MlissaB Member


  • I have a fitbit one and love it. I just got it 5 weeks ago and I use it in conjunction with MFP and it seems to help. On days I don't make my step goal I feel guilty so I've started getting up earlier to get a full hour (4 miles) on the treadmill before going to work. It's great to see the green on the dashboard. There is…
  • I have a fitbit one and love it. I just got it 5 weeks ago and I use it in conjunction with MFP and it seems to help. On days I don't make my step goal I feel guilty so I've started getting up earlier to get a full hour (4 miles) on the treadmill before going to work. It's great to see the green on the dashboard. There is…
  • A big help for me was to look at the calories in something before I ate/ordered it. One of my favorites is the Orange Shake at McDonald's. I looked at the calories and realized I wasn't going to be able to eat anything else the rest of the day. To me it just wasn't worth it at that point in my journey. I also plan meals…
  • Being awake for me was never the problem, it was getting up and moving. I found that if I had my workout clothes all ready it helped. I have a treadmill in the basement and I head down (sometimes before I'm fully awake). I have found I prefer walking outside, but it's still dark when I get going in the am and I'm not sure…
  • There's nothing better than planning a nice dinner out in advance. That way I get up extra early and spend a little extra time on the tread-mill and kick up the incline so I can have the butter on my baked potato or maybe an extra glass of wine. I actually think I do better those weeks because I'm more motivated to…
  • I'm lucky enough to have a job where I can't snack at my desk so I have to make a conscious effort to go somewhere where I can eat. When I was able to eat at my desk though, I used a lot of sugar free gum too. It really seemed to help. I also measure out the snacks into serving sizes (peanuts and raisins in a snack sized…
  • I think the calories will get you to a number, but the quality will help you lose the flab as well as help you maintain once you get where you want to be.
  • cabbage streudel...
  • I get it at work and home... I stumbled this weekend because my nephew got married (husband was in the wedding party) so there was good food and wine and snacks all weekend. No one seems to get that it only takes a day or two of being "bad" to destroy all the good you've been working at. My husband isn't a big help, he…
  • I can get 100+ oz in before lunch, that's all i drink is water. I seem to have good days and bad days, not sure if it has to do with what I'm eating too or how busy of a day i'm having or what. Technically I work in an office, but it's a manufacturing plant so there are days I'm running on the floor a lot too, but there…
  • That's great! Something to try if you start really craving it... When I quit soda a number of years back, I found it was the carbonation I missed, not the syrup so now I have a soda water, generally with lemon or lime, and that takes care of it. No calories, but you still get the fizz!
    in NSV!!!! Comment by MlissaB August 2011
  • I don't do Weight Watchers because I refuse to pay to have someone tell me I need to eat better, I get that. However; a lot of people I know do WW and have been very successful on it and as I talk to them about MFP and counting my fruit they have all pointed out that in WW fruit is "free". I can't believe that one of the…
  • I just heard on one of the morning shows last week that supposedly the artificial sweeteners have been linked to more snacking. With that said, if you aren't drinking a lot of it I don't think it really matters. If you're concerned about it add it in your food notes and track whether or not you're snacking more on the days…
  • It really depends on the brand, style and like others have said, how you carry your weight... I am 5'9" and 188 and wear a 16 pant and XL shirt, sometimes L, but it really depends on how it's cut. I'm not a big fan of tight clothes and found that they're a lot more flattering when they fit correctly so I stopped getting…
  • I started with a similar web-site when i was approaching 40 a little over a year ago and the first 15 were easy, but then it just stopped. my biggest challenge is staying away from the foods i love (fried, fried, fried). my husband isn't a real big help either. verbally he's great, but he keeps a lot of junk in the house…