Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Just a quick message to let you know our baby GIRL arrived at 11:46 am today. 8 lbs 8 oz. 21 inches long. She's lovely and feeding well. I'm recovering and over the moon!

    Annie Lucille is here!

  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    911Girl - CONGRATS!!!! So exciting. Glad to hear your both doing well!!!!!
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    911 girl ~ Congrats on the healthy baby girl!!!!!!!

    For the awesome hubby Tuesday thing, Mine is great. He's always doing little things to make me smile, brighten my day, surprise me or try and get me out of the pissy hormonal mood I'm in. Like this morning. I came downstairs and on my computer desk was a printed out menu from a local restaurant we haven't tried yet with a sticky note on it that said "Someone has a dinner date this weekend."

    I managed to make it to the gym last night. Got back up on that elliptical for 30 minutes at lvl 5 with a 3 mph pace. Not too strenuous, but it was the first time I was on one in 2 months. Only down side, for some reason right around the 20 min mark, I almost broke down in tears. For no reason. Just really really really wanted to start crying. Damned hormones.
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Amy, YEAH!!!!! Annie Lucille - beautiful name and I am sure a gorgeous girl! So happy to hear you are both doing well. I know how hard it is to get any rest at the hospital, but I hope you can get at least a little. I am smiling so big for you and your family. Congratulations!

    Nichole, I was not offended in the slightest with your question. Just wanted to let you know that my situation would probably be different than someone who has a vaginal delivery and doesn't have to have the stress of surgery and fluids. I had my husband take a six day post-delivery picture this morning and put it up for you all to see. Overall, I don't think I look too bad! Granted, that's with clothes on, not such a pretty site naked ;-)

    As for hubby Tuesday - mine rocks! Poor thing is having to do everything for us right now as I am not allowed to do much nor lift anything heavier than Ellie. Already starting to feel like a big, lazy lump! He is great at jumping in to change the diapers and by far is the better swaddler. He is slowly starting to realize how many things I normally do around the house....

    Welcome to the new-comers. I wish you success with your exercise and nutrition goals, it will go a long way for the health of your baby and yourself.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA...Still recovering from the hectic weekend. I'll be back in the saddle tomorrow! :)

    Amy I'm SOOOO happy for you! Yay! Another sweet baby girl to add to the world! Annie beautiful!

    Holly glad to hear you are doing well. You've been on my mind and hoping all was going well with your sweet little Ellie! (Now between you and Amy I'm sooo ready to meet my little princess as well!!) Glad she is eating well. That is one of my fears is that her and I will have to work hard at getting the breastfeeding thing down. But if she is anything like me she will come out knowing how to eat! lol

    Cindy I recommend getting some workout dvd's for when the weather gets cold and you can't get out! Glad you got a chance to go to the gym and get in a workout!

    Lexi I hope all is well with you too. Glad hubby is heading that way! Keep us updated as much as you can.

    Ash so sorry to hear you are having such a hard time finding a good ob/gyn/midwife. You worked so hard to get here, it doesn't seem fair for you to have to search down a good doctor to take care of you and deliver your baby!

    Luna glad your appt went well and baby is doing good!

    Nichole your class sounds great! Keep us updated on how it is going and what you are learning. And your slumber party shower sounds like a blast! I was definitely proud of myself for being able to stay up until midnight the night of mine! I'm usually in bed by 9 and fast asleep by 10! lol

    Madbabysmama so glad your appt went well and baby is doing great! :)

    Ashley I typically don't have structured workouts on the weekends. My weekends are always spent doing stuff though or taking a day relaxing with my husband (since I don't see him very much during the week). But that is why I make sure to workout every day during the week so I get in at least 5 workouts a week.

    Babeed I hope you do mention your cramps to your doc. Some cramping is normal. It is your uterus stretching and making room for baby. But very painful cramping is totally different. Let us know what your doc says!

    Kristy I'm so glad to hear that Eric won't be leaving any time in the very near future! How stressful! And it sounds like you have a lot of exciting things to look forward to for the future! Oh how I'd love to live in Washington state or Hawaii! Both sound awesome. My husband can't get orders anywhere else since he is Army Guard and his fulltime job is a government contracted position as opposed to active duty. He can still get deployed on go on TDY's but we won't be moving away from MO (which has its pros and cons of course). I'm a military brat and moved around my entire life so I guess it is nice to be able to raise Charlee with the stability of living in the same place.

    atomdraco you are a lot braver than I am! I love camping but unless I've got a bed or at the very least an air mattress, I'm not leaving my house overnight! lol! Glad you had a good time though.

    Kim I recommend getting a good body pillow. That will help alleviate a lot of the tossing and turning (well it did for me). This is the one I got and I LOVE it!

    To all the ladies who are struggling with fatigue and finding energy to do your workouts I read an article in Fit Pregnancy that said that exercise is natures prozac and even doing 15 minutes of activity 2-3 times per day will help increase your energy incredibly! I agree that we all need to rest, but just "not feeling like it" shouldn't be an excuse! Even walking around, doing some lunges/pushups/squats/etc, is better than nothing. Every morning (for the most part) I wake up exhausted...but I know if I just lace my shoes and go with my workout plan for the day I will feel better...and I ALWAYS do! I am in that third trimester fatigue...but I still make sure I get in some kind of activity every day! I hope you all don't think I'm harping...just a friendly reminder that we are all tired, but by being active it will increase our energy levels and make you feel so much better!

    To all the newcomers...congratulations and a big welcome! Jump right in!

    I had my 32wk appt today. I haven't gained any weight in the past month but I'm still measuring 32 weeks, which means Charlee is growing as she should. I'm at a 25lb gain so I wouldn't mind if I don't gain another pound as long as she is doing well and growing accordingly! My doc said I looked great and wasn't worried at all. I talked to her about my contractions/braxton hicks and she said as long as I'm not having more than 5 or so an hour I'm okay and to just keeping drinking lots of water. Due to the stress of this weekend I'm just glad I didn't go into labor! I managed to do a 30 minute walk and an hour of strength training. Tomorrow is a beautiful day and a 5 mile hike with an hour of strength training.

    Hope you all had a wonderful day!
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    911girl – YAY congrats on your healthy baby girl

    Kristy – my husband is TOTALLY OBSESSED with the Doppler. He loves to use it – even though we can both feel kicks now, something about hearing his baby just makes him so happy. It makes me tear up, too.

    Also, we bought a TON of nursery furniture on ebay – we have bought nearly everything we have so far used – often when we go to buy something – like when we bought our car seat – the families will ask us if we need anything else – clothes especially. We bought an entire baby boy wardrobe for a year + carseat for 100€! So just make sure to always ask. Also buying baby clothes at the flea market is the way to go – you shouldn’t have to pay more than 50cents – 1 dollar per item. Jackpot!

    UPDATE from our side - we finished painting the nursery last night. It's a light aqua color and looks great! I am so excited that we can start putting everything in place now - hanging pictures, shelves, etc.

    I am off to visit home on friday - interested to see how this almost 6 months pregnant lady handles a trans-atlantic flight. ANY FLIGHT TIPS from seasoned pregnant travelers?
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this group so I will have to go back and read several pages. But little about me first - I'm Nikole 31 awaiting baby 4. I started my weight loss in Jan 2011 ended up losing 27kg or 60lbs before finding out I'm pregnant. I'm happy about it, but it delays my goals for weight loss and health. I'm concerned about gaining weight and backwards not forwards in my progress -- so that's why I'm here.

    Trying to figure out ---

    needed caloric intake
    excercise level
    anything else helpful

    thank you very much and wishing everyone a healthy pregnancy labour and baby!:!!!oxoxoxoxo
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    That's so exciting that you guys already have your crib and stuff together. I want to get started on all that. Where did you purchase your nursery furniture from? It's so hard. I was reading reviews on Amazon and then we read Consumer Reports this weekend. I don't want to spend a ton of money, but I always want it to be cute and, most importantly, safe!

    We bought our crib from Babys R Us a couple of weeks ago. Crib plus mattress came out to less than $200, and they're brand new so we know they meat all safety standards. It wasn't one that I saw online, we just went in to the store and looked around. They actually have a fair selection of inexpensive cribs.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies! Yup today I'm back on track. Knew it would just take me a couple days of rest to re-energize my battery! :)

    Hi Nikole! Welcome to the board and congrats on the baby! On the Welcome post on page 1 of the board is a FAQ's part concerning caloric intake during pregnancy. As far as exercise levels go there are several different ideas on this and depends on what your doctor advises. My personal belief is that you can do just about anything you were doing prior to pregnancy and listen to your body. Go by the RPE and don't become out of breath or gasping for air during your entire workout. Lots of women still continue to run races, do triathalons, go to zumba/kickboxing/spinning classes...I highly recommend you do something in the form of exercising throughout your entire pregnancy, even if at some points it is merely walking. I am also a "PCOSer". I was very careful with a low glycemic index diet prior to pregnancy...but your metabolic needs change so much during pregnancy that I focus more on eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein (I follow for the most part the Doctor Brewers Diet for pregnancy if you wanna check it out). Good luck with everything!

    Sorry bzbear2 I only traveled during the early part of the second trimester and I was super uncomfortable...I'd recommend moving around (getting up and walking) at least once per hour during your flight, drinking LOTS and LOTS of water, and resting prior to and after.

    Here are the pics of Charlee's nursery and some pics from the couples shower/party!

  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    OMG! Those cupcakes look awesome!! :) I like the crib bedding you picked out. That's one of my favorites at Pottery Barn. :) It is from Pottery Barn, right? LOL
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Kristy yes it is the Coco Dot nursery set. I fell in love with it when it first came out WAY before we even got pregnant with Charlee! :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Congrats Amy and welcome Annie!

    Holly, you look great! You'll snap back in no time.

    Heather, pics are cute. I like the hair. Cupcakes...yum..... Several new cupcake places have opened up in my neighborhood. I had my first a few weeks ago. It was red velvet and deliscous. There are also a lot of frozen yogurt with toppings places. Must be the trends.

    I may try to get run in tonight if it doesn't rain. Temsp are supposed to cool down again. I may end up cleaning until dinner as my parents get here tomorrow afternoon. Or maybe decorate. We've finally gotten to the piont where we can hang stuff in the basement. Yay!

    Hope you all have a great day.

  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Just got back from the beach yesterday. beautiful, much needed trip.

    I haven't had time to read up on everyone yet but just wanted to say to Holly...Is your new pic a post baby pic? You look amazing!!!!!!!!!
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Thanks for the advice ladies - it's nice to know I'm not the only one feeling this way! But yes, I do know that exercising is better than not - and I'm still trying to be active every day :) It's just hard when, before I was pregnant, I could push it really hard and feel great after - and now I can't push it as hard and I feel nauseous and exhausted after. Oh well, this too shall pass!! :) You all are great inspiration to me!

    Welcome to the world Annie Lucille :) I can't wait until I'm at that point!

    Nine weeks today - first u/s next week - woot woot!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning, happy hump Wed!!

    911- I :heart: the name Annie Lucille!! How adorable!! Can't wait to see the pics!

    Midnite- Girl, you get kudos just for going to work out. Hormones or not- that is awesome that you made it 20 min!! :drinker:

    Smilegirl-So glad that your hubby is helping out so much, something about them helping just helps lifts some of that weight off our shoulders.

    Heather- LOVE the pics! What a wonderful party!! Your nursery also looks beautiful!! Aww....You have definitely inspired me to work out, even if it's 15 min here and 15 min there

    Betterbalance- the temps have started dropping here to so hopefully the hubby and I can take Neena for a walk this evening. Fingers crossed!!

    Bzbear- I never thought about ebay!! Will have to check that out to see if I can find any goodies there!! Thanks for the tip!

    Heniko- welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Mathulz- we originially saw a crib that we liked at Babies R us but the prices were out of our budget! Then mom surprised us a crib! So that was one less worry for us.

    My personal goal for today: Drink 3 glasses of water. I seem to have a taste for Sierra Mist here lately....Hhmm....and if the weather allows a 30 min walk this evening!! :happy:
  • millionsofpeaches
    So ladies... What is your huge motivation to loose the weight and get back into pre pregnancy weight after baby? Mine is about 6 months after the baby is due, I will have my 10 year high school reunion. That is all of the motivation that I need!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Thanks for all the welcomes! It's nice to have a pregnancy group on here! I had one my first pregnancy and it really helps to have some support!! :)

    Last night I didn't get any exercise in. I was feeling miserable. Hoping to get in some yoga tonight. Weather is crappy, so there will be no walk/jog.

    Hardest thing for me these days is making dinner. I try and do it early before everything is making me nauseous, but it's really hard. Plus I try to make healthy, balanced meals for my daughter. Right now I can't even be around raw chicken or fish. So, we've been doing rotisseri chickens and tuna. I'm okay with pork, and beef, and I use lots of ground turkey. Hoping for the next couple weeks to pass quick so I can get back to cooking like normal!!

    ANYways...have a great day ladies!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    So ladies... What is your huge motivation to loose the weight and get back into pre pregnancy weight after baby? Mine is about 6 months after the baby is due, I will have my 10 year high school reunion. That is all of the motivation that I need!

    With my first daughter, she was all the motivation I needed. I didn't want to be a fat mommy that couldn't keep up with her. And I gained 60 pounds while pregnant and lost it all!! Actually got down into a smaller size than before I was pregnant! Too bad I couldn't make the stretch marks disappear...:grumble:

    I'm sure it will be the same after this one!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Happy HDay!

    We found our crib & dresser at Baby Depot and put it on layaway to get the computer room transitioned to nursery. I have yet to find out what we are having to start making decoration arrangements. I really haven't bought anything else.

    Heather-thanks for sharing your pics. Nursery looks great!

    Kristin: Sorry to hear your having nausea.

    Amy: Congrats on your baby.

    To everyone else, it is really hard to find energy to workout, I was so active doing double wrokouts before pregnancy and now, I can barely walk 3 days 20-30 mins.

    My motivation to lose weight after baby is looking better. I can continue with the weight loss journey I had begun before pregnancy. I am thinking of splitting the cost with my friend (non preggo) for P90X, she can workout before I give birth & then I can start when I'm ready.

    Well my goal this week:

    To limit my chocolate eating habit, I'm not a coffee drinker and I completely forgot on the caffeine in chocolate. (I've been indulging in a little too much..oops).

    To everyone else, good wishes for the rest of the week.
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Abeare-nice to knw someone due around the same time as me.

    Babeed- of course you are not a bad mom for feeling that way. I have 3 boys and I am wanting a girl.

    I am disappointed, I wad supposed to have my first prenatal enrollment yesterday but it got cancelled because my Dr eas out of town and didn't come back. Now doesn't the Dr think he has patients to see that was already booked from 3 wks ago. That is so inconvenient especially when I already told my job I had an appt and I was looking fwd to it with my questions.

    Are any of you still lifting?
    Flu shot was my other question. So we r able to take it while pregnant? We are having a clinic at our school and its free so I wantdd to take advantage but wasn't sure if it was safe for preg women to take. I'm only 9.5 wks.

    I wanna darken my hair as well. I have highlights from the summer and want to cover them. I thought we pregnant women can't color, only highlight is that correct??

    I will be doing a sequential screen and genetic counseling on the 30th because I am "advanced maternal age". Im dreading that appt as I knw its going to be long.

    I plan to breastfeed as well. I did it with my oldest til he was 2. And and middle and youngest til about over 1 yrs old. I love the avent breast pump.

    There are Ai many foods that I can't keep down these days. It seems like I throw up at least once a day. Thankfully I didn't yesterday. Bit I can't eat certain things that I used to love. Even water. I'm not drinking as much as before. Some waters taste junk. I hope this phase will pass by the end of first trimester. I was never like this with my 3. I can't even stand certain smells.

    Happy hump day ladies!