Friendly help & questions

Hey everyone,

So I joined this a while ago and then I fell off the wagon, and now I'm trying to get back on. However, I'm in a little of a rut. I need some advice and just some general good vibes from others =). I graduated from college a few months ago and I had to leave my apartment and move back in with my parents. Since I don't have any money to my name I'm stuck on eating whatever my mother buys, which is mostly "junk" and fast food because she can eat anything and not worry. I've tried talking to her and I've asked her NUMEROUS times to buy a little more healthier foods for me, since I really want to lose some weight, but to no avail. Once I find a good job and able to start buying my own foods, I'll be okay. But till then, I'm kinda stuck just eating small portions of the same thing everyday and walking around the block by myself =/.

If anyone has some advice or just some friendly notes it would be great! I'm kinda doing this by myself, which is kinda ehhh lol. Thank you!!


  • sazino
    sazino Posts: 11 Member
    Have you tried going shopping WITH your Mom? Maybe she doesn't know how to 'cook healthy'. Even though she may be able to eat whatever she wants and it doesn't affect her weight, perhaps you could educate her how it is affecting her insides. Offer to shop with her and cook with her....that might help! GOod luck!
  • SunShineBeastess
    SunShineBeastess Posts: 225 Member
    There are soooo many great people on this site...that are so inspirational. Take a search for "success stories" in the search field...that will give you some very successful folks to friend up with. If I were in your shoes...I would try and eat more protien than carb in the situation you are in...but even small changes count!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I had to move back home after college, too. I go shopping with my mom and usually she buys healthier stuff when I'm with her. Also, I cook dinner sometimes. She thinks I'm giving her a break; really, though, it's so that I know that my meal will be healthy.
  • Thanks everyone! Yeah, when I do go shopping with her I do try to get her to get the oranges rather than the chips, sometimes I win lol. I usually cook my own dinners anyway cause my families schedules are different everyday so we RARELY have dinners together. Guess I just gotta keep trying! =D Thank you all again so much!!