just started the hcg diet, any advice?



  • craftzilla
    Don't do it. The last time they found HGC in my body a tiny person forced his way out of my vagina...It hurt really bad and now he won't leave me alone and keeps calling me mommy all the time.

    This is a great post! LOL!

    Amen, a great post! I had a strikingly similar experience =)
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Whatever you do, just try to remain healthy. An important thing to remember with any low calorie/low carb for that matter diet, is with the upcoming months, your immune system is weakened, and you are more proned to disease and infection. I suggest if you do plan on continuing, make sure to wash and sterilize your hands, and possibly look into getting some immunizations done
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I'm on my 4th round of the hcg drops now. I'm down 68 lbs since January 10. Even if the drops don't do anything and I'm experiencing a placebo affect, I do not care - it's working for me.

    In between rounds of the drops I use MFP to count calories - I do the maintenance calories and then switch over to 1200 calories a day.

    Seriously, 'working' to do what?

    Make you stronger? No.
    Make you healthier? No.
    Make you happier? Maybe, but a lot of drugs make people happy..
    Make you thinner? Sure, parasites and chainsaw wounds will do that too.

    Don't say "Works for me." when you don't can't even acknowledge what is happening.
  • amsky
    amsky Posts: 916 Member
    I love it. Lost 18 pounds in 21 days. I transition off of it this weekend and begin a low carb Adkins diet for three weeks according to plan. Then, I reintroduce foods slowly and monitor my weight to see what affects it in a positive and negative way. The diet is only 21 to 45 days long. Here is some advice:

    Don't get flustered with people who say it doesn't work and you don't need the drops. Even if the drops DON'T work, and it is all in your head (totally psychosomatic in nature), you are losing weight on a short term diet so keep it up. Don't worry about the pregnant lady pee comments - Homeopathic versions don't have that, but will still turn the pregnancy stick positive. Don't listen to the people who say it is only water weight. If you are following the plan and drinking more than a gallon of water a day, I don't see how it can be water weight. Don't worry about the people who say you are starving yourself, if you are obese (and not just a tad overweight) you have plenty of stored energy in your body. People fast all of the time with absolutely no caloric intake for a week or more and have no ill effects. However, people are different, so if you feel "bad" on the plan then stop. Of the five people I know who did HCG, none of them had any problems - and they have not regained the weight. Don't get upset about the people who say you should just reduce calories. If this is the starting point of your weight loss journey - then start. Some people need to see those immediate positive results first before they can commit to changing their eating style for life. Don't feel bad about those people who say you are losing muscle. Even if you lose 20 pounds and 10% of that is muscle - you still lost 18 pounds of FAT! That is awesome. You can regain that muscle once you start exercising.

    Remember this: follow ALL of the diet - you have to eat all of your meals. A different lean meat for each meal, a different green veggie for each meal, a different low cal/carb fruit for each meal, and only one low carb bread a day. NO EXERCISE AT ALL on this diet.

    Here are some positives: when you finish your 21 days (or whatever), your stomach will not need as much food to be full. I am shocked at feeling full so easily now. If you have high blood pressure and are on meds, like me, it may have decreased - so get it checked. You will understand portion control - I have never measured so much food in my life. You will understand how some foods affect you (I now know that red meat slows down my weight loss considerably and I will not consume as much anymore). And you will get used to drinking water - all the time. It has now become a habit, and it was always something that I never really did enough of before. Use those tools as you migrate out of this radical-short term diet plan and into a more healthy lifestyle of eating and exercise.

    Good luck!

    Well said!!!

    This diet gave me back MY life!!!!

    I have lost over 70 lbs using the HCG diet and have maintained that loss!!!

    As with ANY plan IF you revert to your previous unhealthy eating you WILL GAIN WEIGHT!!

    I went from 211 lbs to 140 lbs in 10 months ...From a sixe 20 to a size 6 ...From OBESE BMI to a HEALTHY BMI.

    There is NO need to bash fellow MFP members for THEIR choices and if you disagree there is a NICE human and decent way to voice a discenting opinion.

    That's my 2 cents.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I love it. Lost 18 pounds in 21 days. I transition off of it this weekend and begin a low carb Adkins diet for three weeks according to plan. Then, I reintroduce foods slowly and monitor my weight to see what affects it in a positive and negative way. The diet is only 21 to 45 days long. Here is some advice:

    Don't get flustered with people who say it doesn't work and you don't need the drops. Even if the drops DON'T work, and it is all in your head (totally psychosomatic in nature), you are losing weight on a short term diet so keep it up. Don't worry about the pregnant lady pee comments - Homeopathic versions don't have that, but will still turn the pregnancy stick positive. Don't listen to the people who say it is only water weight. If you are following the plan and drinking more than a gallon of water a day, I don't see how it can be water weight. Don't worry about the people who say you are starving yourself, if you are obese (and not just a tad overweight) you have plenty of stored energy in your body. People fast all of the time with absolutely no caloric intake for a week or more and have no ill effects. However, people are different, so if you feel "bad" on the plan then stop. Of the five people I know who did HCG, none of them had any problems - and they have not regained the weight. Don't get upset about the people who say you should just reduce calories. If this is the starting point of your weight loss journey - then start. Some people need to see those immediate positive results first before they can commit to changing their eating style for life. Don't feel bad about those people who say you are losing muscle. Even if you lose 20 pounds and 10% of that is muscle - you still lost 18 pounds of FAT! That is awesome. You can regain that muscle once you start exercising.

    Remember this: follow ALL of the diet - you have to eat all of your meals. A different lean meat for each meal, a different green veggie for each meal, a different low cal/carb fruit for each meal, and only one low carb bread a day. NO EXERCISE AT ALL on this diet.

    Here are some positives: when you finish your 21 days (or whatever), your stomach will not need as much food to be full. I am shocked at feeling full so easily now. If you have high blood pressure and are on meds, like me, it may have decreased - so get it checked. You will understand portion control - I have never measured so much food in my life. You will understand how some foods affect you (I now know that red meat slows down my weight loss considerably and I will not consume as much anymore). And you will get used to drinking water - all the time. It has now become a habit, and it was always something that I never really did enough of before. Use those tools as you migrate out of this radical-short term diet plan and into a more healthy lifestyle of eating and exercise.

    Good luck!

    Well said!!!

    This diet gave me back MY life!!!!

    I have lost over 70 lbs using the HCG diet and have maintained that loss!!!

    As with ANY plan IF you revert to your previous unhealthy eating you WILL GAIN WEIGHT!!

    I went from 211 lbs to 140 lbs in 10 months ...From a sixe 20 to a size 6 ...From OBESE BMI to a HEALTHY BMI.

    There is NO need to bash fellow MFP members for THEIR choices and if you disagree there is a NICE human and decent way to voice a discenting opinion.

    That's my 2 cents.

    I don't have a problem with someone shooting up HCG, if they have researched extreme diets and has decided its worth the sacrifice. I do have a problem with users pushing it . The kid above is the perfect example of why you should keep your drug use off the boards.
  • amsky
    amsky Posts: 916 Member
    I love it. Lost 18 pounds in 21 days. I transition off of it this weekend and begin a low carb Adkins diet for three weeks according to plan. Then, I reintroduce foods slowly and monitor my weight to see what affects it in a positive and negative way. The diet is only 21 to 45 days long. Here is some advice:

    Don't get flustered with people who say it doesn't work and you don't need the drops. Even if the drops DON'T work, and it is all in your head (totally psychosomatic in nature), you are losing weight on a short term diet so keep it up. Don't worry about the pregnant lady pee comments - Homeopathic versions don't have that, but will still turn the pregnancy stick positive. Don't listen to the people who say it is only water weight. If you are following the plan and drinking more than a gallon of water a day, I don't see how it can be water weight. Don't worry about the people who say you are starving yourself, if you are obese (and not just a tad overweight) you have plenty of stored energy in your body. People fast all of the time with absolutely no caloric intake for a week or more and have no ill effects. However, people are different, so if you feel "bad" on the plan then stop. Of the five people I know who did HCG, none of them had any problems - and they have not regained the weight. Don't get upset about the people who say you should just reduce calories. If this is the starting point of your weight loss journey - then start. Some people need to see those immediate positive results first before they can commit to changing their eating style for life. Don't feel bad about those people who say you are losing muscle. Even if you lose 20 pounds and 10% of that is muscle - you still lost 18 pounds of FAT! That is awesome. You can regain that muscle once you start exercising.

    Remember this: follow ALL of the diet - you have to eat all of your meals. A different lean meat for each meal, a different green veggie for each meal, a different low cal/carb fruit for each meal, and only one low carb bread a day. NO EXERCISE AT ALL on this diet.

    Here are some positives: when you finish your 21 days (or whatever), your stomach will not need as much food to be full. I am shocked at feeling full so easily now. If you have high blood pressure and are on meds, like me, it may have decreased - so get it checked. You will understand portion control - I have never measured so much food in my life. You will understand how some foods affect you (I now know that red meat slows down my weight loss considerably and I will not consume as much anymore). And you will get used to drinking water - all the time. It has now become a habit, and it was always something that I never really did enough of before. Use those tools as you migrate out of this radical-short term diet plan and into a more healthy lifestyle of eating and exercise.

    Good luck!

    Well said!!!

    This diet gave me back MY life!!!!

    I have lost over 70 lbs using the HCG diet and have maintained that loss!!!

    As with ANY plan IF you revert to your previous unhealthy eating you WILL GAIN WEIGHT!!

    I went from 211 lbs to 140 lbs in 10 months ...From a sixe 20 to a size 6 ...From OBESE BMI to a HEALTHY BMI.

    There is NO need to bash fellow MFP members for THEIR choices and if you disagree there is a NICE human and decent way to voice a discenting opinion.

    That's my 2 cents.

    I don't have a problem with someone shooting up HCG, if they have researched extreme diets and has decided its worth the sacrifice. I do have a problem with users pushing it . The kid above is the perfect example of why you should keep your drug use off the boards.

    I don't use drugs ...Nice assumption to draw.

    I *used* homeopathic HCG WITH GREAT LONG TERM SUCCESS. Thank you very much :-)
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Ingested HCG has no effect. Stomach acid changes HCG to components that are excreted by the kidneys. The low calorie diet is the cause of the weight loss, and is difficult to sustain long term but not impossible. Water, lean protein, measured carbs, good fats, and green vegies are my diet choices.
    How ever, I am a firm believer in doing what ever it takes to get you motivated..... and sometimes it take a drastic step and postive results to keep the motivation.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    "I went from 211 lbs to 140 lbs in 10 months ...From a sixe 20 to a size 6 ...From OBESE BMI to a HEALTHY BMI. "

    But you could have achieved that kind of loss on a normal diet that didn't place your health at serious risk.... ? Why would you want to do it by essentially starving yourself?
  • Greenwellj
    I have found that it is all in the proper nutrition but also cleansing. You must cleanse the toxins out of your body so it will release the fat. It is the missing link. It has helped me get half way to my goal!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I *used* homeopathic HCG WITH GREAT LONG TERM SUCCESS. Thank you very much :-)
    What is 'homeopathic' HCG? Water that remembers when a pregnant woman peed in it?
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I have found that it is all in the proper nutrition but also cleansing. You must cleanse the toxins out of your body so it will release the fat. It is the missing link. It has helped me get half way to my goal!

    Surely you jest....
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member

    Well said!!!

    This diet gave me back MY life!!!!

    I have lost over 70 lbs using the HCG diet and have maintained that loss!!!

    As with ANY plan IF you revert to your previous unhealthy eating you WILL GAIN WEIGHT!!

    I went from 211 lbs to 140 lbs in 10 months ...From a sixe 20 to a size 6 ...From OBESE BMI to a HEALTHY BMI.

    There is NO need to bash fellow MFP members for THEIR choices and if you disagree there is a NICE human and decent way to voice a discenting opinion.

    That's my 2 cents.
    Done the same with clients in the same amount of time, but now they have more strength, stamina, and muscle tone. Does HCG do the same? Doubt it.
    People keep saying we're bashing MFPers. We're bashing the diet and any "proof" that supposedly exists that it's a safe way to lose weight. Again it's irresponsible to tout a drug that really has no merits in weight loss where people who are desperate to lose may take this up without knowing the full impact.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member

    I don't use drugs ...Nice assumption to draw.

    I *used* homeopathic HCG WITH GREAT LONG TERM SUCCESS. Thank you very much :-)
    Then if you know anything about chemistry, you should know that homeopathic HCG is a farce since it can't be sold over the counter unless it's been diluted to a very low strength by alcohol and water. But wait it gets better..................................alcohol makes hormones inert. So in reality you were ingesting basically a placebo.
    If you see a teenager who was pretty overweight, would you recommend this diet to them? If not why?
  • juaanvarona
    You dont starve at all well just a few days of the first week if u didnt load well but if u did no problems with that
    i would recogmend it to anyone that is overweight and wants to change their eating habits and life if not i wouldnt even say anything
  • juaanvarona
    No the low calories in the diet isnt the thing that should take the credit since thats just part of it
    and yea same here no drugs used
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    step away from the magic pregnant lady pee

    But it tastes good when you sweeten it with Stevia!

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    No the low calories in the diet isnt the thing that should take the credit since thats just part of it
    and yea same here no drugs used
    What is your background in metabolism? You do understand that the ONLY none surgical way to lose body mass is through calorie deficit?
    Please quit relaying incorrect information. Especially when it comes to subjects that you don't understand.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    You dont starve at all well just a few days of the first week if u didnt load well but if u did no problems with that
    i would recogmend it to anyone that is overweight and wants to change their eating habits and life if not i wouldnt even say anything

    Why? The HCG simply cannot work, for reasons already outlined. The very low calorie diet has been demonstrated empirically to be both health-threatening, and ultimately ineffective.

    What would you recommend it *for*?

    The 'successes' cited here could all have been achieved with an ordinary healthy lifestyle, calorie control and exercise. Why would anyone want to do it with snake oil and an unhealthily restrictive diet?
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    "I went from 211 lbs to 140 lbs in 10 months ...From a sixe 20 to a size 6 ...From OBESE BMI to a HEALTHY BMI. "

    But you could have achieved that kind of loss on a normal diet that didn't place your health at serious risk.... ? Why would you want to do it by essentially starving yourself?

    Agree with this. I would prefer to take 10 months, lose a bit less and do it without starving myself. And, no, I don't mean *feel* like I am starving I mean, not nourishing my body.

    In 8 months, I have lost 58 pounds....I eat 1800 cals a day + Exercise calories.

    Anyone on the HCG diet heard of BMR? I mean, come on...500 calorie diets are not healthy in any way, shape, or form.

    I realize that no one does the HCG diet forever, but why even risk your health in the short term just because you are impatient?

    No one gained all this weight overnight.

    Edited to add: Also, who the heck wants to be on a "diet" that does not allow you to exercise? Exercise is SO important for cardiovascular health.
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member