

  • I just started fresh today and have 105 pounds to lose...hoping to do it in about a year. Feel free to add me...we can all use the mutual support!
  • TWO FEET?? that is absolutely incredible! be proud of yourself and show off those new jeans!
  • TWO FEET?? that is absolutely incredible! be proud of yourself and show off those new jeans!
  • I'm the total opposite...my waist is shrinking, but my hips and thighs won't budge!
  • I'm in..also a teacher and worried about how going back to school is going to impact my very new habits! I'd love to be down 25 pounds by the start of 2012...we have a trip to Cuba booked for then!
  • I tried it for the first time 2 weeks ago and I was sweating like crazy! It's a lot of punching and kicking action...quite a few cardio peaks, but you can adjust the movements to lower/higher levels if you want. There was a lady in the class with a bad back and she couldn't finish, but everyone else just pushed through.…
  • I can pretty much guarantee I will be trying at least one of those recipes this weekend!
  • I'm a teacher as well, so I'm in the same boat and it sucks! I do wake up early to get my workout in because I know I will be too tired by the time I get home. I don't eat before working out and I generally only give myself 10-15 minutes to dress, brush my teeth. etc. I swear sometimes I'm still asleep when I start working…
  • If you live too far from a specialty store that can analyze your gait, you can always have a doctor/chiropractor/physiotherapist do it for you on your next visit. Then you can search online for shoes that are recommended for your walking/running style and go from there.
  • Go to a store that has knowledgeable salespeople who can analyze your feet and the way you walk. A lot of people just buy any running shoes without taking their feet into consideration (high or low arch? over or under-pronator? etc.). Once they recommend a few pairs of shoes - which will probably be over $100 - you can go…
  • That's a great idea! I do something similar: I put hair elastics/rubber bands on one wrist and move them to the other as I complete each lap.
  • I don't know where you live, but I know in my area (Toronto) there are running clinics that you can sign up for. There are ones run by local community centres and by sports stores as well. I did one last year run by a store called The Running Room and it was great. They teach everything from proper nutrition/hydration to…
  • I'm not sure, but maybe changing up the type of exercise you're doing and/or the types of food you're consuming would help. I know in the past when I have hit a plateau this helped me...kind of woke up my metabolism again! Try cycling, swimming or weight training instead of jogging for a couple of weeks and try a few new…
  • That's amazing! Congratulations on your accomplishment so far and good luck the rest of the way!
    in my nsv Comment by s_cheryl July 2011
  • i've only been here a couple of weeks myself, but it really helps keep me on track. feel free to add me!
    in Hello! Comment by s_cheryl July 2011
  • I'm pretty new too...just a couple weeks in and trying my best!