Bad knees and squats....

So my knees give me a lot of pain. Have for years which is sad considering my age. I'm going to be starting "New Rules" in a couple of weeks after vacation and I'm afraid of the squats. In the past I've done leg press instead since it seems a little easier on my knees, or I don't go all the way down (thighs parallel to floor).

So, should I just jump in and do it, or should I start with just body weight?


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Why can't you sub leg press now...?
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    im doing New Rules and i have arthritis in my knees. i can't go down really far on squats but i started with just the olympic bar (45lbs) and added weight as i went along. so far the squats are no problem, i just dont go down all the way. i have more problem with the weighted lunges but even there i can modify. i say go for it. leg presses only work out your quads, while squats will work out your whole body since your core is also engaged in them.
  • sazino
    sazino Posts: 11 Member
    i would go for it, or at least have it as a goal to work up to. i have had ACL repair on my knee, and during physical therapy the focus was on strengthening the muscles AROUND the knee so that your knees don't bear the brunt of so much force. now, my knee still occasionally bothers me, but my exercises are not restricted at all since i have built up the muscles around me knee.
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Just a warning...i too have bad knees and I overdid myself June 13th and did SERIOUS damage to my knee (dislocation, fractures tears just a big mess) Just be careful. Maybe practice before hand and see how comfortable you are. Do not over do yourself.
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    I have had knee issues for a while and, until last night, I just thought it was because of my weight. I went to the doctor because my knee was REALLY bothering me and they did xrays. No breaks/fractures/dislocation, however I do have 2 small bone spurs and acute tendinitis. The doctor told me to take it as much as possible...but I have to have a knee brace on whenever I'm up and around. This is a huge issue since I like being active (now). The swelling in my knee makes the brace super tight and uncomfortable, but it helps me to ambulate and do squat kicks with relative ease and less pain.

    I don't go all the way down in squats. I can't. Even with the brace. DEFINITELY work on building up the muscles around the knee to help support that area. Don't push yourself just because you think you should be able to do more. Though you feel like you may be able to do more, your body may not wholly agree. Above all else, don't risk serious injury. Modify it by not going down as far or by doing leg presses and/or get a good, stable, supportive brace.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Why can't you sub leg press now...?

    The way it isolates the legs from the back, hips and core isn't very good for you. Squats strengthen so much more than just your legs and they mimic movement that you do in real life. New Rules seems to be about gaining strength to live and function and be healthy, not about building up certain muscles just to look good. For example: you never do bicep curls in real life so why do them with weights?
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I'd start out light/medium and easy and really perfect your form. Form is key!!!!! If you don't have a mirror - get one and check your form constantly. Going slow will also help build up the muscles in your knees/legs so you can work your way up to heavier weights and deeper squats.

    A brace could be helpful, but I've heard mixed reviews on braces. Like they may prevent your body from healing/strengthening on it's own.

    I'm no expert, but I just started lifting and injured my neck/scapula with a pinched nerve and it SUUUUUUUCKED. Pretty sure it was from lifting TOO heavy, TOO soon. Just be careful and don't over do it - there's no reason to rush.

    Good luck!!!!!