CPReaves Member


  • I have no problem with gluten, but since my family had to go gluten free 2 years ago, I've lost 90 lbs...the first 45 without even trying. Three of my kids and my husband are all gluten intolerant, and I didn't need a doctor to figure it out. The fact my son was in the bathroom 10 times a day and couldn't gain a pound to…
  • I make all of my own cakes from scratch. I have found amazing bundt cake recipes (cinnamon, lemon, and chocolate chip). I have a really good yellow cake I also found on the internet. I use that one to make birthday iced cakes, strawberry shortcake, a peach-whipped topping cake, etc. I also found a carrot cake recipe…
  • Hi! I'm a SAHM to 4 kids - ages 12, almost 6, 3, and 21 months (2 boys, 2 girls). I also watch a 2-year-old daughter of a good friend 5 days a week, and my niece and nephew 3 days a week. Would love some other SAHM friends!
  • My husband and 3 of our kids are gluten intolerant. We have been gluten free for over a year and a half. We are very strict about no gluten coming in the house because 2 of the GF kids are 3 and 1, kinda hard to explain to them why they can't have something. Anyway, in the first year, I lost 45 lbs from just cooking from…
  • I am incredibly lucky. While I don't have the problem myself, 3 of my 4 kids do and so does my husband. MY mom decided that she didn't want to have to tell the kids (or my husband) that they couldn't eat something so she made everything for Thanksgiving completely gluten free and will do it again for Christmas. She had me…
  • We love Heartland pasta from Walmart. It's $2.18 a bag, and is a corn and rice mix. You can't tell it's not "normal" pasta. The kids love the Synder's pretzels. We also adore Kinnikinnick's pizza crusts. They are by FAR the best and fairly decently priced, 4 of them in a box for about $9.00. My husband says their donuts…
  • Hi! My name is Carrie and while I'm not gluten intolerant, my husband and 3 of my kids are, so we are a completely gluten free house hold. I figured it out for them a little over a year ago. It took a bit to convince my husband that gluten might be his problem, but after we were gluten free for a couple weeks, he was…
  • What kinds of foods does he like? My entire household has been gluten free for over a year because we figured out that 3 of my kids and my husband are all gluten intolerant. We've learned to turn our favorite foods into gluten free versions. We make fried chicken (and occasionally fried shrimp) with corn flour (which is…
  • I have 8 of Bob's DVDs and one of his kettlebells. The only ones I haven't done are the Yoga and Bob's Workout (but I do own them). I'm a little scared of Bob's Workout! I LOVE all of them and rotate through them. I think my absolute favorite is Totally Ripped Core. I did 30 days of Jillian Michaels 30DS, and I celebrated…
  • I haven't seen them in the store, but DON'T reorder! LOL. That happened to my order. It shipped a day or so later. I LOVE all of DVDs (and I have all but 1 that is out at this moment). There is a flaw in his store, but just watch for it to ship. I was bummed when it happened to me, but so excited when I found out that the…
  • Hi! I'm a stay-at-home mom of 4...almost 12, 5, almost 3, and 16 months. I also babysit one little girl (2) for a friend, and one of my nephews and one of my nieces (3 and 9 months). I'm so kid-ed out it's ridiculous!