

  • I was eating a low calorie count and the body fat was not moving until I went to 6 small meals aday and upped the amount of extra lean protein I intake daily. Yes, this upped my calories count however when it comes from lean protein sources and only whole complex carbs, the calories become a second place player. I am…
  • I hate this time of year. My daughter is a girl scout and I go out and help her sell and always support her by buying some for the house. NOW they have arrived. :noway: Frozen Thin Mints, yummmmm. Wonderful Samoas. :love: We all say take the temptation out of the house but it is difficult to do when you now have to go…
  • The Luna bars are real good also.
  • Costco is selling La Tortilla Factory - 10" Whole Wheat Tortillas which are 80 calories.
  • I ride English Pleasure horses and wear Equestrian Sports Bras to ride in which have no bounce. Just google to find the guaranteed no bounce ones. The best in the store such as Target or Fred Meyers I found is Lily of France style 2101755. It looks similar to a regular bra. And previously being busty I am very familiar…
  • cottage cheese + agave nectar or fruit (yum!) cottage cheese + baked potato (have not tried yet, nutritionist said to give it a try)
  • You might want to try one of those hummus 3 packs or 4 packs, then you can try different flavors and see which you like the best. I had never had hummus before the nutritionist recommended it on raw veggies for a snack.
  • Breakfast - Protein smoothie or oatmeal Lunch - Kashi entree or soup Snack - light yogart, or string cheese, or 1/2 cup cottage cheese, or hummus, or applesauce Dinner - Beef (I raise my own so all organic/low fat), chicken, fish, or pork, and non-starch veggies Snack - Sugar Free Fruit Bar (yum) I have a lapband so…
  • I was on the Depo shot when it first came out and did not gain any weight from it. However when I quit smoking I immediately gained 10 lbs. Not from additional intake of food, it was that the body is not burning as many calories.
  • I count all my horse chores in with my exercise, from riding the 3yr olds , riding my Country English Pleasure show horse, cleaning the barn, etc. The CEP horse helps me burn ALOT of calories in a short amount of time and my shirt is soaking wet when we are done (as well as the horse). :bigsmile: Here is a site that…