Why did I gain weight???



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    According to my scale it's 2 pound weight gain since YESTERDAY!

    Stop weighing daily.
    Focus on long term trends. As everyone else has said, it's temporary fluid weight gain.
    It has nothing to do with your fat intake given that you are still at a calorie deficit.

    Please take the bolded part seriously. You are going to drive yourself batsh*t crazy if you get too caught up in short term things.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    According to my scale it's 2 pound weight gain since YESTERDAY! I weigh/measure everything I eat, I exercise at least 30 minutes a day usually 40 minutes or more, I don't eat fast food, I'm vegan & I don't eat much processed food. I did have to get up 4 times last night to use the bathroom & that has never happened before. I'm just so frustrated! I'm trying so hard not to go by a number on a scale but after losing 13 pounds I see no difference in my clothes or anything so I'm looking at the number for assurance that I'm doing things right.
    I'm one of those people who weighs every day. But many people don't do it for exactly the reason you're describing. If you're going to step on the scale every day, you cannot put much meaning into those numbers. Daily fluctuations represent nothing more than the weight of water and of the food you take in. You simply cannot gain two pounds of fat overnight. Remember that you don't just want to lose "weight," you really want to lose excess fat (otherwise lopping off a leg would be a great victory). What you are seeing is nothing more than water retention. If it saps your motivation, you might be better off locking that scale up and checking your weight less frequently.

    Also, clothes may not be the best measure either. One thing I discovered is that I was cramming myself into my clothes at my heaviest weight (insistent that I would not get any bigger). The first 20 pounds or so I lost, I realized that I just fit comfortably into the clothes I was already used to wearing (whereas they were painful to wear all day before). After that, I started dropping the sizes. You just have to keep at it.

    Alllllllll of this!! Smart lady. Especially about the clothes! I've lost 20 pounds and I was recently feeling very discouraged because I still wear the exact same size I wore before. But when I thought about it, I realized that that size fits me really well now, where as before it was very tight. There are probably changes and you just don't notice them! 13 pounds is great and it DOES make a difference :)
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Now that you've added it to the track it looks like sodium is your issue. For the past week you have been an average of 500 mg over the usual high amount of 2,500mg.

    There is sodium in everything! Especially processed and frozen meals.

    Try to keep your sodium down (and drink more water) and the weight will come back off.
  • CoachDougW
    Just to build on the already great suggestions and advice. As far as the 2 lbs being overnight - as suggested, the average persons weight fluctuates by 5 lbs throughout the day. Personally I go to bed 10 lbs heavier than when I wake up (Yes, I weigh myself twice each day, but I don't put any stock whatsoever in what the # on the scale says.)

    Try to keep in mind, your goal isn't to lose WEIGHT, but to lose excess FAT! The scale can only show you the weight change, and there are dozens or hundreds of factors that could change the scale drastically at any given time (sodium? how long before last meal? BM? time of day? water intake? last glass of water? etc)...Remember, a simple glass of cold water weighs 1 lb, so if you drank one before stepping on the scale, it would show a 1 lb gain!) MEASUREMENTS or PICTURES can be a great indicator of fat loss, so I usually suggest them as an option over the scale.

    Keep at it and don't let that scale discourage you.. wth does it know anyway?
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    You actually are eating a lot of processed foods- soy products (burgers, cheese ,etc) are extremely processed and salty. So are gluten free waffles, cookies, etc. So are corn flakes,

    I would focus on natural whole foods- oatmeal, beans, quinoa, etc. you can make your own black bean burgers and waffles.