kelseyann92 Member


  • 9/25 This was a very hectic day still getting used to the pups. We walked them several times and played with them outside a ton! I finally got some me time and made it to the gym at 11 PM for shoulder and legs followed by some running on the treadmill. I am super excited for this weekend because my boyfriend and I are…
  • It's okay Bill, I AM TOO!!! What kind of puppies are they? The one kinda looks like he has some rott. They are chihuahua/rat terrier mix! Where did you get them? A farmer in byhalia, MS How old are they? They are 9 weeks old! Are they from the same litter? yes! What are their names? Still in progress ( we are thinking of…
  • Here are my sweet girls :)
  • way to go!!!!!
  • Thank you!!! I really needed that!
  • Checking in from Tennesee! I am at work until 5 PM when I get off I plan to head to the gym for some much needed cardio!
  • Name : Kelsey State: Tennessee (USA) Goal: Lose 11 lbs to hit my goal weight, more defined abs How: mixing cardio and strength training SW: 186 GW: 130 CW: 141
  • I sent you a message with my info because I see you already organized the spreadsheet and I don't want to mess it up! Thanks for creating this group, I am really excited to see what we can all achieve.
  • I am definitely on board for having another group! I have really enjoyed checking in and this has really kept me on track!
  • 9/20 I stayed under my calorie goal and did my elliptical workout and abs! I also officially took progress pictures for the month. This was a fun day because I watched the Mr. Olympia competition and it was very inspiring. The muscles that the bodybuilders have are pretty insane. If I just had 1/10 of that I would be good…
  • Congrats on your loss! That is amazing!!! I am only down 3.4 lbs but it's a start! and I am glad you like that app! I have it as well and I love it!
  • Proud of you Emmie for still sticking to your diet! Enjoy your cheat day tomorrow and I'm sure you'll have a blast at the wedding!!
  • Karen you crack me up! I would buy TWO of your books! And I am so proud of you for losing 10lbs! I know that can be a really big milestone and you're only going to do better from here on out! Keep up the good work and watch out for any unattended boxes of tomatoes :wink:
  • Way to go Michelle!!
  • 9/18 it was a great day! I it was my sisters birthday and we actually didn't end up getting cupcakes :happy: then I went to a wrestling show with my boyfriend! I didn't end up getting to the gym until 11:30 PM but I still did my 50 minutes on the elliptical along with weighted sit-ups and bicycle crunches !
  • Thank you!!!
  • Okay so this picture (the one on the left) is actually embarrassing for me to post :embarassed: but I feel like posting it will help to push me to do better. The picture on the left is from the beginning of the month (09/02) and the picture on the right is after my workout last night (09/18). there's only about 2 lbs…
  • a human leg and guinea pig LOL
  • I have been there for sure! I just make sure to log on everyday and see what everyone else is doing. When I see how great everyone else is doing I am encouraged to do awesome too! I also stay motivated by remembering my goals. I really want to tone up my stomach so I think about that EVERYDAY!!! Another thing that helps me…
  • I did it :bigsmile:
  • Thanks for the support Michelle!! And I think you can edit your posts! I'm on my ipad and it gives me and edit option. Maybe I can edit it for you :wink:
  • 09/15 this was a really good day! I was under my calorie goal and went to the gym! I did shoulder with the weights and then I got on the elliptical. It did 40 minutes and it felt wonderful! I have really missed b ring in the elliptical. Whenever I first started losing weight over a year ago I would do the elliptical for an…
  • I LOVE this!!! I thought I was the only person who said tomato face!!! LOL but yes this is me after every run. I have embraced it, I even post my tomato face pics on instagram :drinker:
  • Michelle I hope the shot works for you as well! And thanks for always posting for me when I neglect the group:wink:
  • I don't know what an apple donut sundae is but I want it :love: :love: :love: It's okay Bill, I think you made up for it by mowing the lawn and hopefully today you can hit the gym again. Try not to die a slow painful death in the furniture store!
  • Michelle that is so wonderful to hear! I am so proud of you! :smile:
  • 9/12 I stayed under my calorie goal and trained legs this day. So I am super sore today haha. My boyfriend and I had 140 calorie mug cake for dessert last night after dinner and it was soooo yummy! we also watched the Biggest Loser on demand and that was pretty inspiring. Hopefully everyone is staying on track and working…
  • Still a work in progress! From 185 to 144
  • 9/10 I had a pretty good day! I ran at 7 am and stayed under my calorie goal! And I finished my gallon of water :drinker: when it came time for dinner I made chicken, black beans and pasta. I was very proud of myself because I measured/weighed all my food and it was only 310 calories!!! And deeeeelicious :happy: