

  • Have you adjusted your calories since you started? 35 lbs loss would create a potentially significant difference in the amount of calories you should eat. You mention the BBQ's, etc... are you tracking every bite, or are you winging it?
  • As ladynocturne suggested - the MFP sugar calculator adds ALL sugar, and sugar isn't necessarily the scary evil guy we've been lead to believe. Mind you, reducing your overall sugar isn't a bad idea for anybody, but somehow advertising has given us the impression that overall sugar must be as close to zero as possible or…
  • :thumbs up: If you don't give the lawnmower enough gas and oil, it won't run right. Feed the machine, it could be running dry.
  • Sounds to me like you aren't eating enough. A body can only handle a huge deficit for so long without freaking out. Your body can't handle only 1000 calories in a day (at least not if the rest of your days are at a huge deficit too) - you definitely need to get at least 1500 every day. I would suggest bumping your calories…
  • First off, be proud of what you've accomplished so far! That's a fantastic change since May :) To get your fat burning on track again, I would suggest increasing your calories by even 100-200 per day for a week or so and see what happens. My bet, you'll start burning fat again. Most people can only maintain a calorie…
  • Good point about the fat free foods Melwith9! I've seen a lot of people do better on regular food (in the right quantities) than "diet" or "fat free" food. Same goes with sugar vs artificial sweetener. Honestly, if they have to alter/process something from it's most natural state, in order to reduce the calories or sugar -…
  • ^This! :) Pleasure to help - hopefully you can use the many suggestions you can get from all the people here and get back on track. Most of all, don't give up! You'll have to change your game, but if you keep playing you WILL eventually win! You are winning, simply for the Star Wars reference... There is a lot of…
  • Two answers: One: Many of them do exactly what they say (boost metabolism for example), but in such a small increment that it will have ZERO bearing on your ability to burn fat, lose weight, or for some of them, get HUGE gains bro! Two: No - you wasted your money, sorry =(
  • @lillivewire87 - The first thing I would say is BREATHE! 12 lbs lost is nothing to shake your head at, you've done well so far! :) Be proud of yourself! Find your tape measure, or get a new one - relying on the scale as your only measurement is a sure-fire recipe for discouragement! It's very common for our bodies to lose…
  • Ok, don't be ridiculous! The top two quotes I believe, but NOTHING will find that lost slipper! I suppose next you'll say it can find all those socks the clothes dryer eats?? <-- Skeptical.
  • I'll be honest, I read a few of the pages in the beginning of this thread, mostly because I'm at work and would rather explore somebody else's drama than mine right now :) I didn't read the whole thing. I'll be honest further and disclose that I AM a coach for Team Beachbody, and I do drink Shakeology myself. In response…
  • Just to build on the already great suggestions and advice. As far as the 2 lbs being overnight - as suggested, the average persons weight fluctuates by 5 lbs throughout the day. Personally I go to bed 10 lbs heavier than when I wake up (Yes, I weigh myself twice each day, but I don't put any stock whatsoever in what the #…