

  • Thanks y'all! I wanna try shaeology but its kinda pricey
  • BTW i was asking a question, so if you want to be rude then dont reply at all. k thanks
  • Yea it seems liek it has alot of negative parts to it, i have been working about and eating great and had lost 5 lbs but now my scale says i gained it all back, idk how i even added a new workout, so idk
  • okay i did more on my food diary today so take a look
  • guess ill be going to by a tape measurer today ") thanks you guys! without everyones support i really feel like i wouldnt be doing this, i felt so bad like i wasnt doing a good job
  • Yea that is what i was afraid of im not eating enough, i just feel sooo guilty when i eat alot, and i was drinking alot of water but then stopped but i will start drinking more as of today
  • my diary is public so everyone feel free to look at tell me if i am doing something wrong
  • @epo I have it at 2 pounds per week, im suppose to eat like 12500 cals a day and i always eat less even when i eat alot because i am making healthy choices now, i work out all the time but like i said i lost 5 lbs ill weight myself and it will say 234 and then a hr later 240 so im confused, my clothes look the same to me,…
  • thanks, ive been looking to see if my clothes look bigger or belly flatter, i just havent seen it, so i think i will start taking pics frequently and looking and see if they look smaller, i see myself everyday so i guess i can not tell
  • Yea i have been weighing myself in the mornings, liek this morning before gym it said i weighted 235 and then after gym an hr later it said 240?? i dont understand at all! ive been at the same weight so almost a week and not losing idk what im doing wrong, im eating below my cals, and everyone is saying eat the exact…
  • Ive been on here since July 27th, i have to have fertility treatments which is why i decided to get healthy
  • you are right, i will eat more calories today, does anyone recommend any excercises? I have been doing either the elliptical or bike for 30 plus mins a day and everyother day lifting some weights
  • Yea after i weighed this morning i ate two nature valley bars, and no drink, but that should be 5 lbs added back on! lol I guess im confused that during my time i didnt gain and pound but after i did? who knows i suppose, sometime im right at my cal goal sometimes under by like 400, i havent been drinking as much water as…
  • Yea i am usually way under 1200 cals, like 400 below but i just cant bring myself to eat, i will try to eat a little more, i just feel liek it will make me gain the weight back....and idk if its due to my period just ending?? and now im bloated or what
  • to me i look the same and my clothes fit the same, so i have no clue, idk whats going on...but i am about to give up sadly, all this hard work and nothing is happening
  • it might be too few but i can't force myself to eat, since ive been working out and working, i dont have time or im tired and not hungry
  • I am usally over in protein but under in calories, thanks for the tip! how many glasses of lemon water should i drink a day? I am also on Aunt Flow, but the whole time i didnt go up in the scale and todays the last day and i went up 5-6 lbs!
  • how did you lose the weight, i cant seem to break past the 5 lbs ive lost
  • ive only been doing this since the 28th of july. Yea i love the bike its the one workout i like lol ill try the elliptical after the bike for now on and see how that works.
  • Thanks!! and yea i wont be going to the sauna haha
  • I do the stationary bicylce at the gym everyday for atleast 40 mins, then sometimes i do the row machine, and sometimes i walk on the treadmill. I dont run because well i havent worked up to that yet lol, i also try to do 50-100 crunches a day or everyother day, i just ordered a dance excercise video. I need to work on my…
  • How do you do it?
  • thanks!! i always someone end up under the calories i am suppose to eat, i feel like id have to eat all day to reach that, but i will try. I am allowing my self to cheat once a week to give my body that extra food and a relaxing day. I am usually over my proteins, so i am eating enough and below my carbs, btw all you guys…
  • Hi, I am unable to concieve as well, I just had my first appt at the fertility doctor I have to go back when my cycle start, but this is way i decided to take charge and try to be healthier. I understand what you are going thru.
  • Hun, i am going thru the same thing i have never been skinny, add me and we can support each other
  • I am in, i just started and want to lose atleast 13 pounds by september if possible, I am nervous, trying to eat better and stay under 1200 a day and do cardio like 3-5 times a week and lift atleast 3 times a week