nedbun Member


  • Congratulations on your success thus far! The progress is definitely visible and you look great. You have a beautiful body shape, too! You're going to be so happy when you reach your goal!
  • I've already lost almost all the weight I want to lose, but I'm happy to support friends on here. I would never have gotten where I did without the support of my friends on MFP! I'm pretty positive, but I will hold you accountable. :)
  • Bump! Great work everyone! I have photos in my profile as well, but I'm planning on posting new ones in the next few weeks. My biggest piece of advice is don't be afraid to lift weights!
  • Right?! LOVE the coat. You have done SO MUCH work and should be very proud of yourself. You were beautiful then and continue to be now!
  • Probably. Depends if he's actually a nice guy or not! :P
  • I started around 185 and am now 150. I'm not quite finished with my "work," but here are some photos! Unfortunately, I didn't take a true "start" photo, but you can see the progress on my blog; I'm happy to help support along the way! Sometimes we all need a little push. :)
  • I grew up just over the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee, but I live in Los Angeles now!
  • It really makes me happy to see people come to these realizations. Truly an amazing trajectory. Congratulations! I don't have very far to go myself, I have 65 days left before I have been on for 1 year of straight logging. Hopefully I will be far along enough to make a post like yours. :)
  • It's true. Starting is always the hardest part. :)
  • I know what you mean! It's easy to lose control... that's for sure! I would argue though that anything in excess is not good for you. I just don't believe in restricting certain types of food. It's kind of like "bad words;" they are only bad because you make them bad in context. If you balance your diet with healthy foods…
  • It's crazy because I find myself telling everyone on this site and in my personal life these exact things. It really is the only way to be successful. I've never been a fad dieter and I'm not going to start now. Really well said. Glad to know I'm not the only one who sees it that way! There's no such thing as bad food. :)
  • That shirt is definitely wearing you. :) Nice definition.
  • When I first started exercising and cutting down on intake in July, I had some issues with my menstruation as well. Mine comes on the same day every month like clockwork so when it skipped I knew something was wrong. I didn't freak out about it, but I toned it down with the intensity and number of workouts and it came…
  • You are absolutely 100% right. After 3 months of steady weight loss I got a little carried away and started barely eating the minim 1200 calories daily. I started to plateau and FAST. After a week and a half of eating the full 1400 calories allotted, I have gone back to consistently losing 1 pound per week and have almost…
  • So far I've lost 4 inches in the waist and hips. Typically there is about a 14" difference between my waist and hips. Right now I'm 34-26-41. My goal would be to be around 38 in the hips, which would make me about a size 6-8. My stomach is pretty flat as I never really gain weight in that area and same goes for my arms.…
  • You guys are right... I'm being impatient. I know that 9 pounds from now I will take a little break and let my body settle before I decide to lose more on top of that. I have a lot of muscle mass already, which has always been part of the reason I weigh more than I look. Thanks for that great website! It really helps to…
  • I've always had a big butt! Even before I had curves as a baby. It's crazy! I started at 180 (which everyone finds hard to believe) and now I'm 164. I'm shooting for 155, but we will see where I end up. Thanks for the compliment. :)
  • Name: Naomi Gender: Female Age: 23 years, 6 months, 25 days to the tee! Lives in: Las Vegas, Nevada Want to lose: My original goal was 25 pounds; From 180 to 155, but now that I'm 9 pounds away I think I may lose more. Fave movies: Ocean's 11, Howl's Moving Castle, Girl with Pearl Earring, Best in Show, Snatch, Seven,…
  • I like it when the red water comes out... haha!
  • This is really a great solution to this if you want to try it out before you buy anything. Also, I use the Zumba Wii game religiously! It's only $40 so it's not that big of a cost investment if you already own a Wii. If you like dancing, you will love it! If you're still not sure, try buying a used beginner's copy on…
  • I work at the Speedway and live about 15 minutes away! I can let you know places I tend to eat at that are great choices.
  • Awesome job! You look amazing!
  • Don't sweat it! Do it little by little and eventually you'll stay under! It took me a while to get there as well. Friend me if you'd like. We can do it!
  • Pasta salad is a great thing to throw in the mix. You can change the ingredients and get something tasty. Tuna is also one of my favorites; it can go into a sandwich or a salad, or with pasta! Lettuce wraps are great, too if you like to get something with a crunch. It's difficult not having a way to heat up the food, but…
  • Let's do ittttt!!!!!!!! Friend me if you want. :)
  • Great job! As soon as you start to see that the small changes you make have a huge impact in the long run, that's when you really start to stick to your plan! I'm happy to hear that you're satisfied and working on it step by step. I know you'll keep going and reach your goal with time and dedication. :)
  • I completely agree. For me this was an exercise in cutting out bad habits like excessively large portions and way too much sugar. I ended up losing weight along with that and now I'm determined to keep going. I don't believe in "bad foods" either. I try to stick to the goals that this site has made for me and exercise as…
  • The best advice I can give you is this; don't push yourself so hard that your motivation plummets. Small changes over time tend to stick more than large sudden changes. Try to tackle one thing at a time and be patient with your mind and body as it's not easy to suddenly develop good exercise and eating habits. Remind…
  • If you like dancing, you will love it! It's not the most accurate in terms of making sure you're doing it right, but if you try to do it right you will get an amazing workout. I tend to get really bored with conventional workouts and this is something I've really been able to stick with. There are a lot of routines and…
  • Welcome! MyFitnessPal is a great place for support and motivation. I'm 9 pounds away from my goal. Let's get it done!