

  • I am in TX but can help. See my profile and let me know. I want to lose 80lbs May 1st...10lbs a month. let's get it!
  • Your body needs a balance of calories, carbs, protein (nutrients) and water to survive, along with exercise. You body is like a car...it needs fuel to function! Based on your body weight, you can make yourself have an "unhealthy" weight loss. It doesn't say you will not lose weight, it say "Starvation Mode"... you are…
  • yummy.. I printed it :)
  • u have to be creative... I am not a veggie person either, especially raw. I like to throw a few diced green peppers and mushrooms in some egg whites/cheese and make a healthy omlet. Or add lettuce/tomato/onions,etc to every sandwich/wrap you eat. make a side salad with your dinner to replace sum carbs or make your whole…
  • I have 4 kids...one a 4mth old...THANK GOD she sleeps through the nite. When I lost weight before, I found my ONLY real time to have "me" time was when the kids went to bed. This would result in workouts from 9-10p or 10-11p. or all of that time. I would only allow myself to watch TV at night while on my gazelle...walking…
  • Next time try the sandwish flats..but just one half with 1/2 TBSP of PB and a squirt of honey.... sweet & salt and balance goodness! You have to work yummy stuff into your daily calories and eat OFTEN (small snakcs/meals) to surpass the hungry issue. Sometimes your stomach will growl because you are thristy but if you…
  • well what are you eating that you are getting tired of?
  • that is actually not true for most people skinnylove... drinking liquids before/after your meals makes the food soggy and easier to digest which makes feel full sooner but hungrier quicker.
  • U may have your weekly lbs to lose set too low... if u are losing weight for the first time or more than 200lbs, you should not eat less that 1600 cals a day and maintain a 1lb weight loss per week until you lose 15-20 lbs. your body and mind have to adjust
  • any egg white omlete u can come up with....green peppers, mushroom and fat free cheese come to mind :)
  • I am with you... join me!
  • lol... I just noticed MFP adds the exercise calories back to your daily intake. That is really not correct. I mean if you had a hard workout, 1000 calories burned, etc. ...if you ate it back, you wasted your time. The point of losing weight is to burn more than you take in...I don't like that feature. You should maintain…
  • not that serious... do like I do and buy the Kashi cookies. and treat yourself to one a day.... counting the intake of course but they are soooo good and a nice treat to look forward to :happy:
  • I lost 90lbs in 8 months using BLC online...Biggest Loser Club. This program is EXACTLY the same but FREE. If you stick to it, it a "T", the weight will MELT away!
  • If planning to workout and be organized for your lifestyle change "ticks you off", you are only enduring more stress which can stop weight loss. If you are NOT serious about being healthy and working it into your lifestyle, you are wasting your time... just to be frank because I know what it takes to drop the…
  • MFB..should be MFP... sorry. My Fitness Pal
  • just had a baby in April... gained 70lbs from the pregnancy after losing 90lbs in 8months in 2009 :( I have a bit more weight to lose than you guys, but I need motivation and support, and I have experienced consistant weight loss so I know how it needs to get done. Not only that, being able to post information keeps my…
  • Thank you ladies!! I know I can do this...with support from people like you :). I just needed to find the tool I used before, or at least something similiar, and MFP is it. I may have to lose at a slower pace because of my ankle but I am losing it...so missing what I worked so hard to get...size 14 :)