

  • i recommend Syntrax Nectar Sweets protein shakes. I bought sample packs of most of them and can recommend the chocolate truffle, cappucino, and strawberry kiwi. If you try Roadside Lemonade or Fuzzy Navel do NOT put it in milk **shudder** *Added: Super Supplements carries Syntrax
  • I used to eat them all the time, the ice cream sandwich and also the cup. Sounds like they have even more products out! Right now I am having 40 calorie no sigar added Fudgsicle, tho. I think the flavor is better. And if I suck the whole thing it lasts a long time (instead of biting and chewing it.)
  • htwaddel, being in the mood for a particular food has to go by the wayside. Think of yourself now eating based on a prescription given by your doctor. Maybe you should go talk to a doctor. I am working with a non-surgical weight loss physician and I have to eat a protein shake within 60 minutes of getting up to get the…
  • Absolutely. I buy my honey from a farmer who also collects honey from bees that pollinate his fruit trees and other things in that valley (north of Mount Rainier). It's the best!
  • I am working with a non-surgical weight loss physician and she set me at 40% protein, 30% each carbs and fat. Have yet to hit the recommended 120 g protein and stays under 100 g carbs. But I sure am loading on way more protein than before using Syntrax Nectar shakes and some of the Health Wise and Proti protein foods they…
  • I just posted a podcast at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/315870-added-sugars-ask-the-nutritionist-podcast
  • My husband knits, he's in MFP but not to be social, just to track his numbers and be supportive of me. He has an account on Ravelry.com, I think it is under StephenHJ. He's only been knitting for 18 months and was already designing his own patterns within 4 months of starting. He started with a 12 foot long scarf ala Dr…
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS and IR when I was about 34 (2004). i took Metformin for about 2 weeks and then quit, I didn't necessarily agree with the PCOS diagnosis and since I wasn't interested in having children - ever - treating it wasn't that important to me. I adopted a dog the following year and that took care of the…
  • I weighed 125 in college. Within 5 years gained 40 pounds probably, married at 27 at 185, now am 230 at 41. This process won't reverse itself and I mean business. I am working with a non-surgical weight loss doctor and I want to lose at least 60 pounds. Protein needs to be more than carbs, I think that's going to be the…
  • Where's the "like" button?! Love the Lego stormtrooper and cats.
  • Wow! I sure hope I have the same results. Only 30 # and you really do look like someone else.
  • @change_happens. A bed time of 2 am and waking up at 10 am is what I discussed with my doctor. Meals were set at 11, 2, 5, 7, and the final mini meal at 9 pm. If you keep similar hours, last meal at 6 then not eating until the time I am scheduled for would be bad for my blood sugar. The focus is on jump starting the…
  • My doctor said that eating before bed was the problem, since lying down soon after eating means the bile juices are coming up and can cause issues like GERDS and wear on your esophagus. So like everyone has agreed, it's not the "late" part that matters, the what and when are more important. I've just started a diet for the…
  • Applebees at least has a Weight Watchers section on their menu, and also an apple next to some of their healthier meals.
  • I just met with a doctor yesterday so this is the newest information from a medical professional. I've studied nutrition in the past but never seriously dieted before and I am not going to spend the next 20 years being a failure. She said that for me (mostly sedentary, except for walking the dog almost an hour a day), i am…