The goals section should tell you how to build muscle.

I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    do you mean how much to eat or actually how to get muscle built instead of fat?

    you can set the goals to gain weight rather than lose weight so it tells you your macros and whatnot needed to build muscle
  • stephenryan758
    stephenryan758 Posts: 72 Member
    Yes but if I want to build 10 pounds of muscle, how do I know that if I set my goals to gaining weight, that its not going to turn to fat instead of muscle?
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    well you need to lift weights to make that happen, that info is in the gaining weight forum stickies

    edit; scratch that its not, but i guess they just assume that people have researched into these things before joining. although, the goal that you set is just to gain weight, not necessarily muscle. just like when you set the goal to lose weight theres no guarantee that that weight will come from fat
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    That's when Google becomes your friend.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    the goals section also doens't tell you how to just lose fat and no (or as little as possible) muscle. So why should the gaining weight bit be different? That's what the forums are for...
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    Either you want to gain or lose weight, you should do research, cause the "custom" goal definition doesn't apply to everyone...
    If you do some research, you'll find 2 things in common: take your protein and lift :happy:
    We need to guarantee that we are eating health. The same if you want to build muscle. Eat healthy, lift weights, take your protein! :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.

  • stephenryan758
    stephenryan758 Posts: 72 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.


    My fitness Pal should show people how to build muscle along with losing weight. Say a guy comes on here who has reached his goal weight and now wants to focus on building muscle. My Fitness Pal should give him the tools to do this. Instead of keeping track of his protein intake, carbs, and fat for example to lose weight, it also would have people change their settings to building so many pounds of muscle by entering their new weight and of course their basics such as height and how much strength training and cardio they plan on doing a week. It would tell them you need so much protein and so many carbs and so much fat intake per day to help you reach your goals when it comes to building muscle. Building muscle is a science and many people really need help with it. Its just not about eating protein. Its not that easy! There is much more to fitness than just losing weight.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.


    My fitness Pal should show people how to build muscle along with losing weight. Say a guy comes on here who has reached his goal weight and now wants to focus on building muscle. My Fitness Pal should give him the tools to do this. Instead of keeping track of his protein intake, carbs, and fat for example to lose weight, it also would have people change their settings to building so many pounds of muscle by entering their new weight and of course their basics such as height and how much strength training and cardio they plan on doing a week. It would tell them you need so much protein and so many carbs and so much fat intake per day to help you reach your goals when it comes to building muscle. Building muscle is a science and many people really need help with it. Its just not about eating protein. Its not that easy! There is much more to fitness than just losing weight.

    Eat in a surplus, get adequate protein, engage in a progressive resistance program, profit. Not sure what else one would really need
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    This is just a tool to help you track your intake whether to gain, maintain, or lose weight. It doesn't really tell you how to do anything other than to lose weight you eat at a gain weight you eat at a maintain weight you eat to a balance of energy.

    Regardless of your goals, MFP doesn't tell you what to's up to you to determine an appropriate macro nutrient intake for whatever it is you are is up to you to ultimately figure out a reasonable calorie goal (how many people here select the absolute most aggressive calorie goal possible when they don't need to and only have a handful of cosmetic Lbs to lose). MFP doesn't really tell you how to do anything.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.


    My fitness Pal should show people how to build muscle along with losing weight. Say a guy comes on here who has reached his goal weight and now wants to focus on building muscle. My Fitness Pal should give him the tools to do this. Instead of keeping track of his protein intake, carbs, and fat for example to lose weight, it also would have people change their settings to building so many pounds of muscle by entering their new weight and of course their basics such as height and how much strength training and cardio they plan on doing a week. It would tell them you need so much protein and so many carbs and so much fat intake per day to help you reach your goals when it comes to building muscle. Building muscle is a science and many people really need help with it. Its just not about eating protein. Its not that easy! There is much more to fitness than just losing weight.

    Eat in a surplus, get adequate protein, engage in a progressive resistance program, profit. Not sure what else one would really need

    I'd like to add to this that MFP assists in figuring out what your surplus may be. Not really sure what else this site can do.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.


    My fitness Pal should show people how to build muscle along with losing weight. Say a guy comes on here who has reached his goal weight and now wants to focus on building muscle. My Fitness Pal should give him the tools to do this. Instead of keeping track of his protein intake, carbs, and fat for example to lose weight, it also would have people change their settings to building so many pounds of muscle by entering their new weight and of course their basics such as height and how much strength training and cardio they plan on doing a week. It would tell them you need so much protein and so many carbs and so much fat intake per day to help you reach your goals when it comes to building muscle. Building muscle is a science and many people really need help with it. Its just not about eating protein. Its not that easy! There is much more to fitness than just losing weight.

    yeah no.

    they don't tell you how to lose weight- the means and methods are up to you- there is google- and a gaining weight section already here.

    Secondly - it's a huge mistake to wait till your goal weight to build muscle- you should be including weight training and cardio with a calorie deficit on your weight lose journey as it is. from the start.

    Waiting means you most likely lost muscle as well as fat on the path to your "goal weight" so you're having to do extra work you could have avoided.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Yes this would be nice. I had to find the information on the forums, there wasn't even a pointer to "here's how to get started" for that. Maybe it would result in fewer people believing they can build muscle on an elliptical or mini-tramp.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    yes, and that professor that flunked me should have shown me how to pass his test by supplying me with correct answers.

    and back when i was single, that girl at the club should have told me that that 2 compliments + 1 funny anecdote per drink bought was the best ratio to get lucky.

    and that package of cheese dogs should have told me that if i ate the entire pack in one sitting that it was a crap ton of calories. oh wait, that one did tell me. NVM

  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.


    My fitness Pal should show people how to build muscle along with losing weight. Say a guy comes on here who has reached his goal weight and now wants to focus on building muscle. My Fitness Pal should give him the tools to do this. Instead of keeping track of his protein intake, carbs, and fat for example to lose weight, it also would have people change their settings to building so many pounds of muscle by entering their new weight and of course their basics such as height and how much strength training and cardio they plan on doing a week. It would tell them you need so much protein and so many carbs and so much fat intake per day to help you reach your goals when it comes to building muscle. Building muscle is a science and many people really need help with it. Its just not about eating protein. Its not that easy! There is much more to fitness than just losing weight.

    Eat in a surplus, get adequate protein, engage in a progressive resistance program, profit. Not sure what else one would really need

    Can't get any easier than this.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    yes, and that professor that flunked me should have shown me how to pass his test by supplying me with correct answers.

    and back when i was single, that girl at the club should have told me that that 2 compliments + 1 funny anecdote per drink bought was the best ratio to get lucky.

    and that package of cheese dogs should have told me that if i ate the entire pack in one sitting that it was a crap ton of calories. oh wait, that one did tell me. NVM


    you should go get vengeance on all those people for not giving you what you deserve..

    too soon?
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.


    My fitness Pal should show people how to build muscle along with losing weight. Say a guy comes on here who has reached his goal weight and now wants to focus on building muscle. My Fitness Pal should give him the tools to do this. Instead of keeping track of his protein intake, carbs, and fat for example to lose weight, it also would have people change their settings to building so many pounds of muscle by entering their new weight and of course their basics such as height and how much strength training and cardio they plan on doing a week. It would tell them you need so much protein and so many carbs and so much fat intake per day to help you reach your goals when it comes to building muscle. Building muscle is a science and many people really need help with it. Its just not about eating protein. Its not that easy! There is much more to fitness than just losing weight.

    Eat in a surplus, get adequate protein, engage in a progressive resistance program, profit. Not sure what else one would really need

    Can't get any easier than this.
    Exactly. So why would it be so difficult for MFP to actually put "To increase skeletal muscle, eat in a surplus, get adequate protein, and engage in a progressive resistance program," on the "goals" page?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.


    My fitness Pal should show people how to build muscle along with losing weight. Say a guy comes on here who has reached his goal weight and now wants to focus on building muscle. My Fitness Pal should give him the tools to do this. Instead of keeping track of his protein intake, carbs, and fat for example to lose weight, it also would have people change their settings to building so many pounds of muscle by entering their new weight and of course their basics such as height and how much strength training and cardio they plan on doing a week. It would tell them you need so much protein and so many carbs and so much fat intake per day to help you reach your goals when it comes to building muscle. Building muscle is a science and many people really need help with it. Its just not about eating protein. Its not that easy! There is much more to fitness than just losing weight.

    Eat in a surplus, get adequate protein, engage in a progressive resistance program, profit. Not sure what else one would really need

    Can't get any easier than this.
    Exactly. So why would it be so difficult for MFP to actually put "To increase skeletal muscle, eat in a surplus, get adequate protein, and engage in a progressive resistance program," on the "goals" page?

    Would you like somebody from MFP to come set up a workout and then do it for you as well?

    There is no magic formula for a person to gain X pounds of muscle based on an online caloric input guide. Building muscle takes work. Losing weight is doable through nothing more than diet. Big difference.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.


    My fitness Pal should show people how to build muscle along with losing weight. Say a guy comes on here who has reached his goal weight and now wants to focus on building muscle. My Fitness Pal should give him the tools to do this. Instead of keeping track of his protein intake, carbs, and fat for example to lose weight, it also would have people change their settings to building so many pounds of muscle by entering their new weight and of course their basics such as height and how much strength training and cardio they plan on doing a week. It would tell them you need so much protein and so many carbs and so much fat intake per day to help you reach your goals when it comes to building muscle. Building muscle is a science and many people really need help with it. Its just not about eating protein. Its not that easy! There is much more to fitness than just losing weight.

    Eat in a surplus, get adequate protein, engage in a progressive resistance program, profit. Not sure what else one would really need

    Can't get any easier than this.
    Exactly. So why would it be so difficult for MFP to actually put "To increase skeletal muscle, eat in a surplus, get adequate protein, and engage in a progressive resistance program," on the "goals" page?

    Liability purposes?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I think it would be a good idea for this site. Many people once they lose weight start focusing on building muscle. If you go to reset your goals there is nothing available that tells you how to do it. By keeping track of your carbs, fats, protein and so forth according to your height, weight and exercise per day. Along with how much muscle you want to build.


    My fitness Pal should show people how to build muscle along with losing weight. Say a guy comes on here who has reached his goal weight and now wants to focus on building muscle. My Fitness Pal should give him the tools to do this. Instead of keeping track of his protein intake, carbs, and fat for example to lose weight, it also would have people change their settings to building so many pounds of muscle by entering their new weight and of course their basics such as height and how much strength training and cardio they plan on doing a week. It would tell them you need so much protein and so many carbs and so much fat intake per day to help you reach your goals when it comes to building muscle. Building muscle is a science and many people really need help with it. Its just not about eating protein. Its not that easy! There is much more to fitness than just losing weight.

    Serious answer, they do give him the tools. It's called the Search button. All the info on everything is contained in this site he just has to look for it.

    Or should the site programmers go to his home and read it to him right before he goes to bed