Going over on sugar with fruit?

So, I eat a lot of fruit.
Generally berries and apples, but recently I've been having peaches and plums as well.
I don't go over on calories unless I have a cheat/fail day, but on the days I'm doing great I hit my calories perfectly and eat back my exercise calories.

Is the constant overage of sugar due to fruit hindering my weight loss, or is it okay because it is natural?


  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Sugar is sugar, the source of the sugar doesn't really matter. As long as you are at your calorie goal, the amount of sugar doesn't make a difference.
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    I think it depends on the person. For me, no matter where my sugar comes from, if I go over 30 g a day, it's a problem. But for others it doesn't seem to affect as much. Maybe it's because most of the weight I'm trying to lose is accumulated in my stomach? And sugar does tend to go there. I don't think there's a definite answer--you should eat normally and watch how much sugar you eat for a couple weeks, if you're losing, great! But if not, maybe that's something to look at! Good luck :)
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Sugar is sugar, the source of the sugar doesn't really matter. As long as you are at your calorie goal, the amount of sugar doesn't make a difference.

    I sort of disagree. MFP is very very stingy with sugar allowances, but there is a HUGE difference in the sugar in,say a snickers bar or a can of coca cola than natural sugar in fruit. If I am over on my sugars due to refined sugar, then I am concerned, but if it's fruit sugar found naturally in fruit, then I ignore it.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I don't worry about sugars from fruit. Fruit is fantastic for you and the sugar is natural.

    Sugar in candy and processed sweets and what not is not healthy sugar.

    If you are going way over on sugar because of fruit, then just ignore it, that's what I do. I love me some fruit!!!!
    From what I have learned, sugar, natural or not is not good for you. I work at a doctors office where we have the ideal protein diet. Sugar is a BIG no! I have watched several co-workers lose 30-40 lbs+ on this diet. High protein-NO sugar (use splenda or other sweetner if you must), low carbs and LOTS of water. Goodluck! I also love sugar so this is a big jump for me too!
  • blnorman29
    blnorman29 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm having this problem too, I'm interested in the responses...
  • 111408
    111408 Posts: 27
    Thanks for the input everyone, more answers would be helpful, it seems like everyone has a different take on it!
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    I believe there is a difference in how your body deals with sugar. Fructose goes to your liver and sucrose goes to your muscle and liver. Gary Taubes talks about fructose in his book and Dr. Lustig.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM for Dr. Lustig's presentation.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6vpFV6Wkl4&feature=mh_lolz&list=LLcSuxsFeHlcA for Gary Taubes' presentation.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Well, I just looked at your diary and your blueberry bagel has more sugar in it than your fruit, so you could cut that. I don't think anyone would argue that fruit is healthier than than a processed sara lee bagel. Or yesterdays "low-fat" strawberry bar or monster energy drink.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Sugar is not sugar. There are differences between fructose, glucose, sucrose, and other sugars. There are differences in how they are metabolized, how quickly they raise your blood sugar levels, and these are also affected by what is eaten with them.

    Fruit sugar is fructose, and unless you’re drinking fruit juice, it is combined with fiber usually, which means it metabolizes more slowly. The dietary sugar recommendations we have now are based on the upper limit of processed, refined sugar you should have in a day.

    I say, eat fruit! It’s a whole, completely natural food and it’s got plenty of other really good nutrients for you.
  • 111408
    111408 Posts: 27
    Well, I just looked at your diary and your blueberry bagel has more sugar in it than your fruit, so you could cut that. I don't think anyone would argue that fruit is healthier than than a processed sara lee bagel. Or yesterdays "low-fat" strawberry bar or monster energy drink.

    The 9 grams of sugar pale in comparison to the 25+ I have gotten from fruit today, but obviously I know a bagel is not the best choice. Im not perfect, and I am not saying I am, I just know a LARGE portion of my sugar comes from fruit. Yesterday was a freak occurrence that I had monsters, I had no sleep and was testing for sheriffs dispatch so I needed caffeine. The fruit bar, same thing, I'm not perfect and even though I would love to keep these things out of the house, my other half makes it difficult. Im not trying to make excuses, I know I could have made an omelette this morning with veggies etc, but I didnt and in the grand scheme of things I really doubt those two things are whats killing it for me, when I am eating 3 times as much sugar from fruit.
    There is a huge difference between Fructose (fruit sugar) and Sucrose (table sugar). One is high on the glycemic index and bad for you, the other is not. Your body uses these two different types of sugars in very different ways...
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Well, I just looked at your diary and your blueberry bagel has more sugar in it than your fruit, so you could cut that. I don't think anyone would argue that fruit is healthier than than a processed sara lee bagel. Or yesterdays "low-fat" strawberry bar or monster energy drink.

    The 9 grams of sugar pale in comparison to the 25+ I have gotten from fruit today, but obviously I know a bagel is not the best choice. Im not perfect, and I am not saying I am, I just know a LARGE portion of my sugar comes from fruit. Yesterday was a freak occurrence that I had monsters, I had no sleep and was testing for sheriffs dispatch so I needed caffeine. The fruit bar, same thing, I'm not perfect and even though I would love to keep these things out of the house, my other half makes it difficult. Im not trying to make excuses, I know I could have made an omelette this morning with veggies etc, but I didnt and in the grand scheme of things I really doubt those two things are whats killing it for me, when I am eating 3 times as much sugar from fruit.

    Listen, it's not about being perfect and it's not about making excuses. You know that fruit is healthy. The vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and all the other good stuff in fruit is important. I went back in your diary. When you ask about this stuff you are asking all of us to look. Choose fruit over all that other stuff and try to have a plan moving forward. We don't know why you would choose a monster drink, but you asked about sugar so I told you. This is a place for honesty. What I am saying is if you cut all the other crap the 25 grams of sugar from fruit wouldn't be a big deal.

    Edited to add: BTW-- the 9 grams of sugar in the bagel does not "pale in comparison" because it contains 280 calories, 54 carbs AND 390 grams of sodium.
  • Emmadennewitz
    Emmadennewitz Posts: 106 Member
    I'm always over in my sugar but I haven't worried about it because I've been able to consistently lose weight for the last six months. Most of my sugar comes from the fruit that I eat. Doesn't seem to be a problem for me but everyone is different.
  • MlissaB
    MlissaB Posts: 16 Member
    I don't do Weight Watchers because I refuse to pay to have someone tell me I need to eat better, I get that. However; a lot of people I know do WW and have been very successful on it and as I talk to them about MFP and counting my fruit they have all pointed out that in WW fruit is "free". I can't believe that one of the more successful weight loss programs out there can be all wrong. I have even starting using fruit as my sweet treat in the evening rather than some of the other options.