zeroblackstar Member


  • I love quinoa, amazing stuff. As someone whos fasted (not eating anything, only drinking water) for over two weeks on several occasions and someone who is currently on almost the same calorie restriction as you, I wouldnt worry too much about "starvation mode". If youre eating around 500cals less than your BMR then thats…
  • "various other no equipment needed type exercises" - included lunges and squats :)
  • I have similar problem of basically not being able to get too/afford a gym membership right now. I have been doing pull ups on the tree in the garden, close arm pushups, tricep dips using the edge of my bed, planking and various other no equipment needed type exercises. I have to say its been super effective, and to keep…
  • If youve always done an hour run 3 times a week as your cardio, then lost 80lbs, doing that hour 3 times a week is going to burn less calories. Plus as youre losing weight your BMR is going to get lower, meaning you need to eat less on a daily basis. If you stick rigidly to the same diet you started with and the same…
  • Actually depending on what youre eating this can be very good for weightloss. If you have small healthy snacks every 2-3 hours and only have small meals this will keep your metabolism up for most of the day, couple this with regular exercise and its very effective. As long as your total calories for the day arent going…
  • Your body weight will vary considerably even if you weigh the same time each day, I wouldn't worry about a half pound difference. If you notice that you're gaining half a pound every day then of course take corrective action. If you look on your weight graph and your seeing a negative correlation, all is well :) Also its…
  • The best time to go for a run or do some cardio is in the morning. You've technically been fasting over night and by doing cardio in the morning without eating first you will capitalize on the fat burn. When you've finished your cardio your body will continue to burn fat for a good hour afterwards so it's up to you if you…