30D of Shreddin Thru the Holidays (Open Group - All Levels)



  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    Today was Day 7 of level 1 it was one of my best yet. I plan on doing 10 days of each level, so just a few more days of this one left and on to level 2 I can't wait.

  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Level 1 Day 5 complete. Getting easier and not out of breath as fast. I also plan on doing 10 days of each level, but I'm scared of these "planks" that everyone is talking about ;)
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Everyone is welcome! Don't forget to take your weight and measurements before starting, so you can update the group on your progress :)

    Day 5, Level 2: Jillian, Jillian Jillian... Oh how I spit fire while doing your work outs. I think for awhile there I was doing my planks wrong. Found the right form tonight. OUCH! Now I know what everyone was talking about. My back is bleeding (not to be take literally). Level 2 is tough. I am determined to see it out to 10 days, but ugh! I know everyone says Level 3 is the best. It's starting to look like the light at the end of the tunnel right now.

    By the way I should give a bit of a heads up to everyone. I've got my vids and Jan 2 or 3 I am going to be starting Insanity. My new year will be far less hectic, leaving me lots more time to invest in a new bod. I will be starting a new group and would love if some of the people on here want to follow me to the next challenge!

    You guys rock! Love to hear about your success and challenges and know that I am not alone :)
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Everyone is welcome! Don't forget to take your weight and measurements before starting, so you can update the group on your progress :)

    Day 5, Level 2: Jillian, Jillian Jillian... Oh how I spit fire while doing your work outs. I think for awhile there I was doing my planks wrong. Found the right form tonight. OUCH! Now I know what everyone was talking about. My back is bleeding (not to be take literally). Level 2 is tough. I am determined to see it out to 10 days, but ugh! I know everyone says Level 3 is the best. It's starting to look like the light at the end of the tunnel right now.

    By the way I should give a bit of a heads up to everyone. I've got my vids and Jan 2 or 3 I am going to be starting Insanity. My new year will be far less hectic, leaving me lots more time to invest in a new bod. I will be starting a new group and would love if some of the people on here want to follow me to the next challenge!

    You guys rock! Love to hear about your success and challenges and know that I am not alone :)

    I don't think that I'm quite ready for insanity, but have you or anyone else tried ripped in 30? I definitely love this group! I hope we can all keep up the support for each other even after we finish this round of 30DS. I really hope to someday do insanity. I tried one day once, but I'm no where near ready for it.
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    I think I have friended all if not most of you. Whether you join me in Insanity or not, I got your back :)
    Everyone is welcome! Don't forget to take your weight and measurements before starting, so you can update the group on your progress :)

    Day 5, Level 2: Jillian, Jillian Jillian... Oh how I spit fire while doing your work outs. I think for awhile there I was doing my planks wrong. Found the right form tonight. OUCH! Now I know what everyone was talking about. My back is bleeding (not to be take literally). Level 2 is tough. I am determined to see it out to 10 days, but ugh! I know everyone says Level 3 is the best. It's starting to look like the light at the end of the tunnel right now.

    By the way I should give a bit of a heads up to everyone. I've got my vids and Jan 2 or 3 I am going to be starting Insanity. My new year will be far less hectic, leaving me lots more time to invest in a new bod. I will be starting a new group and would love if some of the people on here want to follow me to the next challenge!

    You guys rock! Love to hear about your success and challenges and know that I am not alone :)

    I don't think that I'm quite ready for insanity, but have you or anyone else tried ripped in 30? I definitely love this group! I hope we can all keep up the support for each other even after we finish this round of 30DS. I really hope to someday do insanity. I tried one day once, but I'm no where near ready for it.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    Did L2D1 last night. Gotta say, it seemed like the workout went a heck of alot faster than Level 1.

    ...That or it was because during the plank moves, I was on my knees dieing.

    At least twice, I stopped halfway during the planks and cried a little on the inside. :laugh: That and...my asthma was murdering me. lol

    I don't feel very sore today though.
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Did Level 2 Day 3 last night. Day 4 after work today! I'm so sleepy after birthday cake for a friend...hope I perk up!
  • rosiebug
    rosiebug Posts: 53 Member
    Day 8 of Level 2 done! It seems to be getting harder to find motivation to keep shredding daily. I don't know if it's boredom with the routine, dread because level 2 is so tough, or if I'm just in a slump. I had to remind myself that I'm almost done with this level and that I want to see results similar to last week - that's the only way I managed to make myself do it tonight. Planning to do 2 more days at this level and then finish off with 11 days on level 3. I should have level 2 weigh-in results soon & hopefully pics if the changes are noticeable.

    Glad everyone else is hanging in there, and I hope you all are seeing great results!
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Day 6, Level 2: Devil, I am on my knees crying with you... I think I tweaked the muscle in my right arm a little bit, but, pushed through it as best I could anyways. Rosie... I know what you mean, but for me it is all about the dread. Since I have the time before bed, I have been busting it out, but I am praying for these days to go by quick. I finally get to do Level 3 on Tuesday... but only for 3 days as I leave on my vaca on Friday... darn! And Saturday I am supposed to go snowboarding all day, so I am doubting that I will have the energy when I get home to shred. But, at least I will still be getting a good workout in. I know my shred is messed up. It's unfortunate, but I am trying to do the best I can... so, I am going to give myself some points for effort :) While I am typing this, I am thinking Tuesday seems like a weird time to start Level 3. I think I am going to give level 3 a go on Monday since my shred days are weird anyways. Alright... game plan. Level 2, tomorrow. Snowboading Saturday. Level 2 Sunday. Level 3 Monday-Thursday. Then VACATION!! My second bit of unfortunate news, is I doubt that I will have a significant shred to report. Not because the shred doesn't put me to work... but, because the holidays are bringing my diet down. Too many "here try the cookies I baked" and "let me take you out to lunch." I love and appreciate everything being offered to me, but it really means at the end of the day I am looking at maintenance over the holidays. But, I would rather see maintenance than a 10lb gain like I have seen in previous years. I am so impressed to see many of you sticking with it and shredding every day. Though not everyone posts on the page, I hope that many are finding it helpful :)
  • slr622
    slr622 Posts: 31
    Hey all! I haven't posted for a few days but I have been shredding! Glad to see so many keeping up with Jillian and making progress!

    Well, I've done 25 days of shred, made it through 10 days of level one, eight days of level two and seven days of level three and starting today I'll be taking some time off. :ohwell: This is when my schedule starts getting crazy with holiday events and such. I do plan to workout when it fits in but I don't want to overwhelm myself and add extra stress of "requiring" workouts (totally emotional stress of beating myself up for not doing "enough"). My step kids (7 and 10) get here Sunday - we get them twice a year, Christmas and summer break (they live w/their mom in CA and we live in MI). Obviously it's a big deal while they are here and we are busy making and receiving lots of visits with extended family. So for the next two weeks I'm putting priority on getting the best quality time with them I can and it might cause my workout time to suffer, and that's okay, I'll be back on the wagon January 2nd!

    So anyway, I'm going to shoot for five more days on level three to be scattered in between now and the end of the year. I'll be checking in to see everyone's progress, I can't wait to hear about everyone's opinion of level three (still my favorite)!

    @jvinmill - good luck w/insanity! Not sure I'm ready to commit to that yet, but I can't wait to see how you like it! My sister has the program and likes it although she hasn't stuck with it for more than a week or two at a time...
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Last night instead of Day 4 of Level 2, I did strength training in the gym, but was sure I did planks, abs, shoulder circuits in addition to the elliptical. I just didn't feel like getting sweaty, driving home and getting sweaty again!!

    So, tonight I did my fourth day of Level 2. Tough as ever, but I know I was able to do more of the exercises with fewer breathers. Yay! And afterward, as I cooled myself outside, with my shirt kinda flipped up to get some air, my friend said she could see a difference in my stomach!! Yay again!
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    Just finished Day 1 of Level 2 and all I can say is OMG she wants to kill me. I couldn't do any of them all the way through. I hope it gets easier soon.

  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    L1 D6 complete (pretend I said that in a futuristic computer voice).
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Sorry. Double post.
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Did L1D8 today. I definitely notice a difference in endurance from day 1. Going bowling tomorrow evening with some friends as an early birthday celebration since I'll be spending monday at work. Planning on finishing day 9 tomorrow morning and day 10 sunday. I'll probably take Monday off and then start Level 2 tuesday. I'm scared of these planks everyone despises.
  • sjhaar
    sjhaar Posts: 43 Member
    Just finished day 2 of level 2, well technically day 1.5 since I was interrupted in my workout quite a bit last night! I am able to do the plank moves about halfway through with the more advanced then switched to the easier moves. I am determined to get all the way through doing the advanced ones though!! Has anyone had to up their weights and if so how much did you up the weight by? I currently have 5 lbs. and am wondering if I should skip over the 8 lbs. and go to 10 lbs.? Just curious!
  • sumnerfan
    sumnerfan Posts: 244 Member
    Hi, I'm new. I did L1D1 today and I was sucking some serious wind.
  • Jenniferslast10
    Jenniferslast10 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm so proud of myself right now. I actually started to the Shred earlier today and then quit because I just didn't feel like it and my mind wasn't focusing. Half an hour ago, I was on the message boards here on MFP and got the motivation to go back and do it...and I did! Day 16 out of 17! Yea!!!
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Up the weight?!! Definitely not me! Definitely not on level 2. I can barely get through the strength moves in the third circuit with my 5 pound weights. But, if you can do it... go for it! I will be bowing at your feet :)
    Just finished day 2 of level 2, well technically day 1.5 since I was interrupted in my workout quite a bit last night! I am able to do the plank moves about halfway through with the more advanced then switched to the easier moves. I am determined to get all the way through doing the advanced ones though!! Has anyone had to up their weights and if so how much did you up the weight by? I currently have 5 lbs. and am wondering if I should skip over the 8 lbs. and go to 10 lbs.? Just curious!
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Great great job everyone at sticking to it through the holidays, your busy schedules and when you just don't feel like it! Today I saw a real benefit from, 1. My weight loss since last year and 2. Shredding. Today I went out snowboarding, and while last year I had a lot of trouble pulling myself up out of the snow and doing up my bindings... this year... no problem. With a smaller belly and more core and leg muscles I was up and flying down that hill all day. Today was the taste of success :) Back to the shred tomorrow :)