The goals section should tell you how to build muscle.



  • stephenryan758
    stephenryan758 Posts: 72 Member

    What do you think allows you to get six pack abs? Crunches? LOL

    Cmon man. Burning fat along with lifting gets you six pack abs. You have to do them both to get the right definition and to get the proper results. It goes hand in hand.
    cool. you want definition then not to necessarily build muscle. youre dragging stuff into this that has little to do with what we are talking about

    This guy is stronger and more muscular than you are. Are you going to tell me you know more than this guy? Tell me that with 100 % honesty. Because he disagrees with your opinion and beliefs.
  • maizerage66
    maizerage66 Posts: 367 Member
    It seems I missed the whole point of this topic? Is it argumentative rather than informational?

    I thought these threads would be more positive.

    They were informative. That was until the OP said every answer given to him was delusional....

    In regards to the original post, MFP gives you options ranging from LOSING 1 pound per week all the way up to GAINING 1 pound per week. What more do you want? This site doesn't tell you what to eat or how to eat, you have to do that yourself. BUT, you can choose the gain 1 pound per week option and it will tell you how many calories you need to do that. You cannot gain muscle without at least some fat coming with it. It may not be much, but it is there. It's how our bodies work.

    Oh, and lastly....ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    That's when Google becomes your friend.

  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    this doesnt say cardio builds muscle anywhere, its merely stating that in order to complete certain lifts you need adequate cardiovascular endurance, which yes can be strengthened through cardio but the mere act of cardio alone still doesnt build muscle....
  • stephenryan758
    stephenryan758 Posts: 72 Member

    So Im going to take your word over a guy who gets paid for a living to write articles for ? You are delusional. Who do you write for? I forgot you just read them. Do you get paid for reading?
    first of all articles can say whatever the author wants them to, they dont have to be true at all. second, you have yet to actually counterpoint any of my arguments with something that actually disproves them, instead you just go on about how cardio builds muscle somehow

    I think an article by that website which is done by people who make a living when it comes to fitness , telling people what to do, and have success by leading others to get results, is a better source than taking it from some guy who spends his time on My Fitness Pal asking questions who doesn't get paid at all when it comes to fitness. RIght? Who do you work for? What publication?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    What do you think allows you to get six pack abs? Crunches? LOL

    Cmon man. Burning fat along with lifting gets you six pack abs. You have to do them both to get the right definition and to get the proper results. It goes hand in hand.
    cool. you want definition then not to necessarily build muscle. youre dragging stuff into this that has little to do with what we are talking about

    This guy is stronger and more muscular than you are. Are you going to tell me you know more than this guy? Tell me that with 100 % honesty. Because he disagrees with your opinion and beliefs.

    Appeal to authority and do you also love all the non anecdotal evidence the author included in that article?
  • stephenryan758
    stephenryan758 Posts: 72 Member
    this doesnt say cardio builds muscle anywhere, its merely stating that in order to complete certain lifts you need adequate cardiovascular endurance, which yes can be strengthened through cardio but the mere act of cardio alone still doesnt build muscle....

    Have you been reading what I posted? I have stated that if you combine weight lifting with cardio, you will build better muscle and strength. Just like that article stated.
  • isp3986
    isp3986 Posts: 21 Member
    It seems I missed the whole point of this topic? Is it argumentative rather than informational?

    I thought these threads would be more positive.

    They were informative. That was until the OP said every answer given to him was delusional....

    In regards to the original post, MFP gives you options ranging from LOSING 1 pound per week all the way up to GAINING 1 pound per week. What more do you want? This site doesn't tell you what to eat or how to eat, you have to do that yourself. BUT, you can choose the gain 1 pound per week option and it will tell you how many calories you need to do that. You cannot gain muscle without at least some fat coming with it. It may not be much, but it is there. It's how our bodies work.

    Oh, and lastly....ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN

    1. That explains it.
    2. Well said!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Oh, and lastly....ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN

    Amen to that.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.

    I wish the goals section would tell me how to be famous, wealthy, and attractive. I think that would be an even better idea.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    this doesnt say cardio builds muscle anywhere, its merely stating that in order to complete certain lifts you need adequate cardiovascular endurance, which yes can be strengthened through cardio but the mere act of cardio alone still doesnt build muscle....

    Have you been reading what I posted? I have stated that if you combine weight lifting with cardio, you will build better muscle and strength. Just like that article stated.

    K I lift heavy and do cardio/ come I am not building muscle?
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Yes but if I want to build 10 pounds of muscle, how do I know that if I set my goals to gaining weight, that its not going to turn to fat instead of muscle?

    Lift heavy.

    Increase your caloric intake by 200 calories every 1 to 2 weeks.
    Then stop doing once you hit your target weight.

    Understand that in best case scenarios, actual muscle will only be added by about 1 lb / month....
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Oh, and lastly....ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN

    Amen to that.

    and sculpted in the weight room
  • maizerage66
    maizerage66 Posts: 367 Member
    this doesnt say cardio builds muscle anywhere, its merely stating that in order to complete certain lifts you need adequate cardiovascular endurance, which yes can be strengthened through cardio but the mere act of cardio alone still doesnt build muscle....

    Have you been reading what I posted? I have stated that if you combine weight lifting with cardio, you will build better muscle and strength. Just like that article stated.

    Have you even been reading what people's answers are telling you? We KNOW that a cardio and weight training combination will biuld muscle. BigT is going off of what you said earlier that the key to building muscle is adding cardio. Which everyone is arguing that cardio alone does not build muscle.

    Strictly Cardio: Burn Fat
    Strictly Weight Lifting: Build Muscle
    Weight Lifting + Cardio: Build Muscle and Endurance

    Most people don't like cardio so they opt to build muscle through weight lifting alone. Others LIKE MYSELF will do the cardio/weightlifting mix for better results. END OF STORY
  • stephenryan758
    stephenryan758 Posts: 72 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.

    I wish the goals section would tell me how to be famous, wealthy, and attractive. I think that would be an even better idea.

    Do you work for My Fitness Pal?

    Why would it do that? That hast nothing to do with fitness. But building muscle is all about fitness is it not? Enough with the remarks that screams Defensive. I am sorry I came on here and called this website out for what it lacks. A simply setting that can tell you exactly the numbers you must reach with your macros according to your weight, height and how much exercise you do per day, to build healthy muscle. It does not provide that. Only provides an outlet for people who really want to lose weight and that's it.
  • stephenryan758
    stephenryan758 Posts: 72 Member
    Yes but if I want to build 10 pounds of muscle, how do I know that if I set my goals to gaining weight, that its not going to turn to fat instead of muscle?

    Lift heavy.

    Increase your caloric intake by 200 calories every 1 to 2 weeks.
    Then stop doing once you hit your target weight.

    Understand that in best case scenarios, actual muscle will only be added by about 1 lb / month....

    Congratulations. You just wrote what My Fitness Pal should have in the goal settings.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.


    My fitness Pal should show people how to build muscle along with losing weight. Say a guy comes on here who has reached his goal weight and now wants to focus on building muscle. My Fitness Pal should give him the tools to do this. Instead of keeping track of his protein intake, carbs, and fat for example to lose weight, it also would have people change their settings to building so many pounds of muscle by entering their new weight and of course their basics such as height and how much strength training and cardio they plan on doing a week. It would tell them you need so much protein and so many carbs and so much fat intake per day to help you reach your goals when it comes to building muscle. Building muscle is a science and many people really need help with it. Its just not about eating protein. Its not that easy! There is much more to fitness than just losing weight.

    Eat in a surplus, get adequate protein, engage in a progressive resistance program, profit. Not sure what else one would really need

    Can't get any easier than this.
    Exactly. So why would it be so difficult for MFP to actually put "To increase skeletal muscle, eat in a surplus, get adequate protein, and engage in a progressive resistance program," on the "goals" page?

    Liability purposes?

    I was just about to make this comment.

    MFP cannot, and will not ever, make suggestions on specific ways to change your body composition either way, because doing so would mean they are potentially liable for any negative consequences resulting from those suggestions.

    I don't really understand the attitude or expectation of the OP. The reality is, you gain muscle much in the same way you gain fat, when it comes to diet. Sure, muscle benefits from extra protein, but ultimately, both paths require extra calories. The deciding factor comes down to what you're doing when you are eating extra, how much you're eating extra, and potentially what you are eating for that surplus. MFP already tells you how to add a surplus...

    But ultimately, if they tried to guarantee that if you eat 200g of protein you'll gain x pounds of skeletal muscle, then you'd get a bunch of people who end up trying to sue them for their weight gain that didn't happen as muscle. However, MFP has plenty of people giving suggesting programs and strategy for this particular goal, and that could easily guide you to a program website. So I guess it's time to start forum searching...
  • stephenryan758
    stephenryan758 Posts: 72 Member
    this doesnt say cardio builds muscle anywhere, its merely stating that in order to complete certain lifts you need adequate cardiovascular endurance, which yes can be strengthened through cardio but the mere act of cardio alone still doesnt build muscle....

    Have you been reading what I posted? I have stated that if you combine weight lifting with cardio, you will build better muscle and strength. Just like that article stated.

    Have you even been reading what people's answers are telling you? We KNOW that a cardio and weight training combination will biuld muscle. BigT is going off of what you said earlier that the key to building muscle is adding cardio. Which everyone is arguing that cardio alone does not build muscle.

    Strictly Cardio: Burn Fat
    Strictly Weight Lifting: Build Muscle
    Weight Lifting + Cardio: Build Muscle and Endurance

    Most people don't like cardio so they opt to build muscle through weight lifting alone. Others LIKE MYSELF will do the cardio/weightlifting mix for better results. END OF STORY

    Well said. But I've already stated that its a combination, not simply cardio to build muscle. People need to learn to read.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Bottom line is , this site is marketed towards people who want to manage and lose their weight, not build muscle. That is one of the things this site lacks to be completely honest. They don't even have a section that explains BMI and the science of building muscle. You would think they would have that on here. It would be a good starting point. What do you see when this site shows people? Its always how much weight they have lost. You never have seen anything on a person who went from a skinny twig or overweight, to competing in their first bodybuilding competition.

    Naw bottom line is this..if you want to know bad enough you will find the answers yourself...not be spoon fed them.

    I wanted to know so I found for information, reading it, checking links, listening to those who have had success...

    And yes I have seen people who have gone from twig to muscled...on this site...why because I was interested enough to find them and didn't expect to be spoon fed it.

    Does this site provide the reader information on how to build muscle without having to search for it? No it does not. It does that for weight loss goals though. You go to your goals and put your settings in. Setting them to how much weight you want to lose a week and how much exercise you are going to do every day.

    This site could help people out the same way when it comes to building muscle. But they choose not to. I love this site, it was a big reason I lost 100 pounds. Now Im at a point along with many others who don't need to lose anymore weight and want to focus on building muscle. There is nothing when it comes to your settings to keep track of how much weight training you need to do each day, along with how much cardio, and how many macros you need to hit to build muscle. Not everyone is made the same. Building muscle is a science. This site is called "My Fitness Pal", not "My weight loss pal".

    Again - should this site also tell people how to improve cardiovasular fitness as well? That is also part of fitness, and a lot of people are interested in it and it is also important to health.

    Why can this site tell a person how much cardio per day and how many macros they need per day to lose weight. But it can't do the same thing when it comes to building muscle? Explain that to me. Why is that so hard ?

    I think there is a section dedicated to suggestions/feedback. Have you posted this topic there? Perhaps the powers that be will consider your request and add them. But if that doesn't work....
    Just a suggestion, and serious one at that: Perhaps you could create a site that does exactly what you'd like it to do. Sounds like you see a market for it.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.

    I wish the goals section would tell me how to be famous, wealthy, and attractive. I think that would be an even better idea.

    Do you work for My Fitness Pal?

    Why would it do that? That hast nothing to do with fitness. But building muscle is all about fitness is it not? Enough with the remarks that screams Defensive. I am sorry I came on here and called this website out for what it lacks. A simply setting that can tell you exactly the numbers you must reach with your macros according to your weight, height and how much exercise you do per day, to build healthy muscle. It does not provide that. Only provides an outlet for people who really want to lose weight and that's it.

    How about this - do your own research and set your own goals. Use the site to help track and meet those goals. Believe it or not, it works.