Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I did a prenatal yoga dvd for the first time last night and really enjoyed it. My back felt better right away and I just felt really good. Although it was somewhat difficult to relax in the moment when the dogs thought I was on the floor to play with them. lol I think I'm going to start alternating cardio and yoga during the week so I get a few days of each. I have some light weights I need to incorporate too. I used to be able to lift a lot of weight, but I haven't done much strength training since being pregnant and I can already tell a HUGE difference in the strength of my muscles. :(

    I was STARVING last night and just couldn't stay full so I ate more than I should have, but I didn't eat a lot on Monday so I'm not worried about it. I have an OB appointment today and I plan on going to the gym for cardio after that. Hopefully I can get Eric to go with me again.

    Regarding the question about going to a military hospital and Tricare's coverage on ultrasounds, I spoke to Tricare on Monday and as long as the 20 week u/s is done at a military facility they won't even see it. They won't, however, pay for it at a civilian facility unless it is absolutely medically necessary. I called Andrews AFB and will be scheduling my 20 week u/s with them for the first week in November. :) Yay!! Glad to have that all worked out.

    I've been feeling nauseous lately. I thought it was supposed to disappear by now, but it seems mine is just starting. lol Hopefully it doesn't last.

    Heather, I can't believe you felt her so soon! I hope I do! :)
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Hey ladies :)

    That's so exciting that you found out what your baby is - I can't wait for that ultrasound! I'm 10 weeks today and my nausea has subsided lately, it's a wonderful thing!

    Wishing everyone happy babies and pregnancies!

    ♥ Jordin ♥
  • Mondeflottany - I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks on Valentines Day this year and was super scared, too when I found out I was expecting again. I ended up needing a progesterone supplement for the first 13 weeks and had two bleeding episodes that scared me to death early on. I'm 24 weeks now with a healthy baby boy and everything is great this time. I know it's hard, but try not to compare this pregnancy to the last one.

    So I bought a set of prenatal exercise DVDs at target yesterday. They go by trimester and even come with a post baby boot camp for afterwards. I'm hoping to crack them open today and give them a try this afternoon. :-) My sister is also coming over to help me finish painting the baby's room.

    I had my 24 week check up yesterday, too and everything looked great! The baby is measuring ahead and she was very pleased with my weight gain. I will admit that it is starting to become a little more difficult watching the scale go up, and I'm kind of left wonder where all the weight is
  • mondeflottant
    mondeflottant Posts: 30 Member
    I'm still struggling with nauseas, it is awful... Today I had a 3 miles walk in the city with hill and stairs. Exercising helps a lot, but I am really feeling tired...
    My nauseas savers are crackers, what are/were yours ladies ?? :-)

    Kittycatss: thank you for the sharing, I had a bleeding episode last week, went to an echography (ultrasound ?), everything was right. I saw the heart beat <3
    Except that the fetus seems to be a week in late, so I must have ovulated later.
    I have an other echography (ultrasound) the 30th (for my birthday) I hope everything is gonna be alright...
    Congrats on the good result of your exam ! :-)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi everyone!

    So...I didn't get my workout in last night...AGAIN :o( boo, BUT I did have a really healthy supper - Spinach salad, with garden carrots, cucumber, sugar snap peas and balsamic vinegar and a corn (gluten free) wrap with roasted turkey, cheese, mustard, butter lettuce and a little miracle whip! :o) It was really good and I even enjoyed the salad!
    This morning I made my green berry smoothie and I'm loving it and SO glad that I'm getting more veggies in! Whew!
    Here is the recipe:
    - 1 can of V8 vegetable fusion blueberry pomegranate
    - Frozen mixed berries (mine had peaches, blueberries & strawberries)
    - 2 large handfuls of baby spinach
    - 1 scoop of Greens + Energy powder
    - 1 tbsp of pineapple flavor calcium magnesium citrate liquid
    - some water to make it less thick :)
    Sometimes I also add half of a frozen banana but I forgot today ;)

    The smoothie is really tasty and is a really great way to sneak a big serving of green veggies in! Spinach is great because it is an excellent source of iron as well as the fact that it has anti-inflammatory properties! I have also used Kale in the past instead of spinach which is also really good because it is really rich in antioxidants and has lots of vitamin A, C, & K :)

    (sorry I just love learning about the nutritional facts behind what I'm eating!)
    Hope you guys try it & like it as much as I do!

    Ok gotta get back to work now!

    Oh and as for "Gemma" it would be pronounced like how you say "gem" like a gemstone, if that makes sense?

    Hope everyone is having a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • mondeflottant
    mondeflottant Posts: 30 Member
    Gemma is particularly cute and I like Bennett too ! <3

    Thanks for the recipe, I think I'm gonna ask a blender for my birthday !!
    For now, I'm buying Innocent smoothies if you know them. It's all natural.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Rayna - I love that you are considering the name Gemma. :) I think the name Abel for a boy is also cute. Does this mean we are too much of a fan of SOA? haha!! My friend's sister-in-law is going to use Abel if they have a boy. It's because of SOA that she wants to use it. lol :)
    That smoothie sounds really good! I bought a few different things to make green smoothies yesterday. I bought spinach, kale, green apples, green grapes, kiwis, pineapple. I meant to get some avocado, but forgot. The Vitamix recipe book has tons of green recipes in it and I can't wait to try them! I love the Naked Green Machine smoothie so I'm really excited to make our own. I wanted to get some wheat grass, but our commissary didn't have any. Lanikai Juice in Kailua, Hawaii has some amazing juices and I really want to recreate one I had there. It had carrot, apple, beet, and celery juice in it. It was so yummy.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning Ladies-

    Didn't get my work out in last night either....Have started to get some pressure in down in the pelvic area and it's making me waddle (already) my husband thinks it's hysterical but I find it rather annoying! Its very uncomfortable to walk!! I can't help but visualize a 2 year old with her hand between her legs because she has to go tinkle....thankfully, the pain comes and goes.

    Along with the pressure, I've also started waking up about 3am for no apparent reason...So I've done my due diligence of waking my lovely hubby up as well :laugh: to keep me company. Last night we sat in bed sharing a cantelope until I was tired enough to go back to sleep. Needless to say that I'm exhausted today. :yawn:

    Anyone experiencing anything similar (now) or previously with other pregnancies??

    My doctors apt is this afternoon and I have a LIST of questions to ask him.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Oh I forgot to share earlier...
    I'm not normally a cryer at all...especially in front of people, even Eric. He rarely sees me cry. In fact, he cried at our wedding and I didn't and he was like, "seriously?" haha!
    Well, my brother posted a video of Kenny Loggins singing "Danny's Song" on my sister-in-law's Facebook page (just found out they're having a baby in May!) and I couldn't stop crying. Eric was very much enjoying getting to see me cry. lol These damn hormones!!
    Here's the video in case you're up for a good, joyful cry. lol;feature=youtube_gdata_player
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Rayna - I love that you are considering the name Gemma. :) I think the name Abel for a boy is also cute. Does this mean we are too much of a fan of SOA? haha!! My friend's sister-in-law is going to use Abel if they have a boy. It's because of SOA that she wants to use it. lol :)
    That smoothie sounds really good! I bought a few different things to make green smoothies yesterday. I bought spinach, kale, green apples, green grapes, kiwis, pineapple. I meant to get some avocado, but forgot. The Vitamix recipe book has tons of green recipes in it and I can't wait to try them! I love the Naked Green Machine smoothie so I'm really excited to make our own. I wanted to get some wheat grass, but our commissary didn't have any. Lanikai Juice in Kailua, Hawaii has some amazing juices and I really want to recreate one I had there. It had carrot, apple, beet, and celery juice in it. It was so yummy.

    No such thing as "too much of a fan of SOA"! :laugh:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Oh I forgot to share earlier...
    I'm not normally a cryer at all...especially in front of people, even Eric. He rarely sees me cry. In fact, he cried at our wedding and I didn't and he was like, "seriously?" haha!
    Well, my brother posted a video of Kenny Loggins singing "Danny's Song" on my sister-in-law's Facebook page (just found out they're having a baby in May!) and I couldn't stop crying. Eric was very much enjoying getting to see me cry. lol These damn hormones!!
    Here's the video in case you're up for a good, joyful cry. lol;feature=youtube_gdata_player

    Dang it, I didn't even maike it to youtube! Read the title and the song just popped in my head....dang hormones!!
    Congrats to your SIL...
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Rayna - I love that you are considering the name Gemma. :) I think the name Abel for a boy is also cute. Does this mean we are too much of a fan of SOA? haha!! My friend's sister-in-law is going to use Abel if they have a boy. It's because of SOA that she wants to use it. lol :)
    That smoothie sounds really good! I bought a few different things to make green smoothies yesterday. I bought spinach, kale, green apples, green grapes, kiwis, pineapple. I meant to get some avocado, but forgot. The Vitamix recipe book has tons of green recipes in it and I can't wait to try them! I love the Naked Green Machine smoothie so I'm really excited to make our own. I wanted to get some wheat grass, but our commissary didn't have any. Lanikai Juice in Kailua, Hawaii has some amazing juices and I really want to recreate one I had there. It had carrot, apple, beet, and celery juice in it. It was so yummy.

    No such thing as "too much of a fan of SOA"! :laugh:

    I agree! LOVE that show! :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey Mamas!

    Rayna - I love Bennett for a name. I also like Gemma, although I have only heard it once and it sounded like Jeema. I like Gemma (like gem) better. :smile:

    Heather, I had only heard of Tracy Anderson from you and I youtubed her yesterday and may have to check her stuff out. I really want to get back into yoga too. I'm considering going back to my instructor's "easy" class and seeing how much of it I can do. speaking of work outs, I did walk at lunch yesterday, but only for abourt 10 minutes and it was to go get pizza. :blushing: Oh well. My facila was excellent! I can tell a difference in my skin; it looks glowing. Makes me think I need regular facials!

    Babeed - that's funny...the bit about the cantelope. I was up from 330 - 530 last night/this morning. I went to bed early so don't feel too bad today.

    So far I've been good about sticking to my goals this week. I've had 10 glasses of water minimum every day and have gotten my workouts in so far since yesterday was a free day. I packed my suit and plan on shooting for a mile swim even if the last quarter is on the kick board. Typically I try to freestyle continuously for 1/4 mile, take a little water break and begin again. I just want to finish the mile tonight. 2 weeks ago I felt more pulling than normal.

    Someone mentioned hormones....I am not an emotional person when it comes to typical emotional stuff. My friends used to tease me that I was dead on the inside. :wink: I haven't been overly teary but have gotten to be overly annoyed by stuff. A co-worker borrowed my umbrella the other day at like 4:30 (wihout asking and even realized it belonged to someone and had been used that day as it was wet) and I had to leave early to drop off some plans by 5. So wehn I left, it was gone. I was irrate. LIke I didn't get over it and was even thinking about it when I went to bed that night. I've also been more annoyed that usual with one of my other co-workers in general, and was annoyed by my husband a little but his friend mostly last night. They had been palying Golden Tee and having drinks while I got my facial and they (especially said friend) were just loud at dinner - like friend on the phone with co-workers talking at an annoying level. I felt like we were annoying the people around us. And that made me annoyed. Maybe I am more tolerant and don't notice while drinking. Typically I don;t mind that my husband drinks but last night I was just annoyed. Anyone else been more annoyed lately? I am typically laid back and not *****y, but I feel like I'm turning into a *****.

    Sorry for the long post....hope you all have a great day!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    babeed854 - I totally feel your pain! I didn't work out last night because I was having pain in my lower abdomen, I think it's ligament stretching? Whatever it was it was very uncomfortable! As for the waking up thing...I wake up up to 3 times a night lately, mostly because I have to pee, but last night I woke up at 4:00am and couldn't go back to sleep until 5:30 and had to wake up at 6...but didn't end up waking up until 7!! needless to say I was late for work today...whoopsies!

    Kristy & kcurtis05 - I absolutely LOVE SOA...I'm a big fan lol, my husband is struggling with the name Gemma because he thinks Gemma is kind of evil on the show lol...but I'm trying to explain to him that I don't want to name our baby after the character of Gemma on the show, I just love the name! haha...he likes it too...I think it might be the one if we have a girl! 7 more days until we find out!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    babeed854 - I totally feel your pain! I didn't work out last night because I was having pain in my lower abdomen, I think it's ligament stretching? Whatever it was it was very uncomfortable! As for the waking up thing...I wake up up to 3 times a night lately, mostly because I have to pee, but last night I woke up at 4:00am and couldn't go back to sleep until 5:30 and had to wake up at 6...but didn't end up waking up until 7!! needless to say I was late for work today...whoopsies!

    Kristy & kcurtis05 - I absolutely LOVE SOA...I'm a big fan lol, my husband is struggling with the name Gemma because he thinks Gemma is kind of evil on the show lol...but I'm trying to explain to him that I don't want to name our baby after the character of Gemma on the show, I just love the name! haha...he likes it too...I think it might be the one if we have a girl! 7 more days until we find out!

    I think Gemma is a little evil on the show too, but I know what you mean about just liking the name and I like it too so I say go for it! :) We kind of like the name Dexter for a boy, but I keep saying, "What if he has a dark passenger?" Haha! I love Dexter, but the fact that the character is a killer is hard to get past. Haha! Not to mention I don't know if I like the sound of Dexter Stafford. I think it's too much, but maybe not. We'll see. We're tossing around a lot of names. Agreeing on names we both like is hard. I meant to tell you, I like Bennett as well. That will be a great boy's name!
  • I love all the names being tossed around! I am a huge SOA fan too! The only show I watch weekly. For what its worth, I don't think Gemma is evil at all. I think she's extremely insecure, and acts out to protect her insecurities. LOL...Not that my opinion will be any more convincing to your husband that the name Gemma should be on the list. My husband and I really need to get serious about choosing names. We aren't finding out the baby's sex, so we obviously want to have a boy and a girl name ready. I've been really hoping names would just jump out at me, but no luck so far.

    Rayna, thanks for the smoothie suggestion! I've been needing to get more veggies in my diet lately also, and that's the perfect solution. I used to make something similar to your recipe all the time. I think I had better pull out my blender again.

    Hormones are NOT my friend right now! I go from raging b*&#! to crying in 0.1 seconds. I'm actually getting really annoyed with myself over it. And unfortunately I feel that my husband is feeling the affects of this the most. This morning I unintentionally tried something different for handling my emotions and I walked away without reacting, giving myself time to calm down. And it worked. Now the key is remembering to do this before the reactive part of me explodes.

    I didn't get a workout in yesterday, as I had expected. Didn't get home until 11pm last night, and at that point I was pooped. Bed was all that was on my mind. Especially because I believe I have the beginnings of a cold happening, and the only real cure-sleep. I plan to make tonight active though. I plan to FINALLY crack open my yoga DVD and get a walk in, even if its only a couple of miles.

    Hope you ladies have a great day!!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Hi Everyone, Sorry for the delay, but its been a busy week at work!

    Thanks for the congratulations on my future little boy. I'm so excited to have another boy.

    My husband and I want a name that starts with an A, but there are so few classic A boy names. The only one I really love is Alexander, and It seems like its going to take a while to get the hubby to agree. We may also consider I or E names. I recently came up with Ian, but I feel like its so short!

    We have a while to think about it I guess.

    Btw, Rayna, I love the name Gemma.
  • I actually worked out yesterday! Huge milestone for me as Ive been struggling with morning sickness and lethargy, big time. Ran a very slow 4kms, had to take a couple walk breaks in. Didnt really pay too much attention to my HR, just listened to my body. Really gonna try to to some weights tonight. Not sure whats for dinner yet, but heading out for Vietnamese soon with a friend. Sorry food is my life these days.

    We are not finding out the sex of the baby this time, and Im really excited about it, its going to be such a surprise! We are pretty settled on a girls name Vernonica Ray, Ray will be the middle name if we have a bot too. Rhonnie Ray for short. I cant help but think it sounds a lil hillbillyish but we like it. I also like the name Elanore but havent brought that one up to hubs yet.

    Hope everyone has a strong day
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Kristy - I love yoga too. It's awesome and does make me feel so much better. It's been recommended to me a lot before, but I never tried it until I got pregnant. It's been great so far!!! It must be the horomones for me too. I also am not a cryer at all, and lately I feel like crying at the simplest annoyances. I even cryed at a movie a few weeks ago. Then laughed because I can't believe I cried at a movie. :laugh:

    Jordin - So glad your morning sickness is subsiding. That's when mine started going away. I've still had moments though even this week, just certain times in the morning, but nothing too bad.

    Kittycatsss - It is hard to see the scale go up.......I no its a good thing right now, but it does bother me quite a bit. Good job at 10lbs so far, that's awesome. I was at 8 at my last appt. so we'll see in a couple weeks, but I'd say your doing great!!! For me a lot of the weight has went to boobs and butt I think. Still barely showing in my stomach, but pants are tighter across my butt :cry: , and up two bra sizes. It's crazy compared to my first pregnancy.

    Rayna - Gemma is such a cute name!!! I can't wait to try that smoothie either. It sounds great!

    babeed854 - As far as pressure....I've had it the whole time. It is painful and irritating at times. I feel like I could pee all day!!! Ecspecially when the baby moves down there, waddling for me, but I do wish the baby would move up. My doc said if it's still really low, then I will probably carry low the whole time. I was really high with my son, and couldn't breath hardly in the later months, so maybe it's a little girl...we'll see in a couple weeks.

    Ashley - YES, I am annoyed with the small stuff lately!!! I am the most patient, laid back person I think I know but lately I'm annoyed. We had friends over last weekend for cards/boardgames, everyone was drinking and also a friend of ours and their kids, are always so LOUD and I usually don't mind too much, but OMG I was ready to freak out!!!!! My husband drinking is bugging me too. Now that I'm not drinking, it's annoying to me that he does, I get sick of his conversations sometimes when he drinks. Not that he drinks all the time, but enough to piss me off I guess. He's only home 4 - 6 days a month so it's like HELLO!!!!! Maybe it's just me over reacting but I guess well see what happens.

    AFM: Football game last night.........started late and took forever, it was freezing outside and we lost. First loss of the season which meant a lot of sad/dissapointed kids :cry:
    I walked up and down the feild for an hour and will do so again tonight. At least I'm getting excercise at the same time. :smile: Still feeling a tight pain below my rib cage on the right side, it's so weird and annoying.

    I feel stressed out lately. Way too much going on!!!! Things have just been so busy since I got pregnant: moved, got married, son on vacation for 10 days, school started, work every day, football, now wrestling, and school stuff, picture day today, game tonight, practice for two types of sports tomorrow, plus cleaning, yard work, a little bit of fun and keeping up with homework and reading...... I feel pregnant sometimes, but I don't know it it has actually sunk in yet. Any other moms with more than one kid feel this way with the 2nd or 3rd pregnancy?? I am usually totally organized and today I forgot it was picture day, which meant a crazy hectic morning, which added ironing, and a haircut for my son..... managed to do it all, and only be 5 minutes late for work...

    Ok sorry for the long post, I know it's hard enough keeping up with all the excitement, but I had to get it out!!!

    Have a great day!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm 28 weeks today- hello 3rd trimester!

    I also decided not to get all of the extra tests done- basically they can tell you the odds of the baby having Down's Syndrome, etc., but nothing can be done about it if the baby does have problems. Since my hubby and I wouldn't consider an abortion anyway, we decided to not get the tests.

    I've been doing much better on exercise lately- my goal is to do at least 30 minutes 4 times a week. With the help of the teacher next to my room, we should have that covered- I teach bootcamp 2 days a week, and although it's dwindled quite a bit, we still have about 4 faithful ladies. They're understanding that I can't do all I once could, so I give them their "assignments," then participate in the parts I can. Also do DVD's or videos using the SMART board 2 days a week after school. Looked up some prenatal workouts, and they all looked like beginner's level, so I just decided to save my money and adapt my workout with the DVDs I've already got.

    Hope everyone has a great rest of your week! ~Khrys