

  • Thank you everyone! I love the hair conditioner idea, I am going to look into that one more! As for eating them...I know they taste AWESOME but I can not afford the fat in them right now. So...I decided to give the Egg Beaters (that are yellow not white) a try...good luck to me. If I do not like them, I am back to throwing…
    in Egg Yolks Comment by policebaby May 2010
  • Garbage can works too, but, in the Florida heat, gets kind of stinky :)
    in Egg Yolks Comment by policebaby May 2010
  • I only recently started sweating during workouts...I believe it is due to the change in intensity. I never really pushed myself like this before. So...I see it as a good thing... And, I would have to agree with everyone that it has nothing to do with fitness level...fit or not fit, people sweat if they push themselves.
  • I have seen them...they do exist! :smile:
  • Forgot to check in Saturday...however, I did awesome!! Stayed 200 calories under goal, and did 50 laps in the pool! Thank you for the challenge! It kept me on track!
  • I took my first Zumba class the other day and as I danced in front of the mirror (no rhythm is me mind you)...I noticed how I looked as if I was having convulsions! I tried picturing myself dressed nice and on a dance floor, which only made it worse! I had a really fun time though and did (and still am) laughing at myself…
  • I am in! I need this help, Saturdays are hard for me! Thank you for the invite!
  • Clothes (measurements) are the BEST way to measure progress! Just try to remember that weight gets distributed as you exercise. You are converting fat to muscle! Pick your favorite skinny jeans and use them to measure your progress!!!!
  • I too do Kickboxing Classes, Zumba Classes and a few other ones that truly kick my butt. I have found that the look up sites that give the general calories burned for those exercises are not person specific, therefor are usually inacurate. I invested in a heartrate monitor. It was one of the best things I did. It tells me…
  • Awesome idea with a very realistic time frame! I am in!!!
  • One more thing...and most importantly...you can get all of the feed back in the world...if you continue to make excuses for why you can not even work walking into your schedule, you never will!
  • Eating clean is definately going to help you drop weight, unfortunately you still need physical activity. Not only to shed pounds but to maintain a healthy body! "Working out" is not needed but ...Try walking as much as possible at work. Take frequent trips to a copy machine or the parking lot mail box, or…
  • It could have a lot to do with what you are eating all day. Just because you are within your calories does not mean you are eating the best you can. Try more lean protien through out your day, no carbs after 4ish, drink more water and invest in a clean low carb, low sugar, slow acting protien. I suggest Gold Standard…
  • Greek Yogurts are the best!! No added sugars and tasty. Just try to understand there is not a yogurt out there without high sugar. If you need to avoid the sugars, avoid yogurts all together for a while. Also, for the fruit cups...anything prepackaged like that is going to be HIGH in fructose corn syrup, sugar, CRAP! Try…
  • That sounds so yummy, and like a really cool way to enjoy my oats and egg whites for a change...I am going to try it tomorrow morning! Thanks you!!!
  • I too stay on a 1200 cal a day routine. I find it hard at times to even hit the 1200 mark and eat a lot of food! I usually prepare most of the weeks lunches and snacks on a Sunday... Breakfast: CARB: 1/2 cup Oatmeal (plain rolled oats) 1/2 cup of brown rice cooked - add a splash of soy milk, cinnamon, vanilla sugar free…
  • I found the best price at amazon.com. It has been awesome, easy to use, and a great motivational tool!!
  • Eat all of your protien and vegetables first. Then only eat half of the potatoes you placed on your plate. You will thank yourself later. If you are really hungry now, try eating a small snack before you even sit down to dinner. Like a serving of low fat cottage cheese, a serving of boars head lunchmeat, etc. Or, make…