeing a change over the next few weeks.
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Was MIA yesterday and will be again today. My exam is taking priority and I will get back to it after. Keep it up everyone you're doing great :)
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Just completed Level 2, Day 3. It went ok. I am not very good at it yet, but I guess that will come with practice. Yesterday was a crazy day and I didn't get to do it, so that was sad. This week I am going to try to do it as much as I can. It's only 20 minutes, right?

    Keep up the good work!
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    Did the elliptical Saturday and took a night off yesterday...gonna do Day 5 Level 1 tonight...pending all three of my babies get to bed. :sad:
  • slr622
    slr622 Posts: 31
    Accidentally took yesterday off. I got up early to workout like I did Saturday, I was just really dragging in the morning so I figured I'd wait til after church while my daughter was napping. Hubby had different plans, though. We ended up being gone ALL DAY running errands and Christmas shopping. When we got home at 7pm I was dragging again and just figured I'd call it a wash. Oh well, guess a day off here and there isn't such a bad thing.

    Today was day four level three. Still can't do all the advanced moves yet but I'm doing about 60% advanced 40% beginner. There are these jumping lunges that I can only get halfway through before I revert back to the beginner move, can't wait to get all the way through those! Thank goodness, this workout still seems to go by quicker than level two does and I love that!

    I've been planning on running through another 30 days of shred after the first of the year. However, Hubby surprised me yesterday with "Ripped in 30." I skimmed through the first level and it has some repeats from level one of Shred, but there are still some different moves in there. Also, there are four workouts rather than just three. So, just to change things up a bit, I'm going to do Ripped in 30 starting January 2nd. Got to love Jillian!
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Accidentally took yesterday off. I got up early to workout like I did Saturday, I was just really dragging in the morning so I figured I'd wait til after church while my daughter was napping. Hubby had different plans, though. We ended up being gone ALL DAY running errands and Christmas shopping. When we got home at 7pm I was dragging again and just figured I'd call it a wash. Oh well, guess a day off here and there isn't such a bad thing.

    Today was day four level three. Still can't do all the advanced moves yet but I'm doing about 60% advanced 40% beginner. There are these jumping lunges that I can only get halfway through before I revert back to the beginner move, can't wait to get all the way through those! Thank goodness, this workout still seems to go by quicker than level two does and I love that!

    I've been planning on running through another 30 days of shred after the first of the year. However, Hubby surprised me yesterday with "Ripped in 30." I skimmed through the first level and it has some repeats from level one of Shred, but there are still some different moves in there. Also, there are four workouts rather than just three. So, just to change things up a bit, I'm going to do Ripped in 30 starting January 2nd. Got to love Jillian!

    Those jumping lunges are tough - but I did find level 3 to be fun - at least more fun than level 2. I just did day 1 today and it will definitely be better when I remember to bring a sports bra : )

    You guys are all doing great! Keep up the good work!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I want to join in on this thread! Tonight I'll be doing Day 6 of Level 1! After Day 4, I finally stopped feeling so sore! One of my main goals is to be able to do at least 5 regular push-ups correctly! I've never been able to do them! I also made the mistake of watching Level 2 to see what it's going to be like. Uh oh. Those plank jacks & twists and crawling plank/push-ups look hard!! :(
  • sbb4406
    Just did day 1 of Level 2. Oh lordddd lol
    It feels like level 1 is nothing compared to level 2. But it was kind of fun, even though I can't do any of the plank exercises properly. Pendulum lunges are hard for me too... well, just going backwards lol. I think I'll just keep going in a forward direction and alternate legs.
  • sjhaar
    sjhaar Posts: 43 Member
    So excited to see this group!! I just finished day 5 of Level 1. I was halfway through level 2 when my DVD Player quit working and then I had about 3 weeks of not wanting to do any workouts! So, now I started over and I absolutely love these workouts!! They seem to do a really good job in such a short amount of time; which is great when you don't have a lot of time to dedicate to working out. I have seen about 1/4 to 1/2 a pound of weight loss per day, I don't know if this will keep up but so far I am pretty happy!!
  • rosiebug
    rosiebug Posts: 53 Member
    Haven't posted in a few days, but I made it to the halfway point! I did level 1 for 9 days and just finished day 6 of level 2. I didn't get my workout in yesterday due to my hubby having other plans for my time, but not a big deal. I will say that it made it harder to find the motivation to get up to do it today though.

    In other news, I'm finally getting real results from this! I dropped 5.25 lbs this past week and did several happy dances through out the day! :) Still having trouble mastering all the moves, but I'm still getting a good workout from it so I guess that's what counts. Maybe once my fitness level improves more in the future, I'll be able to re-visit the dvd program and kill it on all advanced moves. I'll definitely need a break at the end of the 30 days, but if my results are drastic enough, it might inspire me to attempt round 2 of the shred in the near future!

    Happy Shredding! :)
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I missed my 30DS yesterday. I am going to have to be sure to get it in today and there are going to be many things vying for my time. I'm gonna have to throw my stuff down after work and get it over with!

    I'm afraid of times like this when it's so easy to let it slide! I am glad I didn't take a rest day on Sunday (as I was tempted to), so yesterday has to be my rest day.

    Everyone is doing so great!!
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Haven't posted in a few days, but I made it to the halfway point! I did level 1 for 9 days and just finished day 6 of level 2. I didn't get my workout in yesterday due to my hubby having other plans for my time, but not a big deal. I will say that it made it harder to find the motivation to get up to do it today though.

    In other news, I'm finally getting real results from this! I dropped 5.25 lbs this past week and did several happy dances through out the day! :) Still having trouble mastering all the moves, but I'm still getting a good workout from it so I guess that's what counts. Maybe once my fitness level improves more in the future, I'll be able to re-visit the dvd program and kill it on all advanced moves. I'll definitely need a break at the end of the 30 days, but if my results are drastic enough, it might inspire me to attempt round 2 of the shred in the near future!

    Happy Shredding! :)

    Great job to you! Half way down! 5 pounds?? That's crazy. So awesome! Keep up the good work. I am a little behind you, but sticking with it. :-)
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    starting lvl 2 tomorrow.

    Finished lvl 1 today.

    Upper Waist 95.0 cm - > 94 cm
    Bellybutton 111.0 cm - > 108 cm
    Hips 124.0 cm - > 118 cm

    wondering if we're measuring wrong :P we'll see how lvl 2 goes.