Skinny Saturday Challenge (10)



  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I so want to commit to SSC....gonna post it with the intention of giving it everything I got.
    So much to do, so much mess to undo! And all I want to do is stay in my PJs manana.....

    totally beat this week.....cleared out the entire upstairs, way too many books and files....most I just lugged into the garage, so to start there. I so just want to dump them, but I can't get myself to tear myself from them! luggage/baggage...???!!

    Yikes & we had pizza tonight! I had only the one, but that's bec' I had a dozen hot wings! w/blue cheese, to boot!

    I'm really gonna push myself to exercise...etc.
    o.k. I can't get up off the sofa....cleared out another ton of books and files, but not the typical "gym" workout I so badly need.
    Another slice of pizza for lunch, but nothing else....ate it all last night!

    Sorry no double today! But ya know.....I'm lots better at Super Skinny Sundays!!!!!!
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    I think I made it with the concrete again today. Two yards! Then we went shopping and bought some more shrubs for the back yard. My hubby dug the holes for them, but the bending to put them in & cover them back up was hard after the concrete work. (I don't know how he had the energy to dig the holes.) With the wind blowing here today I was feeling dehydrated before we even started working. I've drunk 9 glasses of water and two of juice and I'm still thirsty.
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hi Girls:smile:

    THANKS for the invite FAB!! I'll catch up tomorrow!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Final workout report (because I can't stand up to mow any more!)
    This is what my status now says: burned 2815 calories doing 290 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Mowing lawn, general"

    I have had 104 oz of water so far, and usually I struggle to drink 40. I will call today a success. Happy Saturday, all!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Amazing Mary!!!!!!:<}
  • Sebastiansmommy
    I must say I think I did pretty darn good. It was very hard not to have a burger or the ribs, but I went for the grilled chicken and loaded up from the veggie tray. And when my son got fussy l plopped him in the stroller and walked around the park trail. It was a 1/8 mile long, so we went around 8 times:bigsmile:

    Hope everyone had a good day:happy:

  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Way to go Mary and Jessica! Jess, you are stronger than I am! Welcome to Cassie!:heart:

    I finally broke through a plateau! I am sure it is because of the SSC! Have a great week all and I will see you on the Skinny Wed Challenge. :flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I didn't get to check in yesterday. I did fairly well, though.

    I did two cardio workouts before work and at work there was a LOT of rearranging of plants and displays to do. (We have a new manager and, thank goodness, she is going to get things right!)

    After work I did more work in my vegetable garden and in the yard in general, helped clean the downstairs, went grocery shopping and then fixed a chicken stirfry with my DD for supper!

    I was SO tired by then that I couldn't see straight and I even went to bed before 9.

    I drank lots of water. I just didn't have the energy to get online. (You've got to be pretty tired when the thought of typing sounds like too much work!)

    I hope everyone did well and I hope to join you all on Wednesday.

    No, I WILL be joining you on Wednesday!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Good morning all you "Sat Skinnies

    Wow what a AWESOME GROUP!! :flowerforyou:

    I am happy to see so many out... out working in their yards, gardening, mowing grass, laying concrete, planting flowers and shrubs. My kind of people!!! I usually get out a few times a week... and dont count it as a offical work out.. but WE know what HARD WORK it is ! :tongue:

    So my stats were 102.9 oz and Slim In 6's- Ramp It Up then I was out almost 5 hrs: :heart:

    I'm looking forward to Skinny WED's Challenge with you all! :smile:
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Hey Callie, I must be following you today:flowerforyou:
    I so want to commit to SSC....gonna post it with the intention of giving it everything I got.
    So much to do, so much mess to undo! And all I want to do is stay in my PJs manana.....

    totally beat this week.....cleared out the entire upstairs, way too many books and files....most I just lugged into the garage, so to start there. I so just want to dump them, but I can't get myself to tear myself from them! luggage/baggage...???!!

    Yikes & we had pizza tonight! I had only the one, but that's bec' I had a dozen hot wings! w/blue cheese, to boot!

    I'm really gonna push myself to exercise...etc.
    o.k. I can't get up off the sofa....cleared out another ton of books and files, but not the typical "gym" workout I so badly need.
    Another slice of pizza for lunch, but nothing else....ate it all last night!

    Sorry no double today! But ya know.....I'm lots better at Super Skinny Sundays!!!!!!

    My Super Skinny Sunday was fab....again! 2 rounds on the elliptical and 2 liters of water! There's just something about starting out the week on the right foot! Thx're fabulous!
  • policebaby
    policebaby Posts: 19
    Forgot to check in Saturday...however, I did awesome!! Stayed 200 calories under goal, and did 50 laps in the pool! Thank you for the challenge! It kept me on track!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member