High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    I have been really slacking the past couple of weeks, but my bff found a 6 week meal plan for us to do and I technically started it today. I had to substitute my lunch as I didn't have the groceries and she didn't send me the menu until 11pm last night!!! I'll go after work tomorrow to get the groceries that I do need (will see her tonight and borrow what I need from her for lunch tomorrow) I have a dentist appt first thing in the morning tomorrow and I have a feeling its going to be fairly costly (thank goodness for 80% health coverage!!!!!)
    Anyway, I went for a run last night and tonight I am going to attack the NMTZ by JM and I want to also get done the 30 day shred tonight as I have been slacking on that QUITE a bit!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone. :heart:
  • kaylac13
    kaylac13 Posts: 16
    My challenge this week is going to be simple, but it's what I stuck to last week to lose 4 pounds.

    Challenge 1: Keep track of ALL your calories you eat everyday, and stay within your calorie limit 6 out of 7 days this week (hey, no one's perfect- one high calorie day won't ruin your diet!)
    Challenge 2: Excercise at least 4 of the 7 days this week for at least 30 minutes (I walk with my husband when it's pretty and do workout videos when it's not). I typically do at least an hour 5-6 days a week.

    I've always been a big water drinker, too. I haven't had any drinks with caffeine in at least two weeks. Water and milk are all I drink.

    I'm very proud of everyone for losing 135 pounds so far! Good luck this week! :flowerforyou:

    OK< Kaylac, I am very proud of your loss. However- you do what I do and I am not losing weight!!! (This week end doesn't count b/c I was at the beach!) HOWEVER- what is with the other times! OHHHHHHHHHHHH- I see now- an hour!!! OK, I will start an hour today! I will let you know Thursday how it is going!!! k

    I completely understand your pain! Trust me I don't lose 4 pounds every week! Sometimes your body does what it's supposed to do and sometimes it doesn't. Just stick to it! And watch your diet very closely for any place where extra sodium can sneak in and make you retain water.

    And shredder, just take some ibuprofen and alternate heat and cold on your calf. And don't do anything to use those muscles for a couple days.
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Wow, meokk! That is a lot of calories burned by working in the garden! Do you just have flowers, or veggies, too? I miss being able to have a garden...apartment living is not for me.:cry:

    I have been faithfully working out every single day (except Sunday) and have been keeping well under my calories every day, but I haven't been losing much weight. I even bumped up to 1 gallon of water a day! But this morning I pulled on my size 14 jeans and they fit pretty well, so I guess that is a step in the right direction.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Wow, meokk! That is a lot of calories burned by working in the garden! Do you just have flowers, or veggies, too? I miss being able to have a garden...apartment living is not for me.:cry:

    I have been faithfully working out every single day (except Sunday) and have been keeping well under my calories every day, but I haven't been losing much weight. I even bumped up to 1 gallon of water a day! But this morning I pulled on my size 14 jeans and they fit pretty well, so I guess that is a step in the right direction.

    Good job on the inches lost!
    We are working on a fenced in raised bed vegetable garden and a large area that needed topsoil added and leveled then sowing grass seed and a stone path through the wooded area (we have 2 acres so it's non stop) I'm experimenting with flowers but it's limited because of the deer.
    Sorry you don't have a garden right now.....one day
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member

    Good job on the inches lost!
    We are working on a fenced in raised bed vegetable garden and a large area that needed topsoil added and leveled then sowing grass seed and a stone path through the wooded area (we have 2 acres so it's non stop) I'm experimenting with flowers but it's limited because of the deer.
    Sorry you don't have a garden right now.....one day

    So jealous! I am going to visit my folks for 3 weeks in July, and my mom has a huge veggie garden for me to work in...I can't wait!
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    I getting frustrated!! I don't know what is going on with me! I'm staying within my calories (below actually), exercising everyday, and drinking my water. I weighed yesterday and was down to 147.8 I think, but today I am at 149!! My husband thinks it may be water. I don't drink hardly anything on the weekend but on Monday I go back to drinking about a gallon a day. I don't know what is going on but it's making me mad lol!! I got my exercise in yesterday! I got to walk, run, jog for about 25 minutes yesterday. Then I cut back some bushes outside for about 20 minutes. I feel great, my pants fit MUCH better, but the scale can't make up it's mind which way it wants to go!! I'm just going to keep at it and hope I can lose what I want to by my birthday (which is coming up soon)!!
  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    I getting frustrated!! I don't know what is going on with me! I'm staying within my calories (below actually), exercising everyday, and drinking my water. I weighed yesterday and was down to 147.8 I think, but today I am at 149!! My husband thinks it may be water. I don't drink hardly anything on the weekend but on Monday I go back to drinking about a gallon a day. I don't know what is going on but it's making me mad lol!! I got my exercise in yesterday! I got to walk, run, jog for about 25 minutes yesterday. Then I cut back some bushes outside for about 20 minutes. I feel great, my pants fit MUCH better, but the scale can't make up it's mind which way it wants to go!! I'm just going to keep at it and hope I can lose what I want to by my birthday (which is coming up soon)!!

    It sounds like you are doing GREAT!!! Just keep up that great work!
    question: is your birthday July 4th? I noticed that was your ultimate goal. My birthday is July 4th (and I'm turning 30 this year!) and I too am trying to get to 130 by then, but you are a lot further a long than I am. I'll be happy with 145-140ish.
    Good Luck and keep up the awesome job! :happy:
  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    I getting frustrated!! I don't know what is going on with me! I'm staying within my calories (below actually), exercising everyday, and drinking my water. I weighed yesterday and was down to 147.8 I think, but today I am at 149!! My husband thinks it may be water. I don't drink hardly anything on the weekend but on Monday I go back to drinking about a gallon a day. I don't know what is going on but it's making me mad lol!! I got my exercise in yesterday! I got to walk, run, jog for about 25 minutes yesterday. Then I cut back some bushes outside for about 20 minutes. I feel great, my pants fit MUCH better, but the scale can't make up it's mind which way it wants to go!! I'm just going to keep at it and hope I can lose what I want to by my birthday (which is coming up soon)!!

    It sounds like you are doing GREAT!!! Just keep up that great work!
    question: is your birthday July 4th? I noticed that was your ultimate goal. My birthday is July 4th (and I'm turning 30 this year!) and I too am trying to get to 130 by then, but you are a lot further a long than I am. I'll be happy with 145-140ish.
    Good Luck and keep up the awesome job! :happy:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I getting frustrated!! I don't know what is going on with me! I'm staying within my calories (below actually), exercising everyday, and drinking my water. I weighed yesterday and was down to 147.8 I think, but today I am at 149!! My husband thinks it may be water. I don't drink hardly anything on the weekend but on Monday I go back to drinking about a gallon a day. I don't know what is going on but it's making me mad lol!! I got my exercise in yesterday! I got to walk, run, jog for about 25 minutes yesterday. Then I cut back some bushes outside for about 20 minutes. I feel great, my pants fit MUCH better, but the scale can't make up it's mind which way it wants to go!! I'm just going to keep at it and hope I can lose what I want to by my birthday (which is coming up soon)!!

    Here are some tips that have worked for several people:
    1. If you are drinking lots of water only weigh yourself in the morning. Wake up, go to the potty (Ihave kids, lol) then weigh yourself. Use that number as your "real" number. Drinking a gallon of water per day can add up to 5lbs in water weight so if you weigh throughout the day its not as accurate.
    2. Set a time to stop eating and drinking and stick to it. I try to stop eating after 7pm and stop drinking water after 9pm
    3. If you must have a bedtime snack try reaching for protein instead of carbs...carbs are more likely to turn into fat since you are going to sleep and wont burn it...

    Good luck!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I saw 202 on the scale this morning, I am sooo excited to be appraoching ONEDERLAND! I havent been under 200 in almost 3 years :sad:
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I saw 202 on the scale this morning, I am sooo excited to be appraoching ONEDERLAND! I havent been under 200 in almost 3 years :sad:

    WTG Cris!!!!

    I stepped on the scale this morning - just to see- it said 171 which is my exact weight of last week. Good news is that I havent gained. Bad news is that I haven't lost. I wanted this to be the week that I hit a new digit :D... I just wanted it to say at least 169.9! I think I know the reason why though....

    Well, I felt like I did okay yesterday, but after logging my food today, I see that I was wrong. I didnt get to go to the gym because I hurt myself so bad monday night that I can still barely walk or lift my legs... which makes it pointless! I did however manage to push out two 30 minute walks yesterday. That totals up to a little more than 3 miles *estimating*

    I almost always get my water in.... 10 cups for yesterday. I am not going to be able to go to the gym tonight either, but I will walk 30 minutes at lunch and tonight at home I will try to stretch and maybe do some hand weights and/or some moves on my ball.

    My bf- so sweet- says that I just need to go soak in the tub.

    Hoping for a better day tomorrow! And Gym time :D
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I getting frustrated!! I don't know what is going on with me! I'm staying within my calories (below actually), exercising everyday, and drinking my water. I weighed yesterday and was down to 147.8 I think, but today I am at 149!! My husband thinks it may be water. I don't drink hardly anything on the weekend but on Monday I go back to drinking about a gallon a day. I don't know what is going on but it's making me mad lol!! I got my exercise in yesterday! I got to walk, run, jog for about 25 minutes yesterday. Then I cut back some bushes outside for about 20 minutes. I feel great, my pants fit MUCH better, but the scale can't make up it's mind which way it wants to go!! I'm just going to keep at it and hope I can lose what I want to by my birthday (which is coming up soon)!!

    This is the pot calling the kettle black, but dont stress! Even at the high of 149, you only have 4lbs to go to reach you birthday goal weight!!!! You can do it! take things a little easier. Try to actually match or go just a little over your calories... And like Cris said, that water can make a huge difference. The mindset that I am trying to use is "Push as hard as I can with the believe that I have gained a pound this week. Then on the day before weigh-in's, weigh that morning. If I did gain, I work really hard to be very good that day! If I lost then I still try to eat well (makes me feel like it must have been working), but I only do a light exercise that night- as a reward to myself :D...

    I am going for 10lbs lost before 31st- My birthday.... So good luck on your 4lbs by 29th!!!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    calcote- you really should try to eat all your calories, you do not WANT to be under, thats not a good thing...I was eating 1200 cals and not eating any of my excercise cals and it turned out I was eating a negative net amount of calories in a day and stopped losing. Try to hit your calorie goal everyday...as a smart woman said (lilspy..Im sure youve seen her on the boards) "EAT MORE, move more"

    Try it!

  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Hey ladies! Just a friendly reminder that we are weighing in tomorrow...this week only!

    I'm happy to say I've been doing great with this challenge. I modified it a little, instead of 4 days of going to the gym, I made it at least 4 days of 2-a-days (going both in the morning and night)...once for cardio and once for strength. for far I've made it both Monday and Tuesday, and I went this morning. I've been just at my calories every day (I started Monday...so only two days lol). I'm going on vacation on Friday (Las Vegas!!!!!) so I'm trying to tone and get into the right mindset before then, so I dont binge eat and drink once I get there and ruin all my hard work.

    I bought new running sneakers yesterday...love them!! I'm training for my next half marathon (May 30th...if I dont injure myself again)...Sorry I'm just super psyched to be running again!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Allie what brand of trainers did you get? I'm curious because that's what I've asked for Mother's Day. I don't want flowers or perfume, I want a practical gift and one I really need. I have Ryka's right now but I'd like to check out a new brand with lotsa cushion and support as I'm a bit prone to shin splints.
    Any ideas?

    Cris- way to go on your weight...you're sooooo close to the onesies, I know that this is your month to break down that barrier:smile:
    I'm drinking a TON of water lately (thanks to cris). I think I'm so much more in tune with the benefits that I have been really trying and now it's becoming a great habit.
    comfortfoodaddict- I'm also going for a 10lb loss for May. I love that you have still planned a workout even though your legs ache!! That's the attitude- good for you.
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Allie what brand of trainers did you get? I'm curious because that's what I've asked for Mother's Day. I don't want flowers or perfume, I want a practical gift and one I really need. I have Ryka's right now but I'd like to check out a new brand with lotsa cushion and support as I'm a bit prone to shin splints.
    Any ideas?

    I just bought some new ones last week. They are Saucony....
    We have a store in town where they watch the way you walk and then fit runners to your needs. I tried on about 5 different pairs of 5 different brands till I found the right pair :smile:
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    Thanks for all the advice!! I'll try to eat more. Yesterday I had all of my exercise calories left, but ate pizza for supper so didn't want to make myself feel any fatter by eating anything else lol.

    My birthday is May 29!

    Shredder - for mother's day I asked for my husband to help me clean and wash my car (it's filthy). I also asked him to take all of the left over moving stuff to the dump! It's been there for a month and a half now!! I'm going cheap this year lol!!

    Thanks again for the advice!! I'm really NOT going to stress (easier said than done!).
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I LOVE Nikes!! I got the Lunar glide...very light and they have extra cushion. I use to get shin splints all the time until I got nike's. I get new sneakers almost every other month cause I wear them out soo quickly. Mine were about $100...but so worth it. I was also fitted for them ... where they measure your feet and record you running (Fleet Feet)...if you go to runnersworld.com I think they have a link to where you can get fitted in your area.
  • ncole1
    ncole1 Posts: 21
    I need some reassurance.... I have gotten into the habit of weighing myself everyday,
    Last Fri (weigh in day) 177.8
    Sun 166
    Tues 166.6
    Today was back up at 177.8

    Even though ive been eating well, drinking lots of water and exercising well.
    Im dreading tomorrows weigh in!

    What does everyone think, how often do u weigh? Do u take it with a pinch of salf until weigh in day?

    Is it possible that i could be back down to 166/7 llbs tomorrow!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    I need some reassurance.... I have gotten into the habit of weighing myself everyday,
    Last Fri (weigh in day) 177.8
    Sun 166
    Tues 166.6
    Today was back up at 177.8

    Even though ive been eating well, drinking lots of water and exercising well.
    Im dreading tomorrows weigh in!

    What does everyone think, how often do u weigh? Do u take it with a pinch of salf until weigh in day?

    Is it possible that i could be back down to 166/7 llbs tomorrow!

    I have to really restrain myself from weighing in every day. I want to know, but I find that I just get so discouraged when it goes up and down on a daily basis. I only weigh in once a week. I have a note on top of my scale that says "Wait till Friday". This helps remind me.
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