I've been on MFP for a while now, and have a couple of questions regarding my food intake.... the MFP set a 1200 cal intake for me and I am usually under it by about 100 cal as to loose weight and avoid mal nutrition and stavation mode... Nevertheless, I am not sure if I am doing it right??? I am loosing weight about a pound a week which is good, but in terms of my food intake i am usually over by 30 in the carbs intake, lower by 10 in the protein and fat....

I know the obvious answer is to lower my carbs and up the protein and fat... but I have yet to figure out how???

My carbs usually come from fruit and whole grain cereal.... a couple of them from some rice or pasta in moderate quantities or the occasional treat ....

Any advice is welcome... Thks


  • EmilyQC
    EmilyQC Posts: 69 Member
    quinoa is a great carb that is high in protein and fiber.....also Cous cous.....
  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    Is your food diary public? I could take a look and offer some feedback. I am usually the opposite when ti comes to MFP's breakdowns. I am way over in protein and low in carbs, but that is my diet preference. Also, I would NEVER go below 1200 calories, you might get some short term weight loss results, but it will effective your metabolism in a negative way for the long term. Are you exercising? If so, then you should be going above 1200, depending on your weight and your exercise intensity.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    mfp has some of the settings for those percentages a little off if you ask me. I have mine set to what I want them to be.

    However if you are worried about going over, cut out the pasta and rice, or cut the fruit. Find other foods that give you better carbs, like veggies.

    It all depends on your goals as well. And yes upping your protein and fat is a great idea!!
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    1. As long as your eating balanced meals, I wouldn't necessarily worry about hitting all the numbers dead on for protein/carbs/fat. It sounds like you are in a close range.
    2. If you want, you can have Greek yogurt for breakfast with fruit instead of cereal. It'll give you calcium and protein (23g/cup for plain). That would cut your carbs in the morning and up your protein.
    3. Instead of eating rice, you can try other types of whole grains that contain more protein such as quinoa.
    4. You could also try adding beans as a carb and protein to some meals.
  • zeroblackstar
    zeroblackstar Posts: 7 Member
    quinoa is a great carb that is high in protein and fiber.....also Cous cous.....

    I love quinoa, amazing stuff.

    As someone whos fasted (not eating anything, only drinking water) for over two weeks on several occasions and someone who is currently on almost the same calorie restriction as you, I wouldnt worry too much about "starvation mode".

    If youre eating around 500cals less than your BMR then thats perfectly fine.

    Im 5"9', male, 24yrs old and my BMR is around 1770kcals, so limiting myself to 1270kcals a day is absolutely fine. Some people may have a higher BMR and should therefore consuming more calories.

    On MFP I regularily go over the daily sugar allowance, mainly because of fruits. This isnt a problem and hasnt effected my weightloss negatively whatsoever. I take the MFP limit to mean "refined sugars", not all sugars. As long as your net calories are on target and youre eating a fairly healthy diet I cant see too much of a problem.

    You should definetely find ways to boost your fibre intake, many people dont eat enough fibre and its an important factor when managing your blood sugar levels throughout the day and controlling your cravings.

    Loosing about a pound a week is a very healthy rate of weightloss too.