

  • yes, so fun! just keep your mouth closed, sunglasses and wear white. :)
  • DON'T get discouraged! You can do it!!! EAT right, and train well. You'll be amazed how the weight falls off.
  • oh my goodness! what a great transformation!!! keep it up girl you look great. so inspirational!!!
  • Don't throw in the towel!!! I'm a mom of 5 (birthed 4) and I work so hard too... I've totally been in the same boat as you. I do Insanity at this moment and it has helped me so much. I'm commited! I have 9lbs to go and honestly I've lost 1lb since starting, but I've lost inches in areas I didn't think was possible. You can…
  • I will never ever eat McDonald's or most fast food again. I really think people are poisoning their bodies by filling it with all that not so REAL food. I do fail when it comes to Chick Fil A... I do have kids and that's where we choose to go if we have to eat lunch out.
  • Hello! I'm a mom of five and happily married. I am trying to get this 35 year old body back into shape. I'm looking to eat better and excercise 6 days a week... Love to run!
  • Sure you can add me as well. I eat and try to eat as clean as possible. Thanks for posting this! I think it encourages a lot of people who need to know it's ok to EAT. :)
  • I'll help you stay accountable. :) I'll pray for you. Add me as your friend! Encouragement is good!!!
  • I've never heard of that one. I have lost most of my weight running. That is how I started my training, but I also include circuit training now with my runs.
  • Wow! Keep up the good work. You look great!!!
  • I believe eating whole grains is better than regular carbs. Moderation is key. It also depends on what type of athlete you are. Runners should definitely eat more carbs than weight trainers. Maybe introduce Quinoa (keen-wa) into your diet... much better than regular pastas, potatoes, etc...
  • I plateaued too. I finally joined a friend and took the Shakeology 3 day cleanse challenge. It took 4 lbs off and inches on my legs and hips. I did a mild exercise routine while on the cleanse. On day 4, I felt amazing. Its helps you rethink your choices after being on the cleanse. You should check it out!
  • That is awesome! Keep up the good work. I love to run...
    in Am I a Runner? Comment by tlo5 May 2012
  • I recently started doing the Brazilian Butt Lift program. Its been awesome. I am a runner but I've done P90X, Hip Hop Abs and Jackie Warner Power Circuit Training. The Butt Lift program has been fun and focused on the buns area. I think you'll like it! Try it out. Be Blessed!
  • Rest. Sometimes this is God's way of telling us that's what we need. Drink water, watch your food intake and rest. You'll be back before you know it. If you don't rest, you may worsen your condition. Be Blessed!
  • I recommend that you read Runners World (online) about your calories and what you should be eating. I'm a runner as well and I think 4 miles a day and some strengthening exercises after the run would benefit you more. I do 3 short runs a mid run and a long run on the weekend. 5 good runs a week works for me... Its sounds…