not liking the way I look

Hey All,

I'm new-ish here. Some friends got me motivated to join a few months ago but I don't think I was ready to lose any weight at that point. I think what motivates me is feeling my stomach fold over on itself while trying to do yoga, or looking in the mirror about how thick i've become, or thinking about how I'm a size 16 now, but used to be a size 8 in college... Granted that was years ago, but still. I want to feel attractive. I've steadily gained since college - from 145 to 200 lbs a month ago. I think that also shook me up - hitting 200 pounds.

Ideally I would end up at 150 pounds again, at some point in my life, but really, I want to be 170 again. Losing 30 pounds would feel amazing.

Thanks for being supportive, your stories are inspirational.


  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome! You'll find lots of support here. Good luck on your journey :o)
  • budkow
    budkow Posts: 39
    This is a great place to be if you need ideas and motivation. :smile:
  • Natasha7t2
    Natasha7t2 Posts: 129
    Hello and welcome!
    You sound motivated - you have reasons for losing weight and reasons why you don't want to remain as you are.
    This is such a supportive place and great for extra motivation.
    Good luck :)
  • WendyHJ
    WendyHJ Posts: 60
    I weighed 125 in college. Within 5 years gained 40 pounds probably, married at 27 at 185, now am 230 at 41. This process won't reverse itself and I mean business. I am working with a non-surgical weight loss doctor and I want to lose at least 60 pounds. Protein needs to be more than carbs, I think that's going to be the magic bullet. Try Syntrax Nectar Sweets protein powder, there are a ton of flavors and you have that within an hour of getting up and at least the system is kicked off for the day!
  • marykly
    marykly Posts: 14
    Hi tmkenny,

    I'm Mary, and I have so far lost 13lbs from using MFP, but since last october have lost 35lb in total.! Believe me if I can do that anything is possible!
    I know how it feels to be so unhappy with your weight, it gets you down doesn't it? Well you've come to the right place because with logging everything thy passes your lips (honestly) and doing some form of excersise and staying within your daily calories you WILL lose weight and be thy person you want to be again! People on here are so supportive and they give you the motivation you will need to keep going! Add me if you like!! I wish you all the best with your journey :)