called on his Master, Satan
Ditto this. So much of running is psychological. I always ran as far as I felt like running on that particular day.
The one from which I retired.
By the potful. Either black, with fat free creamer, or Splenda, or both. Mostly by the potful.
I believe that is meant to be pre-cooked weight unless otherwise specified in the item.
Salads are great. I love them. I've been called many and much worse things, but never unmanly.
If you want the most accuracy you need a balance. They measure mass (your heaviness), not weight against gravity (dependent on firmness of floor, moon position, etc.).
By the way, I didn't take your meaning that way, either.
Don't think I was hinting at batting on the wrong, and I do mean wrong, side of the plate.....I only meant showing my age by mistaking yours.
LOL Am I showing MY age?
The notion that it's impossible to keep weight off is ridiculous on it's face. How absurd! I think when I reach my goal I'll stop eating altogether to save money on groceries while I'm gaining it back.
Ditto on the sodium intake. I am very active and can't get through the day on the RDA.
1. That explains it. 2. Well said!
It seems I missed the whole point of this topic? Is it argumentative rather than informational? I thought these threads would be more positive.
My apologies if you mistook my meaning. I have found that the amount of muscle added day by day is so small that you can pretty much ignore the scale until you feel you are fit, or your fat % is correct. The fat comes off a lot faster than muscle goes on, barring the intake of steroids.
I have not gone through all of the posts to see if this has already been suggested. If it has, disregard this: There are a lot of sites that can help you to build muscle. is one example. I agree with those who have said you should not wait until you have achieved your weight loss goal. I personally think…