High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    Hello Ladies - HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO !!:drinker:

    Ncole1 -I will be first to admit I weigh in daily in the AM and most of the time I doing ok. I do it more to mentally let me know that I am doing ok and haven't drastically changed overnight.

    Today I dropped a bit but I think it's cause I didn't eat too much yesterday - home sick- actually home with allegeries that kicked my butt. I still have chest congestion and so just going up and down the stairs at work gets me winded- IT SUCKS!:explode: I have totally not done well on this weeks challenge- I haven't even gotten into the gym.:huh: I hope to go in tomorrow for Zumba.

    Calcote05 -The frustration with eating right and exercising and seeing no change on the scale - means for me check my measurements. If the pants fit lose then hey maybe it's a inch gone somewhere. I log those every month so I can see if any changes have occured. :bigsmile:

    Shredder - I like the New Balance shoes - and they last me a while but I also havea pair of Nike that I switch out. :flowerforyou:

    I will say this much I am walking in the Avon Breast Cancer walk and to help with my fundraising I am selling stuff at the swap meet this month well as I was putting all my clothes together I was amazed all my jeans capris and shorts from size 26W to 20 where going in the bag - too big. I went to the thrift store and was able to find some size 16 and they fit :noway: and the 18 I was so proud to get into now they fit lose..crazy.

    I watched the Biggest Loser last night and was in awe of those folks on the jacob's ladder- I wish my gym had one- I would want to try it on for size. And I know it's a show but one young lady lost 10 pounds in 1 week? Is that even healthy? I wonder. ..proud for her and I hope she continues losing and I am just trying to get a third of that a week. LOL

    Allie - Thanks for the reminder about weighing in manana - I have to run errands after work - grocery shopping for the family so I will race through the aisle to try to get some cardio in to try to drop a lil more:laugh:
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    ncole-1 -- I have the horrible habit of weighing myself everyday also! It drives me crazy that the numbers jump around so much! My personal goal for the next two weeks is to only weigh myself on weigh in day! I know it is going to be hard, but I begin to stress when the numbers are going in the WRONG direction. Hope this helps!!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I need some reassurance.... I have gotten into the habit of weighing myself everyday,
    Last Fri (weigh in day) 177.8
    Sun 166
    Tues 166.6
    Today was back up at 177.8

    Wow... Over 10lbs in 2 days? that is my main question... where did it all go and how? I know this isnt what we wanna hear, but do you think it was a mistake? I got on my scale a few weeks ago and it said I had dropped 20lbs over night...
  • ncole1
    ncole1 Posts: 21
    Sorry that was a mistake of my typing! Or wishful thinking :laugh:
    Should of been 176 in stead of 166 (both times!)
  • ncole1
    ncole1 Posts: 21
    Bleux: I think a note will be going up near my scales saying out of order until Fridays!! :laugh:

    Calcote: That sounds like a good mini challenge of weighing no more than twice in a week, think i may have to join u on that!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I said it once and I will say it again....

    Hi my name is Cris and Im a scale-aholic.....

    I weigh in like 3-4 times a day. It doesnt bother me much if the scale goes up because I weigh in so often that I know my body's daily fluctuations. I can gain up to 6lbs in a day (water and food). I really dont worry too much unless my nighttime weight shows more than a 6lb gain. By morning time I am back to the weight (or less) than I was in the previous day's moring weigh in. I only track/record my Friday and Monday weigh ins which I do first thing in the morning. Everything else is just to see how differnet drinks and food impact my body.

    Examples- if I drink 4 or more beers I can LOSE 5lbs+ overnight...I get dehydrated THAT easily
    if I eat pizza I can gain 2-3lbs by the next morning and it takes me on average 2 days to flush it out
    drinking a 28oz bottle of water makes me gain almost a lb

    Just little things you learn so that if you DO see a gain you dont freak out....but to other people weighing in everyday can make them discouraged and quit...its really a presonal decision as to what works for you!
  • ncole1
    ncole1 Posts: 21
    Thanks Cris.... I definately am not going to quit!! So i guess im gonna have to like it or lump it! Hopefully tomorrows official weigh in will be kinder to me :smile:
  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    Well I am hitting the road pretty early tomorrow so I'm going ahead and weighing in, I hope it gets included in the spread because I'm much happier about it this week than previous weeks!
    Last weigh in I gained a pound! :sad:
    This weigh in is MUCHO better (Happy Cinco de Mayo!!) - I lost 3 pounds! :bigsmile:

    CW: 163
    GW: 140ish

    I'm still drinking a lot of water, probably need to force more down today, I've gone a little over board on the pickle juice lately (I just can't get enough of that yummy stuff!)
    I need to bump up my workouts though, that's my biggest struggle. Definitely fitting in a good dog walk before our Fiesta tonight though! :smile:

    Good luck everyone on tomorrow's weigh in!!! :glasses:
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    Well I am hitting the road pretty early tomorrow so I'm going ahead and weighing in, I hope it gets included in the spread because I'm much happier about it this week than previous weeks!
    Last weigh in I gained a pound! :sad:
    This weigh in is MUCHO better (Happy Cinco de Mayo!!) - I lost 3 pounds! :bigsmile:

    CW: 163
    GW: 140ish

    I'm still drinking a lot of water, probably need to force more down today, I've gone a little over board on the pickle juice lately (I just can't get enough of that yummy stuff!)
    I need to bump up my workouts though, that's my biggest struggle. Definitely fitting in a good dog walk before our Fiesta tonight though! :smile:

    Good luck everyone on tomorrow's weigh in!!! :glasses:

    Congrats on the 3 pounds, thats great!!!! and...pickle juice!!?? like the juice from the pickle jar?
  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    Congrats on the 3 pounds, thats great!!!! and...pickle juice!!?? like the juice from the pickle jar?

    oh yea! I'm totally addicted! :)
    the salts have always been more my down fall than the sweets and I LOVE pickles! And the JUICE! :drinker: :drinker:
  • candice26
    candice26 Posts: 27
    Chris, congratulations! Youre making such progress! The ones are just around that corner!! You are such an inspiration!!

    Shredder - I have nike's too and LOVE them! I remember the 1st time I wore them and how light they were!! I totally recommend getting fitted properly!

    Ncole - before this thred I was only weighing myself once a month and I ALWAYS saw a drop in weight! I am easily discouraged and weight can be misleading! It's more about the way your clothes fit! You could have gained muscle, an LOOK leaner, but the scale says more! Fluctuation can happen cuz of water etc. It also depends on time of day, whether u went to the washroom, so don't get down because of the scale! Stick to it! Chris has said many times in this thread that stress is no good for your weight, so hang in there!!!

    Allie - VEGAS?? Wow girl, so jealous :) have a blast!!!
  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    Okay so Thursday is a crazy busy day and I can't weigh in due to my scheduel so I weighed in today. I PM you Allie so you could get this.
    So this evening after picking up my daughter I weighed in. I knew lasts week gain was mainly do to water retension and bloating.

    SW~ 247.2
    LW~ 245.
    CW~ 238.9 (5.3lb loss)

    Thank you ladies for sharing your sucesses and slides it makes it better knowing other people feel like you do. My weigh in for our local town weight loss group is on friday so going to keep at it so I can see even more of a loss.
    Good luck with weigh ins tommorow!
  • AngelaCZ
    AngelaCZ Posts: 158
    Hi ladies!

    I weigh in every morning - twice. Like Cris, I'm a scal-a-holic. I weigh in the morning when I get up and have gone potty. Then when I've removed my clothes before I change into my work clothes I weigh again. I usually notice a 1 lb difference in weight.

    For those getting frustrated by their numbers - a suggestion if I may - try changing your workout routine (if you haven't already).

    I couldn't go play my hour of racquetball today due to storms, so I ran on the treadmill for 2 miles. This is a marker for me cuz I hate running. I get bored. But summer classes will be starting in 2 weeks, so getting to the gym will have to be before work.

    Lots of good wishes to everyone for tomorrow's weigh in.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    ****WEIGH IN*********


    Have a good weekend everyone
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Allie, I hope you have a fun time in Vegas!

    Here are my stats:

    Last week: 173.9
    This week: 172.4 (down 1.5 pounds)

    Not that fantastic, I know. And I am concerned that next week's numbers are going to be even more dismal. On Saturday, The Man, the girls and I are going to Virginia for a week and a half. We will be staying at his mom's house and she LOVES to cook! I'm not worried about resisting the food, it's more an issue of eating late at night. Sometimes they don't eat supper until 8:30 or 9, which is when I normally go to bed. Am I exaggerating? NO.

    Also, I will be away from the gym, and packing up all of our stuff from our Virginia house will probably be the only exercise I get! At least The Man is trying to work out the logistics of bringing the Wii Fit along with us.

    Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer...any advice you guys have would be greatly appreciated. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and happy Mother's Day to all you Moms out there!
  • AngelaCZ
    AngelaCZ Posts: 158
    SW: 167.2
    LW: 158.4
    CW: 155.2

    Have a great day everyone!

    SW - 202
    LW - 199

    CW - 195 -4
  • kaylac13
    kaylac13 Posts: 16
    LW: 180.2
    CW: 178.4

    So I'm down 1.8 pounds. Not the 4 pounds from last week, but I knew I couldn't do that every single week! Good luck everyone!

    BTW, I met my first goal (10 pounds), so I get a pedicure!
  • Ju5t4u_84
    Ju5t4u_84 Posts: 28
    *Weigh In*

    SW: 190
    HHFSW: 165
    CW: 160.3

    Started a new job this week so been really busy, but have managed to work out every day this week thus far. I hope everyone had a great week. Little mini goal for all who wish to take it for this weekend. Manage to NOT eat at least one bad thing you were going to. ex. You go to a restaurant and were planing to have the pasta with cream sauce, have the salad with grilled chicken instead. Or, you saw some really tasty cookies just hanging out on the cupboard... don't eat them have some of your many needed oz. of water instead. Just thought a lot of us have some issues on the weekend and thought maybe if I put it in form of a goal, it may push us all to be better.

  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    last: 169.2lbs.
    goal: 140 or 135lbs.
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