I had a cookie...

I am down on myself today!

At my office we put out cookies
for potential residents (I work at a leasing office where apparently the motto is, a fat resident is a happy resident?! haha)
and every gosh darn day, those cookies taunt me.
And today I caved
...and I had a cookie.

And ya know what? For those 160 calories, there's so many more satisfying things I could have had!

Ugh! I am so angry at myself.
Like, I am seriously, seriously down right now.

So, I basically am looking for support (guess I should have requested support pre-cookie!)
I think I would feel so much better just to hear other people tell me
that they aren't perfect either.

Maybe about how you've faltered before & then did better next time?
Or maybe how you fight temptations?
Or about how calories from aggressively taunting cookies don't count on Monday?

It would be greatly appreciated.


  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I woke up in the middle of the night last night and ate 2 mini doughnuts. The world didn't come to an end. I got up at my regular time and wieghed the same as I did yesterday and I actually wasn't hungry this am and didnt eat until 2. One cookie is not the end of the world, 10 cookies isn't either as long as you get right back on plan and work hard and remember your goals.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Not a big deal at all.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Not a big deal at all.

    I agree. That is way too much guilt over one cookie! Now you know it isn't worth the calories, you'll stay away from them!
  • wan2b_fatfree
    not that serious... do like I do and buy the Kashi cookies. and treat yourself to one a day.... counting the intake of course but they are soooo good and a nice treat to look forward to :happy:
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    Yep- the best advice I can give is to not stress about it. Life is going to happen and the more you beat yourself up over it, the more stress you'll add into all of your food choices. Just accept that you needed a cookie today and move on and do better tomorrow. You still have to live your life and be a happy, stress-free person to have any kind of lasting health :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Ha! I'm not anywhere near perfect! I ate 4 mini dark chocolate bars today...just because I had room in my calories and I was hungry. Even my fitness/health guru friend caves and has some cookies or peanut butter cups on her way to the gym now and then...

    Not a huge deal at all. We all need treats now and then and depriving yourself of them is just going to make you want them more. So either make room in your daily calories for a yummy treat or go for a walk and burn off those calories. Either way, it'll work out just fine.
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    could be worse.. you could have eaten an entire box of cookies!!
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    So you had a cookie......You're supposed to eat a cookie once in a while. This life style is not a punishment!!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I was captured by a piece of pecan pie a la mode the other night. We all have these slip ups. But, you can use this experience the next time those cookies call. Just remind yourself that it wasn't worth the calories the last time. Then, make yourself eat a really strong mint that's low in calories. Cookie after mint = yuck.
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    I Had two cookies today! It's OK. Just make up for it with exercise. If everytime you slip up you just tell yourself well now I gotta work out for x amount of minutes to stay within my goal. I dunno it works for me :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I hate when food is left out at work. I can only pass it by so many times without caving. Just think, the first time, you didn't. The second time, you didn't. But eventually, you will wear down. How many times can you keep your will power up?

    I'm not sure how to avoid that where you work. Just try not to beat yourself up. That will only make it harder next time.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I have a LARGE cookie every Wednesday, why ? Coz I want too , and I dont care

  • arsonsmom
    arsonsmom Posts: 234 Member
    Lol you should have a cookie everyonce in a while...I try to eat icecream every day I love it and I try to fit it in my calories...This is a lifestyle it could be worse you could have had a CupCake or Muffin!!! Yeah you! You just had a cookie!!
  • violon
    violon Posts: 74 Member
    And ya know what? For those 160 calories, there's so many more satisfying things I could have had!

    Now you know! This knowledge will be a powerful tool to help you turn down cookies in the future.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    You stopped at one cookie? Good for you! Last week I ate 4 chocolate chip cookies. 2 before my workout and 2 after.... No biggie! Don't stress yourself out over it. Just keeping moving forward.
  • shootoutx3
    shootoutx3 Posts: 24
    This is just a repeat if what everyone else said...but:

    Don't stress it! If you punish yourself over every little slip..this lifestyle change will not work for you! We all have days when we just need that cookie. Last week my friend talked me into going to the Dairy Queen. I had a small blizzard, 710 cals! My world didn't end, I just worked a little harder the next few days
  • lyngoode
    lyngoode Posts: 197 Member
    Heck, I had 4 caramels and a mini snickers bar today---now that I have gotten that out of my system, I am good to go! Don't beat yourself up.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Here is an hour long video presentation on why we eat. You might find it useful.

  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    Yesterday I had a whole piece of cake. I usually only eat a 1/2. But, the buttercream icing was extra thick and before I knew what was happening it was gone! OK, I knew what was happening I was enjoying every sugary bite! :love:

    Today right back to my regular foods. Don't let yesterday be the end for your tomorrow.
  • Lizmhoughton
    Lizmhoughton Posts: 92 Member
    I had a slice of cookies and cream cheesecake Saturday night, but I remained under my calories for the day.

    I also had chocolate chip pancakes and bacon Sunday morning, but somehow I again remained under my calories for the day.

    Even after a few slip ups over the weekend, I still managed to lose 2 lbs last week. Today was my weigh in. I think as long as you exercise and eat right majority of the time you can give in to a little bit of temptation unharmed. Just don't over-do it and don't skimp out on the exercise. If you give in to something, eat a normal portion and don't completely pig out. With my chocolate chip pancakes, I had 3 of them. I could have had more but there was no need. They were homemade, so they weren't plate size, but that was plenty of food for 1 person. I also used a lower calorie and sugar free syrup. Then I played softball and went to yoga. Everything worked out A-O.K.

    Don't fret over a cookie :)