Sweaty tomato face in the gym!



  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I get sooooo red faced I scare people. Folks at the gym have asked me if I am ok. I even get red faced in the pool. Always have....probably always will. It has nothing to do with my fitness level either. It's been this way my whole life.
  • DannehBoyy
    DannehBoyy Posts: 546 Member
    I get this too. I only get it when i run though, not when doing weights. I like it though because when it happens i know i have had a good workout, and i imagine that's what other people are thinking to :P
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    I look like I've been for a swim by the time I'm done! Tomato face did ease up a bit - it was ridiculous for the first couple of weeks though.
  • Emiliebeauchamp
    Emiliebeauchamp Posts: 228 Member
    I get red too but it doesn't bother me one bit. It only proves that I had a great workout!
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Well, obviously i don't go Red :laugh: but i do sweat a hell of a lot after a Workout!
    Actually dripping from head to toe.
    But sweating is actually good for the body, so i wouldn't worry about it.
    I doubt anyone at your Gym notices your Redness anyway....you're at the Gym, so sweating isn't exactly out of the ordinary!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'm often pretty wrecked by the time I finish my workouts, particularly when I finish with cardio. I wouldn't worry about it.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Same here - and I feel it's a sign of a good workout. Look, here's the real deal, we're all different. I know some people who sweat buckets just standing in a warm room and some who barely sweat. I'm more of a scalp sweater too so it doesn't really "look" like I sweat much, while my gym buddy has a soaking wet shirt - it's something we joke about all the time. And I get that beet red look too, especially when I run or do any other intense workouts. And it's been mildly embarrassing a couple of times but only because people were worried for me (like they thought I'd stroke out or something).

    You really do just have to stop caring. No one should be ashamed of who you are and how your body reacts. It's just the way it is. Be you, and enjoy your time in the gym with your friends!
  • fitby44
    fitby44 Posts: 276 Member
    I also get tomatoey and sweaty and I cycle as my main mode of transportation. I have to give myself a good half hour to cool down and freshen up before my work day begins. I will be red for hours depending on how far I've cycled. One thing I've found that works really well is this pressed powder Clinique makes called Redness Solutions. It has a green tint to it which counteracts the red and it's amazing. They have a Redness Solutions face cream, but I wouldn't bother with that. I haven't found that it works very well at all. Definitely not worth it.

    Hope that doesn't come off as advertising, but I wanted to mention the powder because it works so well and might help someone out.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I'm a sweaty tomato face girl as well. I accept it and think of it as my badge of hard work.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    I get that when I run, especially when it's warm out. Stay red-faced for at least an hour after, too. I stick to lifting during the day so that I can go back to work without having to get ready from scratch.
  • Eiromynus
    Eiromynus Posts: 7 Member
    I have pale skin and I also get a sweaty tomatoe face when exercising. And also a sweaty scalp. The rest of my body also gets sweaty, but less.
  • mom2my4boys
    mom2my4boys Posts: 148 Member
    Yep, red faced sweaty mess here too. (also pale skinned and blond hair, not sure if that has something to do with it) I had hoped it would go away as i got fitter but it hasn't. I go to a co-ed gym and so far (14 months) it has prevented me from going in the big co-ed section on the gym. (I stay in the women's only section) I've been fluctuating up and down the same few lbs for awhile now. I think it's time to have a closer look at my nutrition ( or just stop waking up in the middle of the night hungry and eating a pb samich!) and show the big gym area my big sweaty tomato face. There's alot to overcome when it comes to taking the weight off for sure! Good luck!
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    I am exactly the same way. My face gets SO RED and my friends are like "Oh my god what happened to you!?" ( Also fairly fair-skinned and blonde.) Oh well! Putting a cold washcloth on it can help, but really, who cares. It just shows that we're busting *kitten* :)
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    My face is naturally a bit flush so any kind of exercise makes me automatically turn red. Has been that way since I was a kid so I'm just used to it now.
  • runforestrun35
    runforestrun35 Posts: 480 Member
    I am always a red, sweaty disaster when I work out... I figure it doesn't matter!! ????
  • Discoqueen77
    Discoqueen77 Posts: 61 Member
    I would suggest you don't compare yourself to anyone - also, it may be they are not working out as hard as you. I too, get red, beet faced, etc. after a work out or even a shower. People are just different. Don't compare. Focus on the work out. :smile:
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    My face gets soooo red when I workout! I also get super sweaty, to the point that it sometimes feels like rain drops on my shoulders. It used to bother me but not anymore. I figure it just means I'm working hard and kicking *kitten*!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Being unlucky. Even when I could run miles, I'd be bright red and soaking with sweat after a single mile. But don't worry, no one really cares how you look. Though I get concerned looks occasionally because they think I'm going to pass out.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My face doesn't get red but I am a bit of a sweaty beast when exercising. Like, back of the shirt soaked, hair sticking to face, back of the knees kind of sweaty. Plus my hair is curly and it seems to get bigger and bigger due to the humidity rolling off of me. It's a great look :p

    I try to wear tops that don't show the sweat as much but at a certain point I have to just ignore it. I workout at a university rec center and I have to believe that very few people are paying attention to what I do. They're either paying attention to themselves and their workouts or if they're people watching, they're looking at the people their age, not the almost 40 year old.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    I"m very fair (irish, freckles, blonde hair, blue eyes) and have been active for years minus a high risk pregnancy and I still get beet red, sweat very easily and a lot when working out. I just assure everyone around me I'm not going to collapse. I rarely see anyone else as red as I get.