Ladies could you help?



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It depends on your body. A diet and exercise routine can affect your hormone levels, which would obviously affect your menstrual cycle. But, since every woman is different there is no way to tell how your body will be affected. There is no average. Your best bet would be to see your doctor to figure out if there is something abnormal going on.
  • nedbun
    nedbun Posts: 36 Member
    When I first started exercising and cutting down on intake in July, I had some issues with my menstruation as well. Mine comes on the same day every month like clockwork so when it skipped I knew something was wrong. I didn't freak out about it, but I toned it down with the intensity and number of workouts and it came back. It was a lighter cycle than usual when it came back, but after that it was all back to normal.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I lost 5 kg rapidly and it stopped for 5 months. It came back though.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Mine are suddenly much lighter and shorter and no where near same amount of water going on each month as I used to get, they also sometimes come a bit early but still having them.

    I've read they can stop if you've been exercising very vigorously.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Are you on birth control? Over time, birth control can make periods decrease or stop all together.

    I have started a new pill and my periods have stopped altogether......never had issues with exercise and having late TOm's before though
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    hrmmm since we are talking about periods I have a question...

    Ladies, do you not lose on your period? I hanvt lost anything this week, do you up your calories? I have been much more hungry too.. which obviously could explain lack of weight lose even though Im eating close to the guidline.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Hey ladies TMI I know but I need some help with something
    My TOM is 8 days late and I need to sort of know how much excercise would put off a period?
    I've tried researching but it doesn't really give me much of an answer besides that I'm more active,
    So my question is does it happen to you? And if it has how long does it get put off by?

    My period has gotten irregular ever since I stepped up my exercise routine (3x per week to 6x per week and 2 a day once a week). Its back on schedule but it's ultra light now. My mom (BSN, RN) said it was my working out. I"m gonna check with my obgyn. And no I'm not preggers either (god I hope not :indifferent: )
  • You are completely normal... Wen u exercise alot it can cause u 2 stop for a short time. It could mean u need to back of some. If you worry enough u can ask a dr. It might be that u need to c a dr just to b on the safe side, however it can b very common.....
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    hrmmm since we are talking about periods I have a question...

    Ladies, do you not lose on your period? I hanvt lost anything this week, do you up your calories? I have been much more hungry too.. which obviously could explain lack of weight lose even though Im eating close to the guidline.

    I gain during my period and then the next week I'm back to normal. It's from the bloat and extra eating to keep my stomach at bay. I don't up my cals but if I go over I don't worry about it because I know I'll go back to normal after the first 3 days or so.
  • i havent had my period in about 6 months and im perfectly healthy, it happens! be thankful! haha
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Hey I haven't had my period in about 4 months either. Go to the dr. get them to run a full set of checks just to make sure it is nothing wrong with your hormone levels etc. I did that, everything checked out 100% healthy as can be so they just said either it's stress related, or just because I exercise a lot. As long as everything else is in order I'm not that worried about it - kind of a relief really!