Sweaty tomato face in the gym!



  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    I think it's just a natural thing that happens to some people. Even when I was super fit before university, I'd still get a bright red face about half way through my workout that took hours to fade. My friends took to calling me Strawberry Shortcake (I'm a fairly short girl as well). I've just learned to roll with it and worry more about getting in that great workout than if anyone is noticing my colour change.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    It literally does not matter.
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    Why do you even care? Literally no one else cares about how red you are.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Right, I know the point of going to the gym is to work out, get sweaty etc but I swear nobody in the whole gym looks as bad as me at the end of a session! I'm naturally fairly pale but I'll go deep red, my hair is literally soaked through, I can wring it out at the end like I've been in the shower. I know I shouldn't care, but I do.
    When I go with my friends they'll get a sweat on my absolutely NOTHING in comparison. Their hair won't even get wet!
    Is this just down to being unfit or being unlucky?!

    Some people have a great capacity for sweating. Also, pale people working out is always a tomato fest, it makes me lol. :)

    Just chalk it up to nothing important and go for it.

    My leg workout last thursday was medium instensity. I soaked through my shirt, shorts, chonies, and socks. My shorts were wet in such a way that it looked like I pissed myself. You know what? I earned those pee pants. Go earn yours.
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    My face always has and always will get tomato red when I work out. So many times I've had someone come up to me and tell me I should probably take a break and sit down before I pass out, when I've just been doing cardio for about 5 minutes lol. Eventually I just got use to it, and people go use to seeing me that way and it wasn't a big deal. I'm sorry I don't have a miracle cure for you, but it's just part of being very pale. (I've been called glow in the dark before lol.) If you go to the gym after work and wear makeup you might wash your blush off first since you obviously won't need it anymore lol.

    I did find that putting my hair in a bun kept it from getting so wet since it wasn't rubbing against my body sweat nearly as much.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    By the time I finish working out, I am completely drenched with sweat. My clothes look and feel like I just pulled them from the washer. My hair is pulled back in a rubber band, but half of it is sticking out the sides. It is soaked, as though I just washed it. My face is bright red, especially my cheeks. I have to keep wiping my face and neck with a towel. I have to keep putting.g my cold water bottle up to my forehead. All of this means one thing: I got a really good workout!
  • Katleskin
    Katleskin Posts: 111 Member
    I'm another beetroot/strawberry-faced sweaty woman. Also pale skinned and blonde. I used to let it bother me, to the point where it was one of the reasons I didn't like doing PE at school because I'd go red after very little work (even though I wasn't actually tired/out of breath) and I got paranoid that people thought I was unfit. Now I literally don't care. I go red in the pool too, it's just the way my body cools itself. My OH said to me the other day that once I got used to working out I'd stop sweating - ummm, nope, not gonna happen!
  • curvy_gamer_loses
    curvy_gamer_loses Posts: 126 Member
    Another pale girl here. If it's a little cold outside My nose and cheeks get really red too. I too used to never like PE in high school because if I put in any effort I would get red and sweaty, which for some reason other high school kids found funny. But now I don't even care. Y'all go out and rock your sweaty tomato faces!
  • CLM1227
    CLM1227 Posts: 61 Member
    I get beet red when working out... It doesn't bother me as much now, but 6 years ago, I went to the same gym as my now husband (before we started dating). I hated him seeing me workout because of that red face =p
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I, literally, am the sweatiest woman at the gym. This is not an exaggeration. There is 1 MAN who does sweat more than me; I call him "Sweaty Guy" (obviously not to his face...and don't get me wrong, I'm not judging. He is the sweatiest person I have ever seen in my life though; btw, he's in shape). I tell myself that my extra sweatiness means that I am working extra hard...that's what I tell myself at least.

    As I have gotten more fit, the sweatiness and redness have decreased.
  • EBRE44
    EBRE44 Posts: 18 Member
    I can totally relate! My whole life my purple shiny face seemed to beam through given any opportunity, when working out or embarrassed or just basically as soon as i moved or felt any emotion of any kind haha. It doesn't really go away but I've learned to accept it now I almost feel proud of it as it shows i put effort in. If you leave a workout with a dry peach face you need to go harder or offer your marvelous complexion to science to help our kind, Keep rocking your mauve cranium for the world it shows your changing your life for the better, regards, a scarlet cheeked, moon foreheaded being x hahaha
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    I LOVE this!!! I thought I was the only person who said tomato face!!! LOL but yes this is me after every run. I have embraced it, I even post my tomato face pics on instagram :drinker:
  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member
    Someone should start a thread for mid/post workout selfies. Bask in the glory of sweaty, bright red, crap hair, effort.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I have always turned red while working out, no matter what shape I'm in. My boyfriend used to ask me after runs if I put sunscreen on. Yes, just give it 10 minutes and my skin will go back to normal!
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    Love this thread! I, too, am a red faced messy pool of sweat after a workout. So jealous of my sister-in-laws who can just throw a little dry shampoo in their hair and be ready for the day. I'm sopping wet down to the tip of my ponytail some days. Especially after a spin class! My face will stay red for an hour or so after a hard work-out, but I've decided it's my badge of honor. It always feels good when I'm dropping my kids off at school to have someone comment on my red face - I love to reply "Yup. Really intense workout this morning!" (especially if the person commenting is still in their pajamas!) For me, it's a sign that I am well hydrated and I work hard. It is what it is, and I can't change it (I'm blaming it on genetics, as my sister and my mom have the same issue), so I might as well embrace it, right?