

  • You look great and, I agree, so much younger! Great work.
  • I have found the same thing -- i'm always over, even just from having greek yogurt for breakfast. How much are you usually over by? What do most think is "ok" to be over?
  • I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety disorder about 8 years ago. Recently, since being pretty stable, I'm trying to go off my meds. Like others, I gained a lot of weight on meds. (Lexapro and generic prozac...of course my psych always said, "There's no proof that meds cause weight gain!" I also found it very difficult…
  • I'm sorry...I didn't see the search button. Please forgive me, God bless and have a nice day. I seriously thought this was a helpful place.
  • Amen, a great post! I had a strikingly similar experience =)
  • Oh, I hate that one's so funny to read all your responses.
  • healthometer scales are TERRIBLE! Throw it away now and save yourself the drama that brand of scale can bring =)
  • Completely agree! Great points.
  • Completely agree! I work in an urban high school. Kids who are lower income levels (and their families) have more to think about/more stress in their lives. Life isn't about making good food choices; it's about survival. When you have to focus on survival and where your next meal comes from, you don't always care what it…
  • Great work! My hubby and I are on day 62 of P90X. It's hard, but so worth it! Keep it up.
  • I am also nursing my 6 month old and have had no problems - and I'm dieting and doing intense workouts. My doctor said to simply drink A LOT of water. Good luck to you with your little monster =) My first one was my monster - now, god blessed me with an easy one.
  • I would agree with what's been said here. My hubby and I are both in week 9 of P90X. It has not been an easy program, but you CAN do it. There are many ways to modify the exercises that they give you...and as Tony says far too frequently, "just do your best and forget the rest!" You should definitely give it a try - if…
    in P90X Comment by craftzilla August 2011
  • I'm a b-feeding mum to a lovely 6 month old little boy. I have struggled a lot to lose weight, even though I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I've been exercising one or two times a day, cardio plus weights, and have still only lost about 2 pounds. I've cut out all sweets/unhealthy things. From some other moms, I've…
  • Precious hope, I'm so sorry you can only exercise about 3 minutes at a time; i'm glad, though, that you can celebrate those minutes. As I got ready for my workout today, I said a prayer for you...sorry if that sounds cheesy. I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer. Good luck to you as well in your weight loss.
  • I would agree about talking to a doctor about meds. I have been on them for around 7 years now. The tough thing is that taking anti-depressants can also cause your weight to fluctuate a lot - which is what I struggle with. All my doctors have said that there is no correlation between antidepressants and weight gain, but…
  • My hubby and I are doing p90x together - in week 8 - and have both gained weight. He actually has gained about 8 pounds. He feels bummed by that, of course, but he looks great! Stick with it. And, as others have said, remember that the scale doesn't give you all the info you need.
  • Four year olds will say anything! Hopefully, your friend can remember that. Here are two quotes from my talkative little four year old which have spurred the hubby and I on to lose weight. Said when I was 7 months pregnant with my 2nd: "Mommy, you look like uh, like uh..." long dramatic pause, "like uh elephant." (Just…
  • My husband and I bought the p90x dvd series to walk us through this. Though it's a challenging program, we've learned so much and really grown strong. Even if you're heavier than you'd like to be, p90x is still an option. Just take it slow and "listen" to your body. I would also recommend stretching and/or yoga; these are…
  • Thanks for all the info and support here. I too had a c-section when delivering my second son, about 6 months ago. I still have some numbness and pain....and it's been really hard to lose the, it's nice to hear that's somewhat normal. Weird question, unrelated to weight loss - did any of you feel "pain" in your…
  • Thank you all for your responses. I am going to keep trying different things and see what works.