J'aimerai venir mais je ne suis pas dispo ces jours-là.. Peut-être une prochaine fois !
Hello, Je suis à Paris (18) ! ça fait assez longtemps que j'utilise MFP mais je n'ai que des amis anglophones et ils sont souvent sur des zones horaires différents, du coup ce n'est pas toujours évident de s'encourager ! Je cherche donc des personnes plutôt connectées vivant dans le coin :) ! ++
I'm 7 month pregnant and I have only gained 11-12 lbs ! In fact, I've gained only 4lbs because I've lost 8lbs in the first trimester.. ^^ (I've been using MFP since july and get pregnant in august)
Ouuh some of them sound delicious ! So I had my first one. For 2 : 1 banana 1 cup of frozen red fruits 1 small yogurt 2 tbsp of vanilla ice cream ~180 cal a glass It was a delish :-)
Thanks everybody :-) And bump for others answers !! :-)
Get new bras, sports bras and moisturize. It helps.
Fantastic job and Lovely <3 Thank you for sharing, this is very inspirational !
When i wasn't veggie, I used to take a Happy Meal ! Plus you get a toy ^^ Hamburger - Small fries - Diet Coke - Serving Size: 1 meal, Calories: 480, Fat: 20g, Carbs: 60g, Protein: 15g
Well, some of my co-workers calls me Crazy or Weird or Obsessed, because of the MFP apps on my phone and the fact that I record everything I eat. For now, I haven't lose that much so I can't say I have a lot of compliments. But, everybody is nice to me.
There were these boys outside of the bar where I was with friends. They were laughing together. One of them said "there are only pretty girls in these bar" and I left for a call. Then he laughed loudly and said "no not that one, always an exception." I did not react and pretends not to hear but I was vexed and ashamed...…
Congrats girl ! You look amazing, pretty and healthy. I hope your alternative treatment will stand. You are an example for everyone.
I consider myself as an emotional eater, any emotion gets me to the food (from happiness to sadness). But my main binge call is angst..
Humm yeah Damon seems tasteful :-P
Vampires ! 17 years of addiction, thanks to Anne Rice. After Buffy, True Blood serie is now making my day. I like the books even if they are poorly written (like Twilight). Werewolves are plus one in my Supernatural fantasies with witches and all. Zombies are different for me, in a way much more realistic. I'm always…
Thank you :-) !!
I am 5'2 and I am truly inspired by your pictures ! Girls you are BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING ! Thank you so much for the sharing :-)
"There are a lot of bigger girls, I am only overweighted" (yeah, so why should I be bothered ?) "My boyfriend loves me for what I am" (yeah you were 119 pounds when you've met him first --> now, you're 158, lucky he married you) "Every time I have been on diet I have gain my weight back and more" (no, it's not the…
Even if fruit are better for your health than candies or other processed food, you need to count them. I have a good friend, who eat very counsciously but last summer he gained 3 pounds. Why ? He was drinking too much homemade orange juice, 4 sometimes 6 oranges a day. He was trying to get Vitamin C to feel better... he…
My gush, you're so brave, his reaction was outrageous ! But, we can't judge anything, not him or your relationship based on this situation only. The only way to finish this is to communicate. You already have apologized. So, explain him everything now, every little thing of your journey. If he loves his dogs so much, he…
Gemma is particularly cute and I like Bennett too ! <3 Thanks for the recipe, I think I'm gonna ask a blender for my birthday !! For now, I'm buying Innocent smoothies if you know them. It's all natural.
I'm still struggling with nauseas, it is awful... Today I had a 3 miles walk in the city with hill and stairs. Exercising helps a lot, but I am really feeling tired... My nauseas savers are crackers, what are/were yours ladies ?? :-) Kittycatss: thank you for the sharing, I had a bleeding episode last week, went to an…
Amazing ! You look amazing and seems to be GREAT human being !
As everything, the excess of protein could be dangerous. The proteins leaves waste in your metabolism: urea, uric acid. The kidneys can not all eliminated so it may causes their elevation in the blood. But at your statement I don't think it's too much. The daily requirement for an healthy adult is around 1g for 2 lbs, but…
I am 5'2 and 158 lbs, so I really look huge when some people taller will look fit.. My best moment was at 108 lbs, I think I won't be able to reach this weight anymore. My journey goal is 127 and I'll be happy when I reach 143 lbs ... But the weight is not everything, because if your body looks limp you won't be pretty. So…
Soup warm or cold, smoothies, mashed potatoes, yoghurt... My biggest problem was that I've swallowed too much blood which gave me nauseas, so I needed some thick food and ate limp bread (white loaf) and cream cheese.
Hi ! I'm new to the forum and I've been using MFP apps since 50 days. I'm pregnant, 6 weeks. I had a miscarriage in January at 3 month so I am really anxious and afraid to lose this new little pea... I'm on diet and my doctor is ok. I hope the best for everyone here ! :-)
Thank you for the welcoming ! We can practice French if you want ;-) Hope you'll come one day, I also would like to visit US and Canada. Maybe in a year or two I'll go to New-York. Thanks again :-)
Hi! I'm a vegetarian too ! And new on the forum :-)