

  • We do the same thing in our office! I enjoy cooking so once I made a healthy breakfast caserole using turkey sausage, reduced fat cheddar cheese, and eggs and extra egg whites with skim milk. It was a hit too! Also, I've made a low fat bean dip. I get 1 can of the fat free refried beans and mix it with 1 can of black…
  • most of all those things the previous folks mentioned and black beans. I love black beans! also, I always keep lots of various canned tomato stuff. I also love to snack on okra that's been roasted under the broiler and hot chili sauce. I eat that with sandwhiches instead of chips, super yummy!
  • dude! I love hummus! and had no idea you could get the chickpeas not in a can! I'm totally headin' to the store now! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • These are great ideas. Thanks y'all! and sandwiches are ok, I guess I was just getting tired of my same ol turkey sandwich. I need to learn to plan ahead and be more creative I think. . . :happy:
    in Lunch Ideas Comment by KAskinny May 2010
  • I know my man LOVES hot wings (as do I!) so I tried a low fat hot wing recipe last night and it was a hit! I'm a huge fan of my Crockpot (you should get into Crockpot cooking too since you say you are not a great chef-it's so easy), so I put boneless skinless chicken tenders in the crockpot and smothered them in hot sauce…
  • Bump man! I LOVE Mexican food! I've got some good ones I can share too when I get home! :flowerforyou:
  • My mama used to tell us "It's a bigger waste to put something in your body you don't want." So we were never forced to eat a lot of something we didn't want, but we did have to at least try it, she called it out "No thank-you helping." :smile: Because of this, I am willing to try new foods and even foods I've declared as…
  • Hey, I just found this and I want in! (if it's not too late) :flowerforyou: I'm turning 30 this year on July 4th and I want to loose 20 more lbs! So I hope this will be extra motivation for me. My goals are to: 1. loose 20 lbs by the 4th 2. drink more water (I drink a good bit, but need more, I like salty things!) 3. walk…
  • Congrats on the 3 pounds, thats great!!!! and...pickle juice!!?? like the juice from the pickle jar? [/quote] oh yea! I'm totally addicted! :) the salts have always been more my down fall than the sweets and I LOVE pickles! And the JUICE! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Well I am hitting the road pretty early tomorrow so I'm going ahead and weighing in, I hope it gets included in the spread because I'm much happier about it this week than previous weeks! Last weigh in I gained a pound! :sad: This weigh in is MUCHO better (Happy Cinco de Mayo!!) - I lost 3 pounds! :bigsmile: CW: 163 GW:…
  • It sounds like you are doing GREAT!!! Just keep up that great work! question: is your birthday July 4th? I noticed that was your ultimate goal. My birthday is July 4th (and I'm turning 30 this year!) and I too am trying to get to 130 by then, but you are a lot further a long than I am. I'll be happy with 145-140ish. Good…
  • It sounds like you are doing GREAT!!! Just keep up that great work! question: is your birthday July 4th? I noticed that was your ultimate goal. My birthday is July 4th (and I'm turning 30 this year!) and I too am trying to get to 130 by then, but you are a lot further a long than I am. I'll be happy with 145-140ish. Good…
  • I'm from Vidalia, home of the world famous sweet onions, so I LOOOOOOOVE onions especially fried ones! I can't WAIT to try this healthy version!! Thanks! :bigsmile:
  • I have a dumb question. What's the relation between sodium and weight loss? I tend to go over on my sodium a lot. It's hard to me to keep that down and I don't get why.
  • Hello Ladies! I've been struggling these past 2 weeks but am back on the wagon! I am doing well so far of counting my calories (of course it's only Tuesday) and I've been under. I wasn't able to walk yesterday, but will be able to today as long as the rain holds out. I'm going out of town this Thursday (I will have to…
  • I can't wait to try some of these and I have several I can share later when I get home! YAY! :love:
  • WOW! Those are amazing before and afters! Great job girl! I bought this Firm program over a year ago and did it once. I'm slowly getting inspired to begin again and actually stick to it! Thanks for that extra boost of motivation! Keep up the awesome work!
  • I'm pretty bummed with myself. Last week I had no change and this week I gained a pound! :cry: I'm really struggling with the mental part of this whole diet thing. This is harder than quitting cigarettes!!! :smokin: CW: 166 :cry:
  • I made in the Crockpot yesterday pork chops (I'd probably use a pork tenderloin next time, but it's what I had) with onions and pears with a little brown sugar and dijon mustard and it was wonderful! Browning the meat first made it a little tastier too. Today I have chicken breast with some of Emeril's spice stuff and…
  • Thanks hajohnson24!!! I think I'll go to the bookstore this weekend and check out this Men's Health Magazine Belly Off Diet book!
  • Hello Ladies! Glad to see everyone is doing so well! As for me, I had a tough week last week and an even tougher weekend. I went out of town this weekend for a family get-together (my grandma turned 90!!!!) and there were lots of yummy temptations, like grandma's fudge! But I'm back on the wagon today and my husband has…
  • Well I didn't do so hot this week :frown: I lost 0lbs! :sad: but at least I didn't gain and there is always next week! S/W: 189lbs C/W: 165lbs G/W: 140lbs
  • I love it! I've been stuck on 2 basic Crockpot recipes. I can't wait to try some of these! Thanks and keep them coming! ps. What is this "bump" stuff mean? I'm a little behind the times :bigsmile:
  • I totally miss my coffee! I haven't been able to find a good sugar sub either. Splenda taste way too much like saccharine and so does Stevia. I have used honey (local of course!) and that is the best sub I've found, but still don't want to have too much of it in a day. I've been drinking hot green tea in the morning in…
    in Coffee Comment by KAskinny April 2010
  • I found it! I had a pretty bad day yesterday, but I started the situp challenge this morning. I was only able to do 35 but that should improve throughout the week. I also did a few curls and tricep workouts and I'll talk my 3 dogs for a 3 mile walk when I get off work (hurry!!!). I have a pot roast cooking away in the…
  • I'm in on this weeks challenge! But I have one of those Bender Balls (not sure if you've heard of them, but it's pretty awesome!, Google it) and so my starting number will probably be pretty low. But I'm still in and excited!
  • My stats! SW: 189 (I personally started back on 12/28/09, but I didn't discover MFP until earlier this week, but I'll use this as my "for real" SW :wink: ) CW: 165 GW: 140 Good job everyone!!! :)
  • ok, I'm trying to figure this stuff out. I want in on the Friday weigh ins. But since I just started this site today, here's my info. Start Weight: 189lbs (12/28/09) Current Weight: 168lbs (4/14/10) Goal Weight: 140lbs (hopefully by July 4th, my 30th b-day) I need help with inside workouts for when the weather is bad…
  • How do I join? I want in! I just joined this MyFitnessPal site and I'm pumped. I'm turning 30 this year and want to weigh 140 (at least) again! Right now I'm 168, I've already lost 22lbs since Decemeber so I'm excited about that but I am findinf myself stuck here, so I need/want this extra help! Can't wait!!!