

  • Thanks, I don't think I do really though.. It's only 30 minutes most days and I feel if I don't do it ill eat over my allowance!
  • I wasn't assuming that, I was just stating that I don't eat a tonne of rubbish which can often be a cause of fatigue etc!
  • I used to suffer really bad with shin splints, then I watched a video on you tube and found out that my running style was the main cause. I was landing with my heel first which was causing more impact through my legs and a lot of pain (at the worst I could barely walk!) now I am conscious with every step I take to land…
  • Thanks, I've read and understood most of the link! I'm guessing if you work out your TDEE and set it at moderate activity you don't then add your exercise calories on? Like I said I don't have a lot of weight to lose but I am very pear shaped and my legs are way out of proportion to the rest of my body, To me they are…
  • I lost about 14lbs last year then used the diary to make sure I didn't over eat, then stopped over Xmas and gained 8 or 9lbs so I have now lost that plus 1 more lb, however I am now exercising more so maybe this is where the hunger comes from? I guess I just feel like I am eating such a lot, but I do try to make sure they…
  • I think I eat quite a few carbs, usually cereal/porridge and a banana, brown bread at lunch with some fruit and potatoes or brown rice or pasta for tea with chicken or lean/quorn mince and veggies then fat free yog for pudding. I have the odd naughty treat but within my calorie goal. Daily amounts average from 220-300…