How to become a morning workout-er?



  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    The main trick to getting up is making sure that you're getting enough sleep to begin with. I get up at 4 am every morning to go work out (boot camp workouts or running) and the mornings when I'm really unmotivated are the nights that I didn't get enough sleep. It's REALLY REALLY important. I know you hear about it all the time, but getting enough sleep is really the most important part. That and just straight up commitment.
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    My MFP friends would attest that I HATE morning workouts, and rarely do them. For me, it's mainly that I "can't" give the 100% at 5am that I can give at 5pm. The few times I've made myself do it, I've succeeded by getting up early enough to have 1 cup of coffee first. I've also found that I can lift weights and circuit train in the morning and give it 100%, but I have a harder time doing intense cardio at the crack of dawn. :) You just need to find what works for you.

    A suggestion that I've never tried (but plan to) that a friend swears by, is to get up and take a quick shower first. I know... take a shower to get sweaty and then take another? He does it every single day and swears it wakes him and his muscles up more fully. Most of us have trained our bodies that a shower is what happens 1st thing in the morning when it's time to start the day, so it does make sense to me.

    Good luck to you!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    7AM? Girl, that's sleeping in for me! That's what time I naturally wake up on weekends. When I was in nursing school, I had to be at the hospital by 6AM for clinicals. Lucky you!

    When I was in college (after I quit nursing school, hallelujah) and was able to schedule my own classes, I avoided 8AM classes like the plague. For my last two semesters, my classes didn't start until 11AM. It was awesome sleeping until 8 or 9. Getting up early to exercise then would've been easy, but I didn't do it. I usually got home around 4 and was able to work out before my husband got home from work. That is, when I felt like it - many skipped workouts back in those days.

    Now, I work from 8:30-5:30 and have to leave the house at 7:45 to get to the office on time. It takes me a solid hour to get ready in the mornings, so I get up at 5AM on lifting days (MWF) now. I didn't think I'd be able to do it, but I've stuck to it for 3 months and now it's just a habit. At first,, you just have to force it. Don't even think about it - just get your butt up and DO IT.

    I still do cardio at night, though. It's only two nights per week, but it allows me to wake up at 6:45, which is good for my sanity. I think I'll eventually switch it and do it in the morning as well. It's so nice getting it over with and being able to relax after work.
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    I'm trying to get into this habit myself. For the past month I've been getting up a half hour earlier to at least get in a quick walk, in hopes that this will further spur me to get my full workout in before work. I still hit the gym in the afternoon for my "real workout" because I just can't seem to get into much more than a quick walk or jog in the morning. My body just doesn't feel right doing strenuous exercise in the mornings. I agree with the prior poster about exercise being my stress release at the end of the day as well, it truly is for me.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    I hope this works for you Xjeanie! I started at a gym on the hospital premises - it was great, really cheap and opened at 6 am.

    My shifts start at 7:30 am, and I do three a week, and so I go before due on the ward, and yes,.it was hard to get there at first, and for a while stay motivated to get up at 5 am to get there! Especially on the dark winter mornings!
    But, I can honestly say that it became easier and easier as I got fitter and more energised. Unfortunately, I stopped going as life got in the way, but I really wish that I had continued and just gone whenI could and did as much as I could have, even though many of the exercises and lifts I'd have had to curtailed or adapted!

    I now go to a gym with a swimming pool, as that suits my health better, although it is more expensive and not open at 6am!... I have built back up to having a fairly good swim and workout over these past few weeks. I am determined, now though,not to ever stop going again, even if I can't do a full workout as I'd like each time!

    Go for it Xjeanie as I'm sure you'll start to feel much more energised after a short while!
    Also, good luck with your nurse training!
  • hotplugged
    hotplugged Posts: 37
    Coffee before your workout? I would die lol. The liquids swiching around :sick:

    I Set the alarm for 4.30am, brush my teeth, put on my clothes, take my BCAA pills and start the insanity video by 4.45am.
    If I didnt work out, I would be getting up about 40min later and just take my time... For me, the am workout is saving time lol.

    60min workout for 45min less sleep lol :smokin:
  • MlissaB
    MlissaB Posts: 16 Member
    Being awake for me was never the problem, it was getting up and moving. I found that if I had my workout clothes all ready it helped. I have a treadmill in the basement and I head down (sometimes before I'm fully awake). I have found I prefer walking outside, but it's still dark when I get going in the am and I'm not sure I'm up for walking in the dark.

    As someone else said, once you get used to it (about 2 weeks) you will find you miss it on the days you have to skip, at least I do.

    I've always joked I am a lazy exerciser, I don't want to work out in the pm because it would mean a second shower and that's just too much work!
  • xjeanie
    xjeanie Posts: 69
    Thanks for all of the advice, everyone! Going to start trying in the morning...wish me luck!
  • tonyalenore
    tonyalenore Posts: 58 Member
    You just have to force yourself for 2 weeks... after that, it becomes more of a habit and gets easier (though I still dont LIKE it ahahah)

    I switched to mornings about 3 months ago. I had a hard time the first few weeks, but it does get easier. I figure I am just as tired if I get up at 5:30 as 6:30, and this way I workout too

    I sleep in my workout clothes, I find the less I have to do to get up and going the better.

    I also got my husband on board with morning workouts, and having someone to go with helps me, even if we don't workout together once we're at the gym.
  • funfang
    funfang Posts: 200 Member
    You just have to force yourself for 2 weeks... after that, it becomes more of a habit and gets easier (though I still dont LIKE it ahahah)

    This! I used to be a night owl and won't go to bed until 1am. My husband likes to work on his projects late night as well, at one point I just decided that I will go to bed with my kids ( their bed time is 9pm) then wake up around 3:30 or 4am. The first 2 weeks were hard, and I sometimes still stay up until 10pm... but once you pass that first 2 weeks, it got a lot easier.

    I have been waking up around 4am and get my work out done. and YES, it's great to get your work out done 1st thing in the morning, log in the extra calories and plan your day!

    Good luck!
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I workout in the morning when my son goes down for his nap. I do it to get it out of the way for the day. That's my motivation lol. I'd rather do it then, than when all the kids are in bed and things settle down for the day.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I have the hardest time getting out of bed in the morning...or I did. I found something I love doing and while some mornings it's still hard to get up at 430 am to go lift the heavy things, I do it 3x a week.

    For me, I just had to find something I loved doing, and then make myself do it, which was easier since I love it.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    I am a night owl and a teacher. So I started exercising last June when school was out and then when school started in August, I thought how in the world will I exercise?? Well.. I set the alarm for 4:30am and did it almost every day last school year -- 190 days of school! I can't believe it myself. I knew if I didn't do in the morning it might not happen. I have found that during that time I would come up with great ideas and solve problems and felt so much better. There were mornings when I absolutely did not want to get up. But I got up and did it, even though I was half asleep, no matter what, and once I got going I was so happy I did and felt so great. The funny thing is now it is summer and I am back to sleeping late and staying up late, I don't really like exercising later in the morning like I did last summer. So I've been setting the alarm for 7:30 (which is VERY early for me naturally) and getting it done then so that I don't feel like the day is over. I also have read that most people who successfully stick with an exercise program do it in the morning -- so there is another reason to do it then. Good luck - you can do it! :smile:
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    You know what else helps me? I go to sleep in my workout clothes.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I get up at 5 to make it to my 6:15 class at least 3 times a week. It can be challenging. Here are my tricks:

    1. Little to no alcohol the night before.
    2. Drink a tall glass of water before bed, that way you will HAVE to get up.
    3. Push yourself really hard until it becomes habit and don't let yourself sleep in too late on days you don't work out in the morning.
    4. In bed by 9, lights out by 10.
    5. Find something you love. I love my gym. What's better than starting out your day with your friends?
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    Get a coffee machine that lets you set a time for it to brew.

    Sometimes I hear it beep at 5AM and think...ugh...I don't want to get up. Then I think...oh no, if I don't get up, the coffee will be cold at 7 when i finally do get up (it only auto heats 2 hours).
  • mikedenali
    mikedenali Posts: 181 Member
    Now, I work from 8:30-5:30 and have to leave the house at 7:45 to get to the office on time. It takes me a solid hour to get ready in the mornings, so I get up at 5AM on lifting days (MWF) now. I didn't think I'd be able to do it, but I've stuck to it for 3 months and now it's just a habit. At first,, you just have to force it. Don't even think about it - just get your butt up and DO IT.

    GFT....and don't hit snooze
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I tried it myself. Didn't work. When I first wake up I'm way too groggy and out of it for about an hour or so to be able to safely do anything I would consider high intensity exercise. I would fall over and likely injure myself. Plus I get nauseous if I do fasted workouts.

    Morning exercise isn't for everyone, and if you perform better in the evening/afternoon, why change it up? You do you. You're not gonna get results if you're making the process so much of a PITA for yourself you don't want to do it. All you're accomplishing then is giving yourself more excuses not to do it--which is the last thing you need.
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    When I started going to the gym, I went at 5 pm like clockwork for two years. Then, when I got to my last year of veterinary school, I was looking at 15-17 hour days starting at 6:30 a.m. By then I was doing CrossFit, so my only choice in terms of their class schedule was 6 a.m - and regardless, we'd sometimes be at school until 10 p.m. or midnight, so it was morning or bust. So I set my alarm for 5 (wouldn't have time to shower after), and did it.

    I don't have any tips. I knew that was the only time I would be able to work out, so when that alarm went off, I just rolled out of bed and got going. I didn't think of it as optional, so there was rarely any argument in my mind. Just like you have to get up at a certain time to get to work, I had to get up to go to the gym. I suppose it helped that I enjoyed it, and I love the community and friends I made at the gym, which was super motivating. It was also sometimes nice to brag a little to my overworked, sleep deprived colleagues that I'd found a way to work in some exercise. ;)
  • lorileahb
    lorileahb Posts: 14
    I tried it myself. Didn't work. When I first wake up I'm way too groggy and out of it for about an hour or so to be able to safely do anything I would consider high intensity exercise. I would fall over and likely injure myself. Plus I get nauseous if I do fasted workouts.

    Morning exercise isn't for everyone, and if you perform better in the evening/afternoon, why change it up? You do you. You're not gonna get results if you're making the process so much of a PITA for yourself you don't want to do it. All you're accomplishing then is giving yourself more excuses not to do it--which is the last thing you need.

    I have that same problem - super nauseous with morning workouts. With work and kids, I would love to complete in the morning, but I just feel better working out later in the day.

    I agree to do what works for you! :smile: