Ah! I picked up the WORST habit for weight loss!! Help!!!

So...for some odd and annoying reason, I realized I have picked up the dreadful habit of "grazing"....I will eat things here and there...while I am cooking or just have a handful of cereal here, some carrot sticks there.....(it is all healthy food thank goodness!!)...but how do you cut this out?! I have never had this problem before and I have no idea when or why I started!!!:frown:


  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I am a HUGE grazer, that's how I put on all my weight. Although I wasn't always eating healthy things! What works best for me is to pre-plan a meal or snack session ahead of time. For today I have up until lunch figured out (I work in the after noons so no food). That way I know what I am allowed to eat and see how many calories are there.
  • zeroblackstar
    zeroblackstar Posts: 7 Member
    Actually depending on what youre eating this can be very good for weightloss.

    If you have small healthy snacks every 2-3 hours and only have small meals this will keep your metabolism up for most of the day, couple this with regular exercise and its very effective.

    As long as your total calories for the day arent going over your target then I really wouldnt worry about it :)
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    Oh, I always heard that grazing is actually pretty good for you. As long as you're having the good stuff, not going over your calories and still getting in some decent sized meals as well I think you're pretty much fine! Eating regular healthy snacks stabilises your blood sugar throughout the day, so you don't get as many slumps where you crave the bad stuff :)