30D of Shreddin Thru the Holidays (Open Group - All Levels)



  • Jenniferslast10
    Jenniferslast10 Posts: 36 Member
    Day 5 of level 1 done!!! I'm moving on to level two on day 7. I can't wait! Everyone is doing a great job - let's keep it up and "finish strong" as Jillian says :)
  • sbb4406
    Level 1 Day 5 done! Wasn't really into it to start off with but felt great towards the end. I'm starting to get tired of it though, so I hope I'm physically ready for level 2 within the next few days lol.
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    All I can say is I'm shaking lol just finished level one a few mins ago I used my app to count the calories and it says 290 calories burned is that even possible? What does everyone else burn? I couldn't believe how bad I was sweating I'm sure after doing it for a few days I will be able to do it all non stop though but today just kicked my booty. Looking forward to doing it again tomorrow :tongue:

  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Just did day 1, level 1. I did have to take some 5 second breaks, and even my dog was worried about me, but I survived!
  • Mskraizy
    Mskraizy Posts: 138 Member
    How is level 2 going? I hear alot of people HATE that level.

    Somebody PLEASE tell me to go do this Lv1 Day4! I just don't feel like it but I know I need to...... I wanna get through this shred mostly in December. Uggghhhhh, such a drag tonight.
  • KaylaKilgore
    KaylaKilgore Posts: 160 Member
    I use a HRM and mine came to 300 something cals.. Forgot to reply to the person who asked how much others usually burn. Whoops
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    I use a HRM and mine came to 300 something cals.. Forgot to reply to the person who asked how much others usually burn. Whoops

    Ya I mine actually said 297 so I guess its about right. Thats crazy I just kept my phone in my bra lol wrapped in a washcloth lol i was so sweaty it would have had water damage lol

  • rosiebug
    rosiebug Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! :) Hang in there guys, it does get easier! Feel free to add me for support.

    Just finished Day 9 of Level 1. I took my first day off yesterday due to knee pain and twisting my wrist, and since I felt a little better today I decided to give it a shot. I made it through everything so much better after my rest day. I killed all the strength moves, did the butt kicks a little higher, even felt more ab strength. As much as it scares me to say this, I might just be ready to move on to Level 2. Definitely starting to get bored with the repetition of Level 1, that's for sure. I think if my wrist and knees feel up to it tomorrow, I might go ahead and move on. :)
  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member
    I used to do Insanity but now that I am back in school I have found that my body can not keep up with those workouts. Has anyone done both and can compare the intensity level? I currently go to the gym 3-4 days/wk for 60-90 min but would love something more consistent. Thanks!

    Also I have somewhat of a restriction with my wrists/elbows (possible pinched nerve? working with the OT and hand surgeon to figure it out). anyway, do you guys think that the exercises are easily modified?
  • redneckbettie
    redneckbettie Posts: 20 Member
    I would love to join this thread-. Today will be my first day of level 1. Anyone else just starting feel free to add me :happy:
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    I haven't done insanity, but I understand from a lot of other posts that most people use the 30 day shred as a stepping stone to start insanity. However, I don't think this program will work well for you given your injury. There are lots of planks, push ups and weight lifting that cause ample stress on your wrists/elbows.

    I used to do Insanity but now that I am back in school I have found that my body can not keep up with those workouts. Has anyone done both and can compare the intensity level? I currently go to the gym 3-4 days/wk for 60-90 min but would love something more consistent. Thanks!

    Also I have somewhat of a restriction with my wrists/elbows (possible pinched nerve? working with the OT and hand surgeon to figure it out). anyway, do you guys think that the exercises are easily modified?
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Glad to hear you're feeling better today and that you might be moving on with me tomorrow :)
    Welcome to all the newcomers! :) Hang in there guys, it does get easier! Feel free to add me for support.

    Just finished Day 9 of Level 1. I took my first day off yesterday due to knee pain and twisting my wrist, and since I felt a little better today I decided to give it a shot. I made it through everything so much better after my rest day. I killed all the strength moves, did the butt kicks a little higher, even felt more ab strength. As much as it scares me to say this, I might just be ready to move on to Level 2. Definitely starting to get bored with the repetition of Level 1, that's for sure. I think if my wrist and knees feel up to it tomorrow, I might go ahead and move on. :)
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    I just started level 2. It is tough, but I think my body will adjust as it did with level 1. I know you didn't end up doing it tonight, but tomorrow is another day! Good luck!
    How is level 2 going? I hear alot of people HATE that level.

    Somebody PLEASE tell me to go do this Lv1 Day4! I just don't feel like it but I know I need to...... I wanna get through this shred mostly in December. Uggghhhhh, such a drag tonight.
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    On that note I am also glad to hear that sb and Jen will soon be moving on with me too! Kill it ladies :)
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    can someone tell me how you log 30 day shred?
  • rosiebug
    rosiebug Posts: 53 Member
    can someone tell me how you log 30 day shred?

    If you have a HRM and want to enter exact calories burned, you can enter it as a custom exercise. If you just want an estimate, most of us log it as 20 mins of "circuit training, general".
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Hello all!! I'm in another 30DS group. I started last Wednesday, I think? I'm planning to do Shred four days a week. I'm not doing it on my strength training days at the gym twice a week, and I'm taking a day off. Tonight will be my 4th Day on Level 1. I rested Sunday, did strength training last night (no push-ups on the schedule) so I'm hoping I can do better with the push-ups tonight after a rest! I can make it through the first set pretty well, but the second I was only getting in about 7 (modified).

    Tonight I have a Christmas party after work. Eek! So, when I get home I have to make myself do my DVD.. I'm gonna do it, gonna do it....
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    How is level 2 going? I hear alot of people HATE that level.

    Somebody PLEASE tell me to go do this Lv1 Day4! I just don't feel like it but I know I need to...... I wanna get through this shred mostly in December. Uggghhhhh, such a drag tonight.

    I'm not going to lie - Level 2 is tough but only because I have really weak shoulders and there is a lot of plank. I feel like if my shoulders were tougher, it wouldn't be bad at all. I just did day 4 and it gets better every single day though I definitely dread it more than I ever did level 1. Of course, once I finish, I feel great and accomplished and glad I did it. Also, it is not boring me like level 1 did. Keep at it - it is definitely worth it. You can do it!
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Summer, I will be thoroughly impressed if you are able to do 30 day shred after your Christmas party... as motivated as I am, I don't think that would be happening for me!

    Day 2, Level 2: I woke up this morning and my shoulders and back were SORE!! I hadn't been sore from level 1 since about day 4, so I was happy to know that by moving up I know that I am PUSHING myself once again. I was so sore I wasn't sure how I was going to get through the work out again, and like Julie mentioned... I felt a bit of dread. Not wanting to dread my work out all day I figured I would get it over with... and you know what... I even saw some improvement! On Day 2! But, I think the biggest excitement of the morning was while I was getting changed, I noticed I could see a bit of definition around my hip bones once again. It's been a LONG time since I've seen those bad boys hanging around. I feel like I am rediscovering a younger me underneath this not very old body. And it's looking good!
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    I've done the first 2 days...had to take a break today because of pain in my heel, I could barely walk yesterday. Have to check for plantar fascitis. Doctor has me taking 800mg ibuprofen every 6hrs around the clock. It seems to be helping me some today so hoping to do day 3 tomorrow morning or maybe tonight after work. I'm definitely feeling the burn in my thighs though. Keep up the good work everybody!