A Great Common Sense Blog!

I just read a great Blog entry from iddreams. It is the best, most common sense post I have read on the website so far AND BY A PERSON WHO HAS EXPERIENCE AND IS SUCCESSFUL in her weight loss! It helped me and I am sure I will refer to it again. Thought I would share it with those that may not have seen it.

Here it is: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/iddreams


  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Thank you! It's been a journey for sure.
  • nedbun
    nedbun Posts: 36 Member
    It's crazy because I find myself telling everyone on this site and in my personal life these exact things. It really is the only way to be successful. I've never been a fad dieter and I'm not going to start now.

    Really well said. Glad to know I'm not the only one who sees it that way!

    There's no such thing as bad food. :)
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member

    There's no such thing as bad food. :)

    I agree because it tastes soooooo good! That is what makes it a little bad...when I refer to "bad food" its the "bad-for-you-to-eat-in-excess food" :)
  • nedbun
    nedbun Posts: 36 Member
    I know what you mean! It's easy to lose control... that's for sure!

    I would argue though that anything in excess is not good for you. I just don't believe in restricting certain types of food. It's kind of like "bad words;" they are only bad because you make them bad in context.

    If you balance your diet with healthy foods that contain everything your body needs and then add a little bit of those "bad foods" that you really long for, you will stay motivated to make good choices on a regular basis. The reason being because you're not punishing yourself for eating "bad foods" in small quantities. This is why I don't really like "cheat days." I feel that it is such a shock to your system to binge on all the foods you've been craving. If you really want to eat a cheeseburger, go get one every once in a while and then maybe only eat half. Enjoying those moments and maintaining control helps to develop the confidence you need to take the weight off and keep it off long after you've reached your goal.

    It's like you said, it's not a diet; it's a lifestyle change. To me a healthy lifestyle is being knowledgeable enough to listen to your body while making informed decisions about what you eat on a regular basis. I'm not saying that soda is good for you, but if you're dying for a can of coke, have one every once in a while or find a good in-between alternative!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I know what you mean! It's easy to lose control... that's for sure!

    I would argue though that anything in excess is not good for you. I just don't believe in restricting certain types of food. It's kind of like "bad words;" they are only bad because you make them bad in context.

    If you balance your diet with healthy foods that contain everything your body needs and then add a little bit of those "bad foods" that you really long for, you will stay motivated to make good choices on a regular basis. The reason being because you're not punishing yourself for eating "bad foods" in small quantities. This is why I don't really like "cheat days." I feel that it is such a shock to your system to binge on all the foods you've been craving. If you really want to eat a cheeseburger, go get one every once in a while and then maybe only eat half. Enjoying those moments and maintaining control helps to develop the confidence you need to take the weight off and keep it off long after you've reached your goal.

    It's like you said, it's not a diet; it's a lifestyle change. To me a healthy lifestyle is being knowledgeable enough to listen to your body while making informed decisions about what you eat on a regular basis. I'm not saying that soda is good for you, but if you're dying for a can of coke, have one every once in a while or find a good in-between alternative!

    Like it says in the blog, the guidelines are not a catch-all for everyone, but it is a good starting place that people can pick out the most important topics from. For some people, the willpower is strong enough to get a burger and only eat half, for others one leads to another and then another. Also, like I said earlier, "bad foods' are actually "bad-for-you-in-excess" foods, so creating a mindset that limited quantities is best is key. Some of us can't do these in limited quantities, so use it as a rare treat.

    When I have a "cheat" day, I don't blow it out of proportion. I have maybe one meal that is indulgent but I still don't go over my calorie goal to excess. Yesterday was my lazy day, and I only went over 1 calorie and didn't really eat anything super fattening.

    Everyone finds their balance eventually, it is getting started that is the hard part!
  • nedbun
    nedbun Posts: 36 Member
    It's true. Starting is always the hardest part. :)