30D of Shreddin Thru the Holidays (Open Group - All Levels)



  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Keep it up everyone, great job! I keep telling myself that everyday I do my workout is one day closer to wearing my old jeans again.

    Level three, day one done! What. A. Workout! If level two is heavy on shoulder work level three is heavy on core/ab work. That's fine, tho, cause that's where I need the most help. I love how each level works your body distinctively different. Anyway, I like level three, it's not easy but I just feel so awesome doing the workout. And, for some reason, it feels like it goes by quicker, not a bad thing :laugh: I started out trying the advanced moves but was feeling pooped out about half way through, so I figured I'd be better off to stick with beginner moves for the first few days.

    Happy shredding everyone!

    I will take abs/core over shoulders any day of the week! Thanks for the update : ) Awesome job today!
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    OK. A couple of questions here....

    I am on day 8 level 1 and am still stuck on pretty much all modified moves. Is it really stupid to try moving on to level two in a couple days or should I just stick with level 1 until I completly master it? (I'm getting a little bored even though it is still very very hard for me.) I am 5' 4" and weigh 245 so I am quite overweight and obviously very out of shape.

    My other question is about calorie burn... I'm getting a little nervous when I don't see anyone on here burning much over 300 calories. I have a HRM and it says that I burn 550 - 625 calories usually. Did I set my HRM wrong or is it just because I am heavier and more out of shape than most people doing this program?

    Thanks for any answers you can give me!!!
  • slr622
    slr622 Posts: 31
    I'm no help on the calorie burn question since I don't use a heartrate monitor and what I enter for calorie burn on here is an estimate from some research done in a couple different places...

    As far as moving on, listen to your body. Give level two a shot, follow the beginner moves and see how you feel. If it's way too tough come back in a few days. Otherwise just sweat through it! Remember, it's not suppose to be easy :wink: Think of Jillian talking about forcing your body to change and adapt. You don't need to get super comfortable with any level before moving on; if you are feeling stronger than when you started and feel you've made progress with a level and it's time to move on give the next level a shot! You might surprise yourself, I know I have :smile:
    OK. A couple of questions here....

    I am on day 8 level 1 and am still stuck on pretty much all modified moves. Is it really stupid to try moving on to level two in a couple days or should I just stick with level 1 until I completly master it? (I'm getting a little bored even though it is still very very hard for me.) I am 5' 4" and weigh 245 so I am quite overweight and obviously very out of shape.

    My other question is about calorie burn... I'm getting a little nervous when I don't see anyone on here burning much over 300 calories. I have a HRM and it says that I burn 550 - 625 calories usually. Did I set my HRM wrong or is it just because I am heavier and more out of shape than most people doing this program?

    Thanks for any answers you can give me!!!
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Day 1, Level 2, done.

    It was not as horrible as it could have been, but I am definitely going to have to push myself really hard to get all of the moves in. Some of them I was surprised I could do ok, and others didn't go so well. I just have to give myself time because I am still learning it. I can't do the timing right on the double jump rope, so I am just jumping as high as I can.

    I am glad to be at Level 2 with you all! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    OK. A couple of questions here....

    I am on day 8 level 1 and am still stuck on pretty much all modified moves. Is it really stupid to try moving on to level two in a couple days or should I just stick with level 1 until I completly master it? (I'm getting a little bored even though it is still very very hard for me.) I am 5' 4" and weigh 245 so I am quite overweight and obviously very out of shape.

    My other question is about calorie burn... I'm getting a little nervous when I don't see anyone on here burning much over 300 calories. I have a HRM and it says that I burn 550 - 625 calories usually. Did I set my HRM wrong or is it just because I am heavier and more out of shape than most people doing this program?

    Thanks for any answers you can give me!!!

    I agree with sl. Give level 2 a try - it is very different than level 1 so mastering level 1 is not really what its all about. I got through level 1 without too much of a problem - it was hard and I could never do all the regular pushups but otherwise, I found it fine . I'm on Day 6 of level 2 and because my shoulders are so weak, I am still taking breaks (level 2 has a lot of shoulder/back work). I still plan on moving to level 3 in 4 days - bring on core and abs! I think everybody has different strengths and I've heard some people say that level 2 is easy so you never know. You can always shake it up and do level 2 for a day or 2 then go back down to level one. If nothing else it will help so you don't get bored.
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Great job curlygirl! Welcome to Level 2!!!
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    Finished Day 2, Level 1 this morning. The first day killed my calves! I'm finally walking right, like I don't have a broom up my rear (LOL). I realized after doing it again today that the calves really got a workout on the jump rope and but kicks, but there wasn't much of a calf stretch at the end. Today I tried to get off of my toes a little more and during one exercise I did something different so I wouldn't be in the same pain tomorrow and can continue on. Feeling Great!
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    Can anyone tell me when the soreness will go away lol?

    My first day pain took two full days to go away. You were braver than I to continue to do it when you were still very sore. I was wondering how it would go for you.
  • sbb4406
    Level 1 Day 6 done. I'm probably going to start level 2 on Monday, so I'm looking forward to a change lol.
  • Jenniferslast10
    Jenniferslast10 Posts: 36 Member
    It's going to take me a little longer to get good at level 2 but I do enjoy a challenging workout.
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Level 1 day 3 done this evening. I'm still quite out of breath, but doing a little better each time. I'm not really sore, just have to keep stopping to catch my breath!
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    Can anyone tell me when the soreness will go away lol?

    My first day pain took two full days to go away. You were braver than I to continue to do it when you were still very sore. I was wondering how it would go for you.

    My soreness was 75%better today, still sore but not near as bad as the past two days.

    Finished day 4 of level 1 an hour ago and it went really good so much better then the past 3 days thank God! Looking forward for tomorrows workout.

  • rosiebug
    rosiebug Posts: 53 Member
    It sounds like everyone is doing a great job! :)

    I made it through day 3 of level 2! Starting to see a little improvement in my endurance each day, same as level 1. Those oblique plank twists still kill me though. I wonder how much of that is pure exhaustion because it comes at the very end. Getting closer to the halfway point now!

    Keep shredding, ladies!
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Day 3, Level 2: You guys are awesome! Even when I am down and out for a night, you guys are sticking to it, are on here updating and supporting one another. I am truly lucky to be in the presence of such strong individuals.

    One thing I love about this journey I am having on MFP is the learning process. Not only learning how to maintain working out and healthy eating, but also the learning about myself. I never realized before that I stress eat. But, last night in the midst of a meltdown that was all I wanted to do. Now while I am a full supporter of cheat days, I like to think that I choose when to have them. But, last I felt more out of control than in it. Recognizing this problem I will need to find better ways of handling my more stressful days in the future. Thankfully this doesn't seem to happen to me with moderate daily stressors and only when I am under extreme duress.

    Needless to say after a night of feeling helpless, I was more than happy to get back on track. Extreme eating only has that much more of an effect on me: 1) I woke up feeling gross; 2) felt gross after ever meal; 3) my workout felt even more like a punishment than usual; 4) still not feeling fully cleansed and my day is almost over. While it might take a few days to recover from my complete and utter body abomination... I am here and willing to put in the time.

    Now as per my workout... aside from it being even more difficult as I am in recovery... I know I can turn to Jillian to make me pay. Literally dripping in sweat trying to finish the sets, still needing to pause here and there and in no way shape or form can I attempt that double jump rope. I know level 2 is working me hard. Day 4 tomorrow and hoping that another good day of eating + tonights work out helps prepare me for another bout of Jillian tomorrow night.

    Finally, thank you everyone for your support, concern and sticking by me during my rougher hours. While most days I try to set a good example by creating my own success story... I still am human and not without fault. Hopefully by jumping back on the wagon the very next day I can still inspire others who find themselves sometimes struggling to stick with it :)

    Thank you and goodnight :)
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    It sounds like everyone is doing a great job! :)

    I made it through day 3 of level 2! Starting to see a little improvement in my endurance each day, same as level 1. Those oblique plank twists still kill me though. I wonder how much of that is pure exhaustion because it comes at the very end. Getting closer to the halfway point now!

    Keep shredding, ladies!

    I know my problem with the plank twists is my shoulder exhaustion. I'm pretty sure I'd have no problem if not for the v'flies and plank jacks immediately proceeding them - but I guess that's the point. Hang in there though - I had to take a couple breaks on the v-flies yesterday (per usual) but made it all the way through the plank twists. I know you'll get there too. You're doing great!
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Applauding everyone for persevering through these tough workouts!! :flowerforyou:

    I just tried Level 2...was bored with Level 1 (though I certainly have not "mastered" it)...yow!! I enjoyed the change, though. I really struggled with a lot of it, but I was sweaty and panting so burning calories :smile: !! I did ab stuff yesterday at the gym, so those last plank twists were rough.

    Juliep--my shoulders are pretty week so that made level 2 tough! I did better when I lowered my plank to my forearms. (I didn't do many "plank jacks", had to switch to the lower impact move. And my v flies were kind pitiful...nowhere near my eyes!!
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Applauding everyone for persevering through these tough workouts!! :flowerforyou:

    I just tried Level 2...was bored with Level 1 (though I certainly have not "mastered" it)...yow!! I enjoyed the change, though. I really struggled with a lot of it, but I was sweaty and panting so burning calories :smile: !! I did ab stuff yesterday at the gym, so those last plank twists were rough.

    Juliep--my shoulders are pretty week so that made level 2 tough! I did better when I lowered my plank to my forearms. (I didn't do many "plank jacks", had to switch to the lower impact move. And my v flies were kind pitiful...nowhere near my eyes!!

    Ugh v-flies. I would rather do the plank twists (which would be a whole lot easier if I didn't have to do 2 minutes of v-flies before them!!!) I do ok for about 30 seconds and then I'm done. They are so hard!!! I know I won't be able to make it through all of them before its time to move to level 3. I've been doing the modified move of both the plank jacks and the other plank cardio. My form is infinitely better (so I'm actually getting a much better workout because I'm holding the plank position properly), and the plank jacks especially seem to be rough on my knees (yea, I'm weird, I can do all the jumping but the plank jacks tweak my left knee). Day 7 down and today was much better - especially the first two circuits. I think I'll move on this weekend just to change it up - and yea I'll be honest, I'm ready to bid farewell to plank jacks and v-flies : )
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Level 2, Day 2, Completed! Yay!

    Boy was I sweating! I am still learning all of the moves, so I know I am not doing all of them right yet. Can't wait to get to like day 4 and be able to keep up better. I know I'll get there.

    Thanks for all of the support you guys! This challenge makes doing the Shred a lot more fun! :-)
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 done! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • slr622
    slr622 Posts: 31
    Great job shredding on, everyone! I am so enjoying checking in everyday and seeing everyone's progress!

    Level three day two: still like level three. Much like how I felt at the beginning of the two previous levels, I was a bit sore and moved a bit slower today. Also, I felt the workout more in my inner thigh and behind than I did yesterday. Again, two areas I need the extra help... Looking forward to all the new changes to come!

    I am wishing more and more that I had done start out measurements or "before" photos or something because I am seeing little changes everyday. It would be nice to have something to go back to and see just how big the changes are. For a few days I've been noticing my arm and shoulders showing some definition. My "squish-ies" over my rib cage are magically gone, and I caught my reflection walking past the TV today and notice my bottom looking sort of, well, lifted. (I consulted with my husband on the changes in that area and he agrees there is a sudden, favorable change.)

    What was the first change everyone else discovered?