Need help breaking this plateau!!!

Hey all! I am hoping I can get some help as I seem to have hit a plateau. I've lost 23lbs since starting myfitnesspal and a total of 35lbs over the last 5 months. I have been sitting at 233 on the scale for the last month and can't seem to get past it. I am 6'2", I workout every day for at least an hour and do two a days twice a week. My evening workout is typically a 3 or 4 mile run and my everyday workout is either running, elliptical, rowing or weight lifting. I adhere to the calorie guidelines this app tells me to consume but can't seem to drop any more weight. I have been trying HIT intervals for running to try and see if that will help but nothing seems to be allowing me to drop weight...I just am staying the same no matter what I do. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance.


  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    have you dropped your cals since losing all the weight???
    I'm in the same position...I workout 3-4 times a week/no cardio/besides weekly yard work and basketball. I have lost about 25 #, and have been stuck for 2 mths. I know I need to increase cardio or drop my cals....however I'm from NY and its summer time, too many bbq's and drinking but still getting stronger...
  • CoachDougW
    CoachDougW Posts: 12
    Have you adjusted your calories since you started? 35 lbs loss would create a potentially significant difference in the amount of calories you should eat.

    You mention the BBQ's, etc... are you tracking every bite, or are you winging it?
  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    Have you adjusted your calories since you started? 35 lbs loss would create a potentially significant difference in the amount of calories you should eat.

    You mention the BBQ's, etc... are you tracking every bite, or are you winging it?

    OP didnt say anything about BBq's...I did...I know why I'm not losing weight....and at this point i'm not even worried about it...I know what I have to do....however I have still lost inches...and OP I'm 6'2'' as well
  • run2bfree
    run2bfree Posts: 108 Member
    have you considered changing your routine? when i hit my plateau, I signed up for this -

    I had the workouts emailed to me every week, followed the meal plan about 70% true and tried a few new supplements (changed my CLA/Protein shake). The workout - although still lifting weights - incorporated a flux in weight/reps and cardio acceleration in between sets that I hadn't been doing. I also went from always running outside at lunch (second workout of the day every day) to doing sprints (tabatas - then the incline machine at 28% @ 3.7mph for 40mins).

    that helped me. I can't see what you are eating but you may consider switching up your diet. add more variety of protein if you don't already - more fish/tuna or even break it down to 6 meals a day...

    good luck!
  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member
    I really wish I could help you out but I am trying to break my own now. I was doing pretty well started off MFP at the loose 2 lbs per week then I had a medical condition which I could not eat pretty much anything for 2 to 3 weeks and dropped 15 lbs I decided to change my settings to 1.5 lbs per week and for the past 2 months the loss has slowed down to almost nothing, this week I have decided to redouble my efforts by adding a exercise regimen and changing my loss back to 2lbs per week. In my last weigh in I went back up 2lbs and just today I checked and I am up 4lbs. I am going to say that gain is water weight from starting the exercise routine but it is pissing me off.

    I have 3 weeks until my next Dr appointment and want just a little more weight loss to show even tho I should be pretty happy since I have not been at this weight since 11th grade which would be about 15 years ago. I know I have made a huge change for the better like eating "healthier" cutting out "fast food" and empty calories but more of a weight loss would be nice to see.
  • I have adjusted my calorie count as the weight has come has gone down by about 500 calories since I first started and has me at 2000 daily intake currently. I have tried adjusting what I eat but could probably pay more attention to it, though I feel like I have been doing a good job staying on top of it to this point. Thank you for the help and suggestions, I appreciate it.