Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Question about names for you ladies....

    When you choose names do you plan on using the full name (example: Sophia) and then calling he/she by the nickname (example: Sophie)? Or is it becoming common to just name the child by whatever you want? That seems like a weird question, but I'm not sure if I should use Sophia or Sophie. I prefer Sophie, but didn't know if Sophia would look better on paper. Does that make sense? I guess it doesn't really matter as long as we like it. I just thought formal would be good and then just use the nickname if we choose. I don't know. Picking out names is stressful!!! That's not the only name I'm deciding on, but just an example.

    svgarcia: Yes, we can (and should) get a flu shot. Not the mist, but the shot. Especially if you will be having your baby in flu season. As far dying your hair goes, I think that's okay. I don't think many people go with that train of thought anymore. Correct me if I'm wrong though ladies. I will be covering up some old highlights soon myself. :)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Just a quick message to let you know our baby GIRL arrived at 11:46 am today. 8 lbs 8 oz. 21 inches long. She's lovely and feeding well. I'm recovering and over the moon!

    Annie Lucille is here!


    SO happy for you!! Congratulations! :flowerforyou:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Question about names for you ladies....

    When you choose names do you plan on using the full name (example: Sophia) and then calling he/she by the nickname (example: Sophie)? Or is it becoming common to just name the child by whatever you want? That seems like a weird question, but I'm not sure if I should use Sophia or Sophie. I prefer Sophie, but didn't know if Sophia would look better on paper. Does that make sense? I guess it doesn't really matter as long as we like it. I just thought formal would be good and then just use the nickname if we choose. I don't know. Picking out names is stressful!!! That's not the only name I'm deciding on, but just an example.

    svgarcia: Yes, we can (and should) get a flu shot. Not the mist, but the shot. Especially if you will be having your baby in flu season. As far dying your hair goes, I think that's okay. I don't think many people go with that train of thought anymore. Correct me if I'm wrong though ladies. I will be covering up some old highlights soon myself. :)

    Hmmm..not sure? I think you go by what you like although we are settling for full names. But in all, I think all parents end up "nick naming" their kids :wink: so I wouldn't stress to much. Just pick something you like and go from there.

    SVGARCIA- yes my doctor told me that the flu shot was a must, to have it done before my next appt and I'm far a hair coloring my doctor told me no hair color and no getting my nails done. I have since done some research and have a wonderful stylist that said pregnant women should NOT color their hair due the the extreme chemicals, but, there are alternatives. We've been using a veggie dye instead and it's been working great for me and the baby. As far as getting nails done, again it's due to the chemicals so the ladies ususally sit me closest to the door so I can get some fresh air and we do the solar nails where are not harmful to me or the baby. If you decide to use over the counter nail polishes- Sally Hansen is the only one that doesn't have chemicals that go into your body.

    never realized how much of the things we use go into our body :noway:
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    can i join on in? i am 13 weeks pregnant with my first and due around march 22nd, 2012 :) i am very excited!! though i am finding the transition to being pregnant to be a little difficult at times...even though i know it is 100% worth it, it is hard for me to scale back my workouts and see the scale rise at a slightly too rapid rate! :) before finding out i was pregnant i ran 5-6 times per week for 3+ miles and i ran 3 half marathons in the past year...i also tried to get in a little time with jillian a few times per week as well (i love to eat so that was my way to keep balance)...i know i can't go like that now, but i don't want to get entirely off track either!
    i am a speech-language pathologist working in the schools and the adjustment back to work after the summer has made me really exhausted the past few weeks and my motivation to workout (even a walk) has dwindled...friends keep telling me that energy gets better in the second trimester and i am hoping it proves true for me because i think i will be a much happier mommy-to-be if i keep up my regular runs and walks :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I colored my hair a few months ago. Research will tell you everything from yes it's fine to absolutely not. I never did ask my dr. about it but don't think the risk of chemicals going ALL the way from scalp, through body, into uterus and placenta to baby was enough to make me worry. You can always ask your dr. for confirmation. I asked my dr. about spray tan and she said that was fine, as is going to the chiro, flying up until 36 weeks (she just said drink lots of water and rotate ankles regularly to prevent clotting and get up once to walk around during the flight). She also told me I must get a flu shot as my baby is due during flu season too. You can pass along the antibody to your baby to protect him/her if you breastfeed too. I also get my nails done every 3 weeks. There are so many things to consider and so many sources to consult its enough to make your head spin.

    Naming I think is totally opinion. For me I want to name my baby what she will be called but I realize that nicknames will inherantly occur and I've considered them when picking names. For instance, I like Gwenyth but am also okay with Gwen. I like Cecelia but don't really like CeCe so probably will eliminate that name. But I think if you like Sophie, go ahead and name her Sophie instead of Sophia.

    I started this day off positively and it's amazing how one negative voicemail waiting for me when I got in today has reset my whole mood. I'm ready for the work day to be over.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member

    Heather~ Thanks for the reminder to keep moving! I need you in my head everyday! “just "not feeling like it" shouldn't be an excuse!” Thanks you! Tonight I will definitely be moving. I had to really kick my butt a few nights ago to get up and put the DVD in, but I did it and I did feel much better. Your pics are very cute! Love the colors in the nursery!

    BetterBalance~ Temps are dropping in MI too. We are supposed to only be in the 60s for the rest of the week. I LOVE fall! Enjoy your run.

    Bzbear~ I will be checking out ebay for sure! I have noticed that the cribs tend to be just as expensive as the stores, but I’ll be getting some cloth diapers and nursery accessories off ebay for sure! I am a fan of craigslist as well. (not sure if you have it over there) It’s mostly a local classifieds where people list sales, items, or items they are looking for.

    Babeed~ Yay for the crib surprise! I’m sure that is a nice relief. Good goals and thanks for reminding me that I really should make some as well. I always do better when I have a plan.

    Millions~ My 10yr class reunion will be the month after LO arrives. I haven’t decided weather I’m going or not, but that would definitely be a bit of motivation! My biggest motivation is my LO. There is no way I am going to be a bad example for him/her! I want to be a fit momma for sure!

    Kristin~ I’m right there with you. Hubs and I have been going out to eat too much lately, mainly because nothing looks/sounds good and I can’t stand to cook! The other night we actually had grilled cheese sands and ramon soup (Hello sodium city!), because I couldn’t stomach the idea of cooking.

    SvGarcia~ So sorry for the dr troubles. That is quite frustrating! I hear you on the smells! I actually had to roll up my windows in the car the other day because I couldn’t stand the smell of the exhaust from the other cars. Boo!

    Kristy~ I have been thinking the same thing lately, but my dilemma is finding names that all sound good together and have contrasting amount of syllables. This is completely my opinion, but I like the idea of a formal name and using a nick-name. I always think of when he/she becomes an adult, would she like to use Sophia if she becomes and executive or ballet dancer? I guess it just gives them options. I am Kimberly and use Kim, but I like to have the option to go more formal if I wish. But go with a name you like so you don’t have any regrets.
    a1schwei~ Welcome! Congrats!

    AFM~ 2 weeks till my first appointment! Ugh, it seems so far away, but I’m still so excited! I’m hoping we get to see our lil bean or at least hear the heartbeat! OK I really have to get some work done. LOL
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I think you should name your baby anything you want! But just to forewarn you...even if you name her Sophie (which I think is a beautiful name in itself) I would bet that people will still break it down and call her Soph. I tend to go with what Kim says and we did a formal name (Charlotte) and are calling her by her nickname (Charlee) so when she gets older if she'd like to be more formal with her name she has the option.

    And I totally agree with what Ashley said about nails/hair. My doc said as long as it is in a ventilated area then there is no problems. They don't use the seriously harsh chemicals in hair dye like they used to and definitely not enough to affect the baby. I went from brunette to blond and back to brunette over the duration of my pregnancy. There is a huge extreme on thoughts for these kind of things. I say go with common sense and what you are most comfortable with. If there was evidence that getting your nails and your hair done could lead to fetal demise or defects then there would be a hard and fast rule against it. Nothing has been proven and is all opinion.

    Welcome Andrea and congratulations! Jump right in!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Question...are or were any of you in maternity clothes already in your first trimester? My pants are SO incredibly tight that I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to bust out my maternity-wear this weekend! With my daughter, I was still in regular pants I think until I was about 16-18 weeks along! They say you show much earlier the second time around, but goodness...I didn't expect to need them yet!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    I had to go out and get a few items. I'm officially at 14 weeks and I have very few items in my closet that do fit.....I have to admit these pants are the best creation on earth!! I've never been so comfy!!

    I'm not sure when your suppose to start wearing them - but I am and just last night I out grew my I've been wearing my hubbys shirts and some loose shorts around the house.

    next thing on my list is to purchase PJ's!

    I'm thinking the skirts that I purchased would look better with boots but my foot had already grown into the next size and I have a feeling they are going to keep growing (or swelling) any suggestions on maternity shoes/boots??
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Nkster781- I'm not sure how I feel about that??? I'm not a huge advocate of binky's over all...but I understand the need for them. I'll have to think on that one...

    Interesting indeed, thanks for sharing!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member

    Thanks for sharing. I didn't give my oldest a pacifier, the hear say around that time was that the baby catches to much air causing many colics. But i don't think this is true, however I might use them this time around.

    kristin- I bought a belly band for now, I barely started feeling tightness recently. I am in the 2nd trimester, but I made sure I didn't gian any weight in the first trimester and I didn't. Now I am feeling hunger at night, when i'm getting ready to sleep. :noway:
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Rosanna Barbaro-Flores and I'm 23 weeks pregnant.

    I'm not new to myfitnesspal, but am new to this Message Board.

    I have always been an inconsistent user of MFP, utilizing it mostly as a rough guide for maintaining when I really should have been losing. In recent days I realize how important it is for my baby, my body, my productivity to be the healthier me that I regularly fall in and out of. I have always been inconsistently active and inconsistently conscious of my diet. When I'm good I'm great, and when I'm bad I'm terrible. I want and need to turn over a new leaf for my baby's future and for me. I know if I'm healthier then I'm happier, and in turn my baby will be also.

    I'm 5'2" (and 1/2')
    My pre-pregnancy weight was 150lbs
    My current weight is 157lbs
    I gained 3lbs through week19 of my pregnancy, and it seems I have started gaining approximately 1lb/week.
    Because I was overweight at baby conception I am hoping to only gain 15-20lbs for the entire pregnancy. While my doctor is happy with my current weight gain, I am not because I know these last 17weeks are going to be the weight-gaining weeks.
    I really want to start utilizing MFP to its full potential, but am unsure how to modify my goals to properly use it as a guide. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I know I should only be consuming approximately 300 extra calories/day, but do I set myself up on a maintenance schedule for my current weight and mentally make the adjustment? Or should I setup my goal to gain 1/2lb/week based on my current weight? Or do I use my pre-pregnancy weight? I'm confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    millionsofpeaches - I think my biggest motivation is just not being fat. I can't stand it, it's uncomfortable and I want to be in shape and have energy for my kids!!!!

    Kristin- Sorry your sick. The beginning is rough. It does get better though. I won't say completely becasue at times I still get nauseated and certain smells make me sick. Ecspecially cooking dinner. Maternity clothes - I started wearing them at about 13 weeks. Some pants still fit, but I hate tight fitting clothes so, it's just way more comfy. Good Luck!

    Lunarokra - I didn't realize we were so close on Due Dates. I guess I should pay attention more. I need to limit chocolate too. I hate chocolate and never eat it, but the last couple days I've had a few pieces at work and OMG, I could eat a whole package. LOL!

    Svgarcia - It's fine to dye your hair and have your nails done. I asked my doctor about this and she said it's absolutely fine, things are not as bad as they used to be as far as chemicals. She said regular nail appts and highlights were fine. I haven't done either this time, but I did both every few weeks during my first pregnancy. Flu shot is available and reccomended to pregnant women. So that's up to you. Sorry to hear your appt. got cancelled. I would be mad. I look forward to each appt. so much!!!

    Kristy - As far as names go, I say go with what you like. It doesn't really matter if it's a nickname, or a shortened name by the time the baby is here and has a name you won't be able to imagine it being named anything else.

    Nkster781- That is an interesting post. My son had a binki and also had chronic ear infections, over and over and over. So IDK really what to do this time around. I was planning on not doing the binki but maybe I will only at night. Not sure. SIDS is so scarey!!!!! I can't stand thinking about it!

    Tonight will be a busy one for me. Grocery Shopping, Sweeping/Mopping floors, catching up on laundry, dinner, vaccum all furniture, clean bathroom, work in my garden and I told my son we are going for a walk no matter what. He's excited because if we go early enough he can ride his bike where he usually cant. :) That is my new way of making sure I do things, is tell him what the plan is then I can't let him down so we have to do it. Fun for him and good for me!!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    So ladies... What is your huge motivation to loose the weight and get back into pre pregnancy weight after baby? Mine is about 6 months after the baby is due, I will have my 10 year high school reunion. That is all of the motivation that I need!

    Not so much about pre-pregnancy weight, but I think it will come along - I challenged my husband to run a 10K with me next summer. So that means I have to get back into shape for it (I ran one a few years ago) and I want to beat my previous time of 63 min. So I have to exercise and eat right if I'm going to make that goal!! (And if I don't work for it, I don't think he will, and he needs it more than I do)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    Flu shot was my other question. So we r able to take it while pregnant? We are having a clinic at our school and its free so I wantdd to take advantage but wasn't sure if it was safe for preg women to take. I'm only 9.5 wks.

    I wanna darken my hair as well. I have highlights from the summer and want to cover them. I thought we pregnant women can't color, only highlight is that correct??

    I asked my Doc at the appointment yesterday about the flu shot. He said that after the 1st trimester it's fine (sounds like you may need to wait a couple of months if I'm reading right).

    I got my hair colored a few weeks ago, too. Again, after the first trimester, it's fine. Before then, I'm not sure. But the chemicals are really minimal, considering how short a time.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Question about names for you ladies....

    When you choose names do you plan on using the full name (example: Sophia) and then calling he/she by the nickname (example: Sophie)? Or is it becoming common to just name the child by whatever you want? That seems like a weird question, but I'm not sure if I should use Sophia or Sophie. I prefer Sophie, but didn't know if Sophia would look better on paper. Does that make sense? I guess it doesn't really matter as long as we like it. I just thought formal would be good and then just use the nickname if we choose. I don't know. Picking out names is stressful!!! That's not the only name I'm deciding on, but just an example.

    I went with the full name. My kids kind of pick their own nicknames and they change from year to year (in school) although I do shorten all their names to 1 syllable quite often at home, too.
    My SIL is named Jenny - given name. I understand the idea that her parents thought, "that's what we'll be calling her anyway, so just give her that name" ... but when it was time to send out graduation announcements, wedding announcements, etc, she had no formal, full name to put on them. She would have preferred to be able to have "Jennifer ....." on her diploma and wedding announcements, etc.

    Just my 2-cents
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    thank you ladies for ansewring my questions....
    i guess i would wait til after first trimester...because these highlights are killing me. I want dark reddish/brown...
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Went swimming this morning. Got 16 laps (=800 yards) in 30 minutes. I feel so slow... but I'm not going to push it. Although I am kind of hoping for labor soon!
    Now to figure out how to fill up these extra calories..
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Thank you ladies for your input on the names. I'm kind of leaning towards the more formal name and using a nickname. I often get asked "Is Kristy short for Christina or Christine?" Nope, just Kristy. lol I also like Abigail and use Abby for short. It's so hard to pick out a name you love and think about all the other factors, i.e. nicknames, how it sounds with the middle and last name, etc. It seems that so far, girl names are easier to pick out than boy names. Eric's middle name, Stafford, is so formal and I'm trying to find a boy's first name that I love and that sounds good with it.

    So today is my 30th birthday and I got the Vitamix blender I've been wanting! YAY!! Eric had it all set up when I went downstairs this morning. :) He also used painter's tape to write messages all over my car and he said I have to leave them on all day. Back: "Caution: old person driving", front: "B-day girl", sides: "30". AND he decorated my office with "over the hill" decorations. Gotta love him. :)