High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Calcote: I agree with Cris! You're probably losing inches but gaining muscle. Everyone else will see how great you look in your clothes, not the number.

    Jaac: Yum, the cherry pomegranate Crystal Light is delicious. It's a good substitute for Kool-aid for kids because it doesn't have the sugar added.

    Candice: I'll have to check out the Dr. Oz book. My mom and sister just love watching him on tv, though I've never been home to watch.

    Thanks to all of you who offered suggestions for getting more water in. I drank 40 oz. yesterday, which is way better than I have been doing, but I still have a long way to go! I'll keep working on it.
  • laurynh925
    laurynh925 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey guys... haven't been on in a while. Been super busy this week but am back on track. Excited about this weeks challenge... I absolutely LOVE water... especially ice cold water. The post from Cris was very informative and will help me to push to drink even more! So thank you for that.

    okay i have a question. I still live at home with my dad and step mom. I am trying to only eat things that I can keep up with the calories at least until I get a good feel for healthy eating and calories in general. I have been eating kashi cereal for breakfast, a special k bar for a snack and healthy choice steamers for lunch... I also have been eating the healthy choice steamers for supper as well. I was wondering if it is bad that i eat those for lunch and supper. I'm not able to cook there because she's one of those that are weird about people in "her" kitchen. Anyways, I don't want to eat what she cooks because it's definitely not healthy so I thought eating those prepackaged dinners would be better because i could keep up with the calories and track them. Plus they are extremely deliscious.

    So is it okay to eat those for both lunch and supper and i eat snacks around those meals like the 100 cal snack mix, rice chips, etc.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey guys... haven't been on in a while. Been super busy this week but am back on track. Excited about this weeks challenge... I absolutely LOVE water... especially ice cold water. The post from Cris was very informative and will help me to push to drink even more! So thank you for that.

    okay i have a question. I still live at home with my dad and step mom. I am trying to only eat things that I can keep up with the calories at least until I get a good feel for healthy eating and calories in general. I have been eating kashi cereal for breakfast, a special k bar for a snack and healthy choice steamers for lunch... I also have been eating the healthy choice steamers for supper as well. I was wondering if it is bad that i eat those for lunch and supper. I'm not able to cook there because she's one of those that are weird about people in "her" kitchen. Anyways, I don't want to eat what she cooks because it's definitely not healthy so I thought eating those prepackaged dinners would be better because i could keep up with the calories and track them. Plus they are extremely deliscious.

    So is it okay to eat those for both lunch and supper and i eat snacks around those meals like the 100 cal snack mix, rice chips, etc.

    I personally eat those frozen meals...convenience and ability to keep up this lifestyle is important to me. I eat a lean cusine or smart one (WW) for lunch and sometimes for dinner too otherwise I eat what I make for dinner for my family just in way smaller portions.

    I have heard people say that the sodium content in the frozen meals are too high but I find that when I make my own meals the sodium content is even higher. Also, people may criticize you for not eating 'healthy' per say, but you have to do what works for you and what you feel you can continue to do for the rest of your life...in my case grabbing a frozen meal for lunch time is a much better option than eating out every day for lunch and making my own is not an option for me

    Good luck finding what works for you!

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hey guys... haven't been on in a while. Been super busy this week but am back on track. Excited about this weeks challenge... I absolutely LOVE water... especially ice cold water. The post from Cris was very informative and will help me to push to drink even more! So thank you for that.

    okay i have a question. I still live at home with my dad and step mom. I am trying to only eat things that I can keep up with the calories at least until I get a good feel for healthy eating and calories in general. I have been eating kashi cereal for breakfast, a special k bar for a snack and healthy choice steamers for lunch... I also have been eating the healthy choice steamers for supper as well. I was wondering if it is bad that i eat those for lunch and supper. I'm not able to cook there because she's one of those that are weird about people in "her" kitchen. Anyways, I don't want to eat what she cooks because it's definitely not healthy so I thought eating those prepackaged dinners would be better because i could keep up with the calories and track them. Plus they are extremely deliscious.

    So is it okay to eat those for both lunch and supper and i eat snacks around those meals like the 100 cal snack mix, rice chips, etc.

    lauryn...I commend you for making such efforts in your eating.
    Being in another womans home, no less kitchen, is always a touchy subject. You don't want to impede on her space, but at the same time you DO have to eat. So let's look at all you are doing right...
    You're drinking lotsa water, eating a healthy breakfast, munching on good snacks and eating steamers twice a day. You're not using your current living situation as an excuse to drive through McD's every day- you really are making an effort.
    You can definitely keep track of your calorie intake with these boxed foods, I would watch out for the sodium and suger content and steer towards the dishes with the lowest.
    My new big find in the frozen foods section is fish in a steam bag.....so good. I'm so hooked :wink: on the tilapia and cod.
    Add these with a bag of veggies in a steam bag and I have an instant meal...that was my dinner last night. Try it. Altogether it took 9 mins to steam both bags, pour onto a plate and throw away the bags. Your stepmom won't even know you're in the house.
    Try fresh fruit and nuts for a snack , keep in your room for when the munchies come. Maybe you can look into buying a mini fridge to house yogurts, string cheese, and any other healthy perishables.
    You could also figure out a schedule when your stepmom is ok with you using the almighty kitchen to fix your foods. Explain that you are really trying to make the transition to a healthier lifestyle and you could really use her help. People like to be needed.
    Anyway, you're doing great. Hang in there!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I also eat the Health Choice and Lean Cuisine meals for lunches most days because they're easy for me and all of the nutritional info is right on them. The less I have to think about eating healthy, the better I do. I just need to watch my dinners more closely.

    Cris is right on the sodium thing. I used to think they were bad with the sodium, but I've realized that I have an easier time staying under the sodium if I have prepared foods that tell me exactly what is in them.

    I say do what works best for you! Weight loss needs to be personalized or it won't work...period! Keep up the awesome work. I'm glad to hear you're back on track!
  • laurynh925
    laurynh925 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks for all the advice guys. I really didn't think twice about it until a girl I work out with said she was worried about me only eating those for meals all the time. so then i thought maybe it was bad to do that. But i figured as long as i ate fresh veggies, fruits and met my calorie goals then it would be fine.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey Cris, I am digging this water challenge.. I drank 16 cups ( 128 oz) A gallon of water :drinker: yesterday...
    today, I'm going to drink the same amount...dispite all the bathroom visits..lol

    Thanks girl for the challenge! lov it:drinker: :love: :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey Cris, I am digging this water challenge.. I drank 16 cups ( 128 oz) A gallon of water :drinker: yesterday...
    today, I'm going to drink the same amount...dispite all the bathroom visits..lol

    Thanks girl for the challenge! lov it:drinker: :love: :laugh:

    after a couple of days the bathroom visits slow down as your body adjusts to the new intake, I promise!!! Keep it up all week and I swear you'll see and feel a difference

    Thanks for trying out the challenge!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I also love t his challenge and its really hard but really worth it. Yesterday I think I made it to 7 cups which is a huge improvement from the last couple weeks of only 2 or 4 cups. Today I will try for 8 cups again!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Yay, a challenge I'm good at! :) I was the water drinking champion in Basic training...:laugh:

    I am right there with you! I was so freaked out that I wasnt able to find out the challenge today. I was afraid I was going to be so far behind on the challenge that I wouldnt be able to do it this week... Little did I know, I have been doing it all along :drinker: Yay... I really hope to get in the stretching too :D

    Shredder: I have found that if I am unable to stretch and warm-up before my gym classes, I have a very difficult time making it through. People continue to tell me "you shouldnt be working out for 20-30 minutes prior to the aerobics class... it is not necessary." Well, for me it is! Otherwise I cant get up to speed with everyone else. My performance is so much better too. Unfortunately, I am only able to do this warm-up/stretch about 1 time out of the week before my class. I just cant get out of the office in time to do it and make it to gym class on time.
  • KristinLynn25
    I was worried about the water drinking! I am not good at drinking water. I did good today though and drank 12 cups!!! Yesterday was only 2 cups so that is a HUGE improvement!! Now just need to work on the exercise.... Boot Camp starts on Sunday so I am looking forward to that!
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    Yesterday was a bad day for me....ate too much JUNK and did not get to workout. I was busy all day! My uncle was on the offshore rig that exploded, so the morning was spent worrying about him (he is fine thank God, but continuing to pray for the lost and their families). Then I got home and cleaned my house some (put up laundry, swept, cooked supper, etc.). Then I had some work stuff that HAD to be finished, so did not get my workout in. I really am disappointed in myself. I hope to get my walking in today and possibly meditation. Still working on the ab challenge. I would love to get it done!! I need some ab work! Today has been better by far! Hope to keep it up!!

    Calcote- Where are you? I am in Louisiana too! While my husband does not work offshore, he is in the oil industry as is my assistant's husband. We are all praying for all the families involved!

    As far as your plan here, keep it up girl... Together we can do this! k
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    Yesterday was a bad day for me....ate too much JUNK and did not get to workout. I was busy all day! My uncle was on the offshore rig that exploded, so the morning was spent worrying about him (he is fine thank God, but continuing to pray for the lost and their families). Then I got home and cleaned my house some (put up laundry, swept, cooked supper, etc.). Then I had some work stuff that HAD to be finished, so did not get my workout in. I really am disappointed in myself. I hope to get my walking in today and possibly meditation. Still working on the ab challenge. I would love to get it done!! I need some ab work! Today has been better by far! Hope to keep it up!!

    Calcote- Where are you? I am in Louisiana too! While my husband does not work offshore, he is in the oil industry as is my assistant's husband. We are all praying for all the families involved!

    As far as your plan here, keep it up girl... Together we can do this! k
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    This might not be a good week for me, ladies! I'm doing good with the water (and made it up to 100 crunches, btw), but my older daughter is sick with a tummy bug again. No gym! Plus, she is hogging the TV so I can't do my Wii Fit. :laugh:

    I also need to resist the wonderful smells wafting out of my kitchen...I'm making biscotti and gingersnaps for my little brother, and a ham and broccoli casserole for The Man for supper. I miss eating things other than salad. :sad:
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    Sorry, my computer locked up! I'm in MS, but was born in LA. Moved here when I was young. Most of my family still lives in LA, but they are scattered now!

    Please keep praying for those families. It's been a difficult time for everyone involved!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Yay, a challenge I'm good at! :) I was the water drinking champion in Basic training...:laugh:

    I am right there with you! I was so freaked out that I wasnt able to find out the challenge today. I was afraid I was going to be so far behind on the challenge that I wouldnt be able to do it this week... Little did I know, I have been doing it all along :drinker: Yay... I really hope to get in the stretching too :D

    Shredder: I have found that if I am unable to stretch and warm-up before my gym classes, I have a very difficult time making it through. People continue to tell me "you shouldnt be working out for 20-30 minutes prior to the aerobics class... it is not necessary." Well, for me it is! Otherwise I cant get up to speed with everyone else. My performance is so much better too. Unfortunately, I am only able to do this warm-up/stretch about 1 time out of the week before my class. I just cant get out of the office in time to do it and make it to gym class on time.

    Never you mind what people say to you... The "Experts" all agree that a stretch and soft warm up not only helps you gear up to burn at maximum capacity during your actual workout, it also prevents injury. It's a good thing and I'm really pleased that you're incoporating it into your day....once a week is more than a lot of people are doing ...so keep it up. You have the right attitude.
    My water consumption yesterday was really off, I only drank about 24oz compared to 56oz on Tuesday.
    Need to get in a hard workout/stretch today...feeling a bit off this week...not sure why? Maybe it's the maniacal hormones that are doing a number with my head. aahhhh
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Used my new Tanita scale for the first time today and I LOVE it :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    even though it tells me I'm fat !!!! all of 42% :laugh: :laugh:

    Anyone know approx how long it should take me to get to 39% fat?? I want to make that one of my mini goals.

    In other exciting new....I can now fit into a size of Ann Taylor size 14s !!!!!!!
  • swtonu2000
    swtonu2000 Posts: 45 Member
    I would love to join this thread! I will be starting my new regimen on Sunday 05/02/2010. This seems like a great motivational spot to get moving & to help stay focused.

    Looking forward to chatting with everyone!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Swtonu2000: Welcome to the group!

    Meokk: Congrats on getting into those size 14s! That's so awesome!

    Cris: I got 60 oz. of water in yesterday. Slow improvement, but I'm making some progress.

    Today I go to the annual female doctor appointment and I'm scare of what their scale will say. I know it will be higher than mine at home due to different time of day, clothes, etc. Ick!
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    Hello folks - :flowerforyou:

    Heather - Don't worry about the doctor scale - just remember YOU ARE WORKING ON IT and your dr should be proud of you and what you have accomplished. :love:

    So I found myself meditating in Spin class last night- strange..I was so focused on the incline climb we were doing I closed my eyes (a 7 min incline) and focused on my breathing and just me - my body kept pushing ..It was great. :wink:

    Shredder - I got my stretching and cardio in dispite the rain/wet schedule that God wanted to play over here. :huh:

    Chris- I have the lapband so comsuming alot of water is tough because no room. But I have been getting in at least 67.6 oz everyday (4 of the water bottles) I weigh in at 188.5 so what should I be getting? Just trying to see the # difference. BTW are you feeling better? :smile:

    Oh and ABS - HA! :tongue: Last night before Spin I went to a 15 minutes AB class at the gym- and WOW am I still feeling it.:embarassed: ..I can do straight crunches but this class made me work - it was great - will be there next week again.

    So I have been going through TOM this week - working out, and good pretty good minus the choclate but I notice the scale not bugging...any thoughts on that. I try to consume more food but with the band limits how much I can take in. :bigsmile: I am trying to figure out where I can do more to lose more ...

    Okay so happy Thursday and we will see if tonights workout will make a difference with the scale.
