sazino Member


  • Don't stress! You can't erase what happen, but you can control what you do from here on out. We all have bad days. But, we need to just get right back into it! Maybe you would feel better if you stepped up the exercising this weekend a bit....go for an extra long walk, do some situps while you're watching tv, etc. And,…
  • Have you tried going shopping WITH your Mom? Maybe she doesn't know how to 'cook healthy'. Even though she may be able to eat whatever she wants and it doesn't affect her weight, perhaps you could educate her how it is affecting her insides. Offer to shop with her and cook with her....that might help! GOod luck!
  • Follow your body's lead. If your knees feel OK running, go for it! I have bad knees (ACL repair one one, cart repair on the other), and I love running! I don't run a lot (about 15 miles a week), so maybe that's why my knees are fine. Also, I learned during physical therapy that strengthening the muscles around the knee…
  • Haha.....that is cute. My one year old just looks at me like I'm nuts when I'm working out in the house. But, he loves going out in the jogging stroller, so he motivates me to walk and run A LOT!!
  • i would go for it, or at least have it as a goal to work up to. i have had ACL repair on my knee, and during physical therapy the focus was on strengthening the muscles AROUND the knee so that your knees don't bear the brunt of so much force. now, my knee still occasionally bothers me, but my exercises are not restricted…
  • I'm with you, mlaning. I don't actually LIKE running, but I LOVE the feeling afterwards, and I LOVE witnessing my own personal progression. I starting running again a few months ago, and just yesterday I did 3.25 miles in my hilly neighborhood, pushing the stroller, and with the dog! I did it WITHOUT STOPPING! Those are…
  • It is normal, but I know how frustrating it can be!! I was down to 172.8 the other day, which is my lowest since I started MFP!!! then, BAM, 175. I gave the scale the middle finger, and decided not to log that in my tracker :)
  • GREAT JOB! You give me hope. Boss is taking us out for Chinese Buffet for lunch, and I have been giving myself a 'make healthy choices' pep talk all morning.
  • Same here. Baby just turned one, and I am still 10lb heavier than pre baby. Of course, I could have lost a few before baby. So, I need to drop 30-40 lb....
  • OF COURSE YOU CAN DO IT!!!! way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I think I am your twin! My son just turned 1, and I still need to lose 30lb. I also eat when bored and stressed. And I love my wine!! I am dedicated to getting this weight off, as we are thinking about baby #2 and I want to do it right this time! I gained 60lb with my first pregnancy :(, and I WONT do that again!